So many things are there which divert your mind to that because you have drawn certain conclusions about reality. You think this is the reality. You believe that this is the reality and you want to stick on to that. But that is not so. I tell you, you have to understand that reality is what it is. You should face it and enjoy it. Don’t try to put your ideas on it. Don’t try to organise the reality. It is what it is, and once you decide within yourself, “So far I have not known and I have to know,” with that humility you will get it.
It doesn’t mean that you have to surrender your money or anything, your self-respect or your freedom. On the contrary, you have to enter into that area where there is supreme freedom, supreme freedom. You are not free. If you think you are free you are sadly mistaken because you are still slaves of so many things.
But once a person is free he is not bothered about anything. Nothing can make him habituated to anything – nothing. Such a person lives like a king whether he is in a hut or a street or in a palace. He’s not bothered. Whatever it is he’s the king. He doesn’t want anything anymore. He gives. He gives. He’s so rich that nobody can give him anything. He gives and gives and gives. And only thing that it can do is to give; it cannot take anything. The capacity is such that he cannot take anything from anyone. No more these attitudes, how to save money, how to save your labor, how to save your chairs, your powers, your positions. Nothing will enslave you because you are the master of everything. Nothing is more important than your own spirit, which you enjoy, which manifests.
Shri Mataji, 13 June 1983, London UK

Shri Mataji
Then the second chakra [Swadishtan], when it is awakened within you, you have a special quality of creativity. Because when the second chakra is awakened, you are actually thoughtless. There’s no thought in your mind, so you start looking at anything without thinking. You start looking at anything that is created without any ripple of thought in your mind. Like all that is created round the lake of your mind is completely reflected in that ripple-less lake, and you see the complete reflection of that creation as well as the joy that is bubbling in that creation. So your creativity becomes tremendous, you start seeing things but not thinking about it.
Now, see if you come to this hall, and you start seeing something, you like it, then you start thinking, “Oh God, this is a beautiful thing, but how much it must have cost, and now how old it is? Is it going to last or not? Is it insured or not?”
All sorts of funny ideas will come to you, and you’ll never enjoy watching it. But supposing you have no thought about it, you just watch it, you just see. What happens? The creation that of the artist who has created this beautiful thing, the joy of that creation that the artist had, who might be dead now, you start enjoying that joy. The whole thing can be filled in you with that bubbling joy that he wanted to put there with his own heart. And that’s what happens because there is no thought, so the creativity becomes tremendous. But it’s not only that the creativity is tremendous, but your techniques even. For example, a musician can become a tremendous musician. People who have never done any work can become extremely powerful….
Like Mona Lisa now. We like her, Mona Lisa. According to modern standards she cannot be a beauty because she was a very plump lady, an elderly lady. But today also, if you go there, you cannot see her painting. It’s so crowded; everybody’s anxious to see Mona Lisa. And if you go and feel the vibrations, from distance you’ll get vibrations, because the coefficients of her body, face and everything is made so well, that you get the vibrations.
Now people are very anxious to create new ideas, new type of things, and this, but these things do not sell and even if they sell temporarily, they have no eternal value. So the people with this chakra enlightened, start creating things of very eternal values, of universal values. Anywhere you take such a thing – you’ll take it to India, you take it to China, you take it to Japan or you take it to America, anywhere – any human being who sees that, sees the beauty of the Spirit, because it gives you joy in your Spirit. So the pure art is produced too. That’s the purity, or I would say the holy art is produced too. When you start producing that holy art, then you should believe that you have got an enlightenment on that chakra…..
Shri Mataji, 1983

Shri Mataji
First of all, it’s important to know what the truth is. You find so many people are seeking the truth, but they don’t know what to find and that’s how they are twisted around, taken to some sort of false rites. It is important, first of all, to know what is the truth we are seeking.
The truth is – if I tell you, it’s very simple – that you are not this body, you are not this mind, you are not this intellect, you are not these emotions, but you are the pure spirit. That’s what you have to become – the pure spirit.
And another truth is that the power that leads you to the state where you know the truth about yourself, about everything, is within you. This power [kundalini] is within you. It is your own, born with you, with every human being.
That’s surprising. If all the human beings in the whole world have this power within their triangular bone [sacrum], how can we differentiate them? They are all just the same. Everybody has a power based in their triangular bone known as the sacrum….
She [kundalini] pierces through and gets you connected to the All-pervading Power of Divine Love.
It’s all love, nothing else but love. Truth is love and love is truth. And when She becomes one with that, you are a transformed personality….
The greatest thing that happens to you is that you become a new personality with collective consciousness….
Once you are transformed, you become a person of tremendous love and patience. You love everything. You understand everything through love. It is not love of some sort of an expectation. It is a love of giving. You just enjoy giving, giving. Everything is so enjoyable at that time, that state and you become so peaceful….
Shri Mataji, 1992

Shri Mataji
What is our job is to enjoy, enjoy everything, and that enjoyment is the blessing of the Divine. Even you can enjoy the turmoil, the torture, everything you can enjoy if you see the point that nothing can happen to your spirit, which is the real light. Whatever you may suffer, whatever you may think is troubling you, actually this silent light of the spirit makes you absolutely perfectly joyous.
And you give joy to others. You don’t design it, you don’t plan it, how to give joy, but you just automatically give joy; and this giving joy is also effortless, sahaj, because you are in the sahaja state. In the sahaj state you just see things. It’s a drama you feel it, it’s a different styles, different types, and you just see and watch and get the joy out of it. It is not important to say, “I like this, I like that” – no. That “I” which likes is nothing but ego, and keeps you out of the enjoyment which is reality, which is real. Everything in this world that you find is troublesome, if you see from another angle, from a sahaja sthiti, you won’t feel the troubles. But that higher life should be there, that higher standard should be built within you.
Shri Mataji, 2000