I have been practising Sahaja Yoga for more than twenty years, and I am still amazed and humbled by the experiences that it brings. Sahaja Yoga truly connects us to an entirely new dimension. Our brains wrestle with this concept. We still think that we have to solve our problems, especially the mundane ones. However, if we surrender and truly believe that, just as Shri Mataji says, we are protected and that the Divine is just waiting to help us, then every little thing that is good for our ascent is taken care of in ways that our brains could not even imagine. These two experiences show just how the Divine is aware of everything, even our most basic, mundane needs.
I am on what I used to call “a very tight budget”. As a result, I found myself with two very hungry dogs and no money to feed them. I also desired to eat chicken soup from the local Malaysian restaurant. I had no money to buy either and began to feel stressed about the dogs (not so much about the soup).
I realised that I had forgotten once more that our needs are taken care of. I drove to the local pet shop and stopped my negative thoughts. I stood in the aisle where the dog food was. Just as I began to wonder what on earth I expected to happen, the owner of the store approached me.
He stood beside me and took down a large bag of dog food, saying, “I am so sorry, but I mixed up the order this week, and we don t have your usual dog food. Here, take this one – on the house.”
The old me would have panicked and blurted out the fact that I couldn’t afford it, but this new me just stayed silent and let him do all the speaking.
I walked out feeling totally humble and filled with joy. My ignorant brain was thinking that things could not get any better. Little did it know!
I started driving home when I received a text message. I stopped the car to read it. The text was from a friend who lived above the local restaurant that made the soup which, by now, I had forgotten all about. The restaurant had made too much of this soup that I desired and had given her the surplus which was too much for her to eat. She wanted me to come to her house to get some! I drove home, totally humbled, with enough soup for two and enough dog food to last for two weeks.
The other experience involved a food processor. I hadn’t had one for more than twelve months, and I really wanted to buy one as I missed the meals I used to prepare with it.
Finally, I had enough money to buy one and they were on special. I felt that another desire was being taken care of, but somehow it didn’t feel right to go ahead with buying it.
The next morning a lady who had been coming to the Sahaja Yoga programs at the local library rang and asked me to go to an exhibition at an art gallery. The following morning, we met at my house for meditation. We were chatting over a cup of tea when she began to talk about cooking and recipes. I mentioned my plans to buy a food processor. She asked why I wanted one, and I explained that I missed making hummus and falafels. She said that she had a food processor that she never used and that she would like me to have it because she always felt bad that it was never used.
Within half an hour I owned a food processor! My gut feelings had been correct: I wasn’t meant to buy a food processor; I was simply meant to “get” one.
Since then I never refer to my tight budget. I don’t have a tight budget at all. I simply have a Divine one!
Lisa Barron

(Lotus flower)
Holy Mother of my soul, complete,
I have surrendered, at Your Lotus Feet,
All the hurt and all the heat,
All the feelings of defeat,
All the anger, all the pain,
All the tension, all the strain,
All the worries, all the fears,
All the years of unshed tears.
Oh! Shri Vishnumaya, dazzling bright,
Chase away the shadows of the night.
Shri Adi Guru, ancient dawning light,
Take away illusion from my sight.
Let the dried-up hot dead sea of strife
Turn to the lush soft garden of vibrant life.
Show me the way to become my own Master,
How to reach my Self in the Virata.
The Way is only You, Your Lotus Feet,
Beloved Holy Mother, my All, Complete.
Katie Cartmel
(Photograph: Vishnu Bonneau)
There are those who know
the time has come
that their hands can speak the truth.
There are those who comprehend
the powers of auspicious magic
and hold it dearly at every moment.
There are those who understand
they are the creators of the New World,
who can see now the age of Aquarius unfolding
as the Lotus above their heads.
There are those who accept
the responsibility laid upon their breast,
rewarded tenfold in joyful blessings
bestowed upon their lives.
There are those who realise
the meaning of surrender,
the fickleness of this world,
and the subtlety of their spirit.
There are those who see
only the present, who hear the songs of every bird,
who comprehend without a thought
the nature of each moment.
There are those whose faith
takes them on serendipid journeys
into the lightness of their being,
and adventures in a world unimagined before.
There are those who are blessed
to gaze into Her infinite eyes,
To bow at Her Holy Feet,
knowing who it is before them.
Melissa Richard
There are my words and there are yours
and somewhere inbetween
is the truth.
There is my judgement and there is yours
and somewhere inbetween
hides the truth.
There is our past and our hopes for the future
and somewhere inbetween
there is the truth.
my truth and yours
there lies the discovery.
our beliefs and our cultures
the truth has no words.
thinking and feeling
we do not know
what the truth of the matter is.
we must surrender,
to the space between.
And inbetween
we are free.
Melissa Richard
(Photograph courtesy of