Please join us for a free meditation workshop in Sydney. The workshop is designed to help you establish emotional, mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing through Sahaja Yoga meditation. The workshop is suitable both for complete beginners and for regular Sahaja Yoga meditators.
Date: 25 November 2023
Time: 11.00 am to 3.00 pm
Where: Fitzroy Centre, 22 Church St, Burwood
- 10:30am Doors open and live meditation music.
- 11am
– Welcome
– Collective meditation with Self-realisation
– Video talk by Shri Mataji – founder of Sahaja Yoga.
– Split into workshop groups. - 12:30pm Lunch
- 1pm Afternoon workshop sessions.
- 2:30 – 3pm Collective meditation, resources and next steps.
Workshop Groups
Workshop attendees will be invited to join one of the following groups during the day:
- Group 1: Beginners (For newcomers to Sahaja Yoga.)
Introduction to meditation and Self Realisation and learning how to achieve inner balance. - Group 2: Intermediate (For those who are familiar with Sahaja Yoga.)
Cleaning techniques with balancing, foot-soaking and exchanging of vibrations. - Group 3: Advanced (For those who have attended many Sahaja Yoga in-person or online in-depth events/programs.)
Going deeper, developing absolute knowledge, and where to from here.
“Sahaja Yoga is a very subtler happening within us. It’s a very subtler happening and this subtler happening gives you sensitivity to Divine joy” – Shri Mataji
To assist us with planning and catering, please register yourself and your family and friends.

You are warmly invited to an evening of Universal Peace featuring international music and recitals.
Aboriginal • Celtic • Chinese • Indian • Jewish • Muslim • Pacific Islander • Russian • Sahaja
Saturday 12th November, 2016
5.30 pm to 9.00 pm
Ashfield Town Hall
260 Liverpool Road, Ashfield, Sydney
(Google map)
Our multicultural fabric
The evening will provide a wonderful celebration of the beauty of the multicultural fabric that makes Australia one of the greatest countries in the world, celebrating the coming together of many people of diverse communities and faiths that have so enriched our nation.
Universal message of peace
Musicians, poets and spiritual leaders will unite to share the universal message of peace, but this performance is guaranteed to be more than that, as it will enable us to truly experience the depth of peace and joy that lies within each individual.
Music, poetry and words of peace are the universal language that uplifts, helps bring us together and reminds us we are all one.
More information
- Free Admission – Everyone welcome.
- Light supper provided.
- Enquiries and bookings call Lisa on 0437 405 155
Sponsored by Life Eternal Trust Australia and Sahaja Yoga Meditation Australia
Our meditation team and Music of Joy group will be in Sydney during July and August.
The renowned Music of Joy group will present their delightful and vibrant songs taken from countries from all over the globe. Their music can awaken and enlighten the spirit within, and one can feel meditative, joyous and uplifted in a most effortless and spontaneous way.
All events include guided meditations to help reduce stress and achieve the peace of true meditation, as well as tips on how to help stay in balance during the day and how to meditate at home. Free follow-up classes will be available.
Friday 22nd July, 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Homebush Public School Hall
Rochester St, Homebush
(opposite Homebush train station, enter school via Rochester St).
Contact: Mahima 0425 261 119 or Rahul 0475 962 947
(Google map)
Sunday 31st July, 3:30pm to 5:30pm
Revesby Community Hall
Macarthur Street, Revesby
Contact: Andrew 0427 481 363
(Google map)
Sunday 14th August, 3pm to 5pm
Elizabeth Hall, Willow Community Centre
25 Edgeworth David Ave Hornsby (behind Willow Park Playground)
Contact: Jo 0458 498 550
(Google map)
More information
• Free of charge • Everyone welcome • No booking required.
• Over 80 meditation classes around Australia