When you are standing on the truth, what is there to fear? Truth is such a light that it gives you a complete picture of the whole thing.
There is nothing to fear. Your Father, He is compassion. He is an ocean of compassion. And He is an ocean of love and an ocean of forgiveness. And He is now within you. Who is more powerful than Him?
It is very easy for many human beings to say, “Oh, we don’t believe in God.” You believe or not. He is there.
Shri Mataji, 7 October 1981
You are the lovers of truth and you have been seeking in these modern times. It is a special category of human beings who are seeking, beyond materialism, beyond power, beyond emotional enterprises, because the times are such that we have reached the epitome of our evolution and the breakthrough has to be found. But the way we understand breakthrough in modern times is through our mental understanding because today the human beings are more mental. It analyses, reflects and tries to understand the truth. But we do not realise that mental projections are always linear. They move on one line up to a point and then they recoil back upon us, like science has evolved to create hydrogen bombs.
Everything ends up in self-destruction or in collective destruction. Even on political level when we talk of democracy we find it has become demonocracy and when we talk of communism it has become autocracy. So where did we go with all this? We have to reflect again to understand that there must have been some mistake.
The truth that is known through our reading or through our thinking is a partial truth, because partial truth is more dangerous than ignorance. Like you see a land and you think that is the road and when you walk on that little land, you fall into a big ditch. So this is when you see darkness, you don’t want to go there – that’s why say “ignorance is bliss”, in a way. So we can say all this knowledge which is extrovert knowledge through our mental understanding and emotional attachments has been the knowledge of the tree. And the tree has grown too big. It has grown so big that it has now to face the truth that it has lost its roots. If the tree becomes so big that the roots are not nourishing it – it has no knowledge of the roots ─ then the tree will be destroyed. That is the reason why people have turned round to seek what is the truth, the knowledge of the roots. The roots are our nerves. Whatever we know through our nervous system is the truth to us on a very gross level. If I know that this is cold then it is cold. And for everyone it will be cold unless and until he is mad.
Now the knowledge of the roots has to be such that you get new enrichment to the nerves. In your evolution also you must get your enrichment to your nervous system. Like human beings can understand the beauty. If you want to take an animal through a dirty lane it’s very easy, but to take a human being it’s very difficult.
But what is the difference then we have to see that we have developed a new awareness within us about filth and dirt … What did you gain out of it is the problem. If it is awareness you must exactly know what you are doing and what you’ve got. So the people who are of this special category whom I call as seekers, are the epitome of evolutionary process, are attacked, are absolutely under attack by other marketing people! Nowadays God is for sale and the more expensive it is, the better it sells. So in the modern times when a person has become mental, he wants everything new. It doesn’t want to concern itself with any tradition… doesn’t want to concern itself to any tradition nor does he want to know about anything that has happened before!
We must have discretion to know there is tradition and convention and when we find anything wrong in the tradition it has to be dropped – I agree there. Supposing you are climbing on a staircase and you are moving fast and suddenly you find that your progress is stopped, then you want to remove the hurdle. But if you jump down all the staircase, avoiding everything, saying tradition is all wrong, and think your progressing downward is a progress, then you are in for destruction.
So it has little to relate to our traditional ideas of truth also. We have to go to our scriptures which are maybe very ancient or may not be that ancient. And then we find it is everywhere described that you are to be born again. But today the life is so artificial that people certify themselves born again and walk about, “I am born again,” certifying! Like in lunatic asylum they certify that you are a real mad. In the same way there are organisations which certify that you are born again. But what has happened to you that you think you are born again? Supposing somebody gives you a piece of ordinary glass and say this is diamond. You go on proclaiming, “I have got the diamond.” Who is going to believe you? What is the value of that? That is what you have to evaluate when you find that this is the truth – that is the truth – evaluate.
Shri Mataji, Strasbourg, France, 9 October, 1985

Shri Mataji
What is important is that you should know reality. You should know exactly what is right and what is wrong. For that, there is this great power of Kundalini within you. She is the one. She passes through all these centres – enlightens them first of all, so your awareness gets enlightened. And when she pierces through the Sahasrara, she joins you to this All-pervading Power, which is knowledge, which is love, which is truth.
So after that, you immediately know … that what we have been thinking so far, of separating ourselves from others by thinking that they are not all right, they are wrong, they are whatever it is. This disappears. This disappears completely. And then you realise that your awareness itself is dominated by so many circumstances – for example, where you were born, what your parents taught you, what experiences you have had. And then you realise that it was all wrong because it is not reality.
Whatever feelings you have, whatever ideas you have about another person or about another nation, all of them are not correct because now your Sahasrara is awakened. It is connected now to the All-pervading Power. So this starts flowing into you. This enlightened awareness, it starts flowing down into your being, in your brain and then on your nerves you can feel that awareness…
When your Sahasrara is enlightened, whatever you had gathered – knowledge, whatever you thought was right, whatever was your dream and your aims of life – all these aspirations, they melt away. And then you take to reality and you start seeing the reality of everything.
Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji
First of all, it’s important to know what the truth is. You find so many people are seeking the truth, but they don’t know what to find and that’s how they are twisted around, taken to some sort of false rites. It is important, first of all, to know what is the truth we are seeking.
The truth is – if I tell you, it’s very simple – that you are not this body, you are not this mind, you are not this intellect, you are not these emotions, but you are the pure spirit. That’s what you have to become – the pure spirit.
And another truth is that the power that leads you to the state where you know the truth about yourself, about everything, is within you. This power [kundalini] is within you. It is your own, born with you, with every human being.
That’s surprising. If all the human beings in the whole world have this power within their triangular bone [sacrum], how can we differentiate them? They are all just the same. Everybody has a power based in their triangular bone known as the sacrum….
She [kundalini] pierces through and gets you connected to the All-pervading Power of Divine Love.
It’s all love, nothing else but love. Truth is love and love is truth. And when She becomes one with that, you are a transformed personality….
The greatest thing that happens to you is that you become a new personality with collective consciousness….
Once you are transformed, you become a person of tremendous love and patience. You love everything. You understand everything through love. It is not love of some sort of an expectation. It is a love of giving. You just enjoy giving, giving. Everything is so enjoyable at that time, that state and you become so peaceful….
Shri Mataji, 1992