
Australian Shakti Seminar
Balmoral • 2024

Deep meditation, love and joy of being together.

Friday 11th to Sunday 13th October, 2024
H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Balmoral Ashram
233 Railway Parade, Balmoral Village, NSW
Located about 1½ hours drive (100kms) south-west of Sydney – Getting to Balmoral.

All Yoginis are invited to attend.

Invitation to Shri Mataji

Our most beloved Mother Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, we the Sahaja Yoginis of Australia most humbly request your permission to host a Shakti (Ladies) Seminar in Balmoral Village, NSW on the 11th, 12th and 13th of October 2024.

Shri Mataji, we seek Your divine presence and blessings for all participants, to go grow deeper in their spiritual ascent and to be clear and dynamic instruments of You, Shri Adishakti.
Shri Mataji, please guide us and please have Your divine attention on us all.
Jai Shri Mataji

With our most humble pranams at Your Divine Lotus Feet,
Your daughters from Australia.

Shri Mataji – Krishna River near Brahmapuri India, 1988

Invitation to Yoginis

Dear Ladies,

You are cordially invited to celebrate what we hope will be the first of many Shakti Seminars.

We are aiming to support each other and develop a new spiritual paradigm in our growth.

This seminar will provide us with deep meditation experiences, a chance to refresh our understanding of clearing techniques and we will learn from each other about Puja protocols and Sahaj treatments and experience the joy of growing deeper and connecting with our inner divinity.

In between sessions, where we will grow deeper spiritually, we will also join together in cooking, poetry, music, and sharing ideas on various topics.

Let the Goddess be present in us and may the Goddess bless us with the power of auspiciousness for this weekend event.

So, ladies take a deep breath, relax, and join us to enjoy this auspicious weekend.

Jai Shri Mataji !

Cost & Registration Form

Please confirm your attendance as early as possible by filling in the online registration form to assist us with arranging and preparing accommodation and catering for the Camp.



If you would like to assist with the planning and purchasing of food please join and contact the WhatsApp group.

As this weekend is for all of us, please volunteer to organise a session. Eg havan, morning meditation, evening meditation, footsoak, clearing techniques. To offer your assistance, please contact the Shakti Seminar team at [email protected] or call 0425 261 119.

Other information

“Enjoy yourself”

“The last thing which is promised that you will enjoy yourself, you’ll be never bored. You’ll enjoy yourself and you’ll enjoy everyone. Such friendship, such love, such affection, such understanding, that you cannot believe that such a race exists.”
Public Program. Toronto (Canada), 5 October 1993

“This peace is very important”

“When you become thoughtlessly aware then you become completely peaceful within yourself. A person who has achieved this peace also emits peace and creates a peaceful atmosphere around himself. This peace is very important. Unless and until we have this peace we will never understand whatever our ideas are, whether universal or just limited.”
Conference for women in Bejing  1995

“The need to go deeper”
YouTube player

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
The need to go deeper – the essence of elements. Burwood Ashram Sydney 1987 (14:32min)