News, events and articles about Sahaja Yoga meditation worldwide

Shri Mataji

Saturday 27 May 2023 • 6.30pm-8.30pm
Epping Community Centre
9 Oxford Street, Epping Sydney
As we celebrate of the 100th Birth year of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – founder of Sahaja Yoga – Sahaja Yoga Meditation is pleased to invite you to an unforgettable evening of the most uplifting Hindustani classical music and a unique experience of true meditation with enchanting music of slide guitar master… Rhitom Sarkar
Rhitom Sarkar is an “A Grade Artist” from AIR (All India Radio) and student of the musician master Pt. Debashish Bhattacharya. Rhitom has throughout his career received many accolades and awards for his music and compositions such as the “SUR-O-MANI” Award from Sur Singar Samsad, Mumbai. Rhitom will be accompanied by Sahil, a talented tabla player and a student of Shri Ajinkya Joshi ji (who is a senior disciple of Taalyogi Pandit Suresh Talwalkar ji of Pune).
The event will include a unique experience of true meditation.
Sahaja Yoga is a simple and dynamic method of meditation that can be easily integrated into your daily life to help you experience emotional, physical, mental and spiritual well-being.
The meditation classes are always free of charge and everyone is welcome.
For the whole family
No booking required • Everybody is welcome!
For more information, call 0401 448 306
Free online & in-person classes
Enjoy Rhitom Sakar’s music here.

Shri Mataji

Happy New Year! Our next free meditation course for complete beginners and regular meditators starts on Monday 9 January 2023. The theme for this Course is:

 Freedom from Thoughts – Discover the Peace and Joy Within

The course is hosted by Sahaja Yoga practitioners from South Australia with participation from other International meditators. Join with Zoom for live interactive sessions or watch on YouTube. All sessions will be recorded so you can also watch sessions to suit your time zone or schedule. Join in at any time, even if you miss some sessions.

Links to Zoom, YouTube, recordings and more details on our website: Go to



About the Course

Newcomers and regulars will learn how to meditate and experience true meditation. Over the 3 weeks, you’ll be guided daily by our online team through the three levels of knowledge and meditation experiences from Beginner to Intermediate to Advanced. One-on-one help and workshops with group practice will be available. Join in at any time, even if you miss some sessions.

Join with Zoom for interactive sessions or watch on YouTube. All sessions will be recorded so you can also watch sessions to suit your time zone or schedule.

About Sahaja Yoga Meditation

Millions around the world are enjoying our free Sahaja Yoga Meditation since it was started by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi on 5th May,1970. Her meditation enables en masse Self-realisation. Self-realisation is the key to thoughtless awareness, also known as mental silence, and is the basis of good health and wellbeing. Sahaja Yoga meditation provides this experience.

Sahaja Yoga Meditation is always free and is practised in more than 100 countries.

 “When you become the Spirit, your attention gets enlightened into collective consciousness. It becomes, because this Spirit in you is the collective being.” – Shri Mataji (founder)

Other Resources for New Meditators and Regular Meditators


The next free Sahaja Yoga Meditation Workshop will be held this coming Sunday at our Wamuran Meditation Centre. Please join us to experience the quiet tranquility of nature and meditation.

We look forward to enjoying a beautiful meditation workshop with you. Beginners and ongoing meditators are very welcome. Full details are below.

To book: email [email protected]

When: Sunday 25 September 2022 10.00 am to 1.00 pm

Where: Sahaja Yoga Meditation Centre, Wamuran near Brisbane.


  • 10:00am: Arrival and refreshments
  • 10:30am to 1pm: Workshop
    – Introduction to Sahaja Yoga Meditation (for newcomers)
    – Video talk by Shri Mataji, founder
    – Vibratory awareness workshop
    – Clearing techniques
    – Guided meditation
  • 1:00pm: Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

The “Going Deeper” Workshop

  • Learn simple and effective ways to experience the peace of true meditation.
  • Video talk by Shri Mataji, founder
    – Vibratory awareness workshop
    – Clearing techniques
    – Advanced meditation techniques

Free – Classes and events are provided free by our experienced team of volunteers, as a non-profit community service.

Getting there

The address is: The Sahaja Yoga Meditation Centre, 95 McClintock Road, Wamuran. From the M1 motorway, take the Kilcoy exit and proceed along D’aguilar Hwy until reaching Wamuran. Opposite the IGA store, turn right and then right again into Station Rd. Turn left at the small roundabout into Newlands Rd for approximately 3km, then left into Patane Rd which leads to McClintock Rd. Number 95 is just over the top of the hill on the left.  See Google map

More information about Sahaja Yoga Meditation

News and events


Here’s a list of our free online Daily Meditations, Courses and 24/7 Channel for you to explore. Recordings from previous courses and sessions are also available.

We’re also providing links to our WhatsApp groups where you can ask questions and receive ongoing support as you discover and enjoy Sahaja Yoga meditation. (WhatsApp is a free chat service for mobiles and computers.)

Millions around the world are enjoying our free meditation since it was started by Shri Mataji in 1970. Her Sahaja Yoga meditation promotes mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing.

21 Series Course

Advanced Meditation
Every Sunday and Wednesday • 8:45pm to 10pm (Sydney time)
(Convert to your local time)
Hosted by the Queensland team.
The third course of the 21 Series programs for those who have received their Self-realisation and have been participating in our online or face-to-face classes and are familiar with the basic Sahaja Yoga clearing, balancing and meditation techniques.
Current topics include Mantras for the all chakras (energy centres).

Join “21 Series Course” WhatsApp Group

7 Series Course

Advanced Meditation
Every Monday and Thursday • 12pm to 1pm (Sydney time)
(Convert to your local time)
Hosted by the Canberra team.
For those who have received their Self-realisation and have been participating in our online or face-to-face classes and are familiar with the basic Sahaja Yoga clearing, balancing and meditation techniques.
This week’s topics cover Mantras for the first and second chakras (energy centres).

Join “7 Series Course” WhatsApp Group

Daily Meditations

Every day
Hosted by the Australian and International Sahaja Yoga team.
For newcomers and regular meditators. Collective meditation sessions with clearing, balancing, talks and discussions on a topic of the day.
Daily sessions and webcast schedule 


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