World Mental Health Day – Meditation events during October 2017

World Mental Health Day

Mental health benefits of Sahaja Yoga Meditation

Free meditation events during October 2017
Adelaide • Canberra • Perth • Sydney

To support the World Health Organisation’s recognition of World Mental Health Day, you are invited to a meditation class to learn how research in Australia and overseas is indicating that Sahaja Yoga meditation can improve mental, emotional and physical well being.

World Mental Health Day is observed on 10th October every year, with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health issues and mobilising efforts in support of better mental health.

Improve physical and mental health
Research in Australia and elsewhere indicates that Sahaja Yoga meditation can improve physical and mental health plus reduce stress. Recent studies suggest that this meditation is unique even when compared to other forms of meditation. People who meditate regularly, using this meditation technique for around 20 minutes a day, may find they become healthier, calmer and much more relaxed, with an improved outlook on life. Illnesses and ailments can arise due to imbalances in the subtle system. Through Sahaja Yoga meditation one can correct, balance and nourish the subtle energy centre.

Integrate our life
Sahaja Yoga meditation aims to address emotional, mental and physical imbalance by awakening our innate spiritual potential. This is a simple but profound experience that naturally enables us to harmonise and integrate our life in a more positive way. Regular meditation naturally eliminates a lot of the inner stress and tension that we experience on a day to day basis.

Unlock the hidden potential
This is an opportunity to experience inner peace and the mental silence that comes from true meditation. You can unlock the hidden potential that exists in all of us, to help us manage our lives in a balanced and centred way.


  • ADELAIDE Saturday 7th October, 3:30pm to 5pm
    Klemzig Primary School
    2 Hay Street, Klemzig
    Enquiries: Sue 1300 724 252
    (Google map)
  • CANBERRA Sunday 8th October, 10:30am to 12:30pm
    10:30am to 12:30pm
    Sahaja Yoga Meditation Centre
    77 Chewings Street, Scullin
    Enquiries: Lyn 0410 177 822
    (Google map)
  • SYDNEY 16th to 20th October
    Locations to be announced soon for Sydney and around NSW.
  • PERTH Saturday 7th October, 3pm to 5pm
    Gidgegannup Meditation Centre
    1254 O’Brien Road, Gidgegannup
    (located 45 mins North East of Perth)
    Enquiries: Kitty 0405 305 145
    (Google Map)

More information

  • All events free of charge, no booking required.
  • Suitable for both complete beginners and regular meditators.
  • No physical exercises, postures or special clothing required. Chairs are provided.
  • Free follow-up classes available in over 80 locations.

We look forward to seeing you at one of our events.

Kind regards,
Sahaja Yoga Meditation Australia