News, events and articles about Sahaja Yoga meditation worldwide

Shri Mataji

"Freedom and Liberation" at Newcastle theatre

"Freedom and Liberation" at Newcastle theatre

It was our first warm day.

We waited for the audience of “Mama Mia” to exit the theatre in Newcastle, Australia, where we were to present Shri Mataji’s film, “Freedom and Liberation”. Only four people filed out. For a moment we felt doubtful whether anyone would come to see “Freedom and Liberation” given that it was election day, a good beach day and even “Mama Mia” faired badly!

Within a few minutes a slow trickle of people began to steadily enter the theatre. This theatre was one of three in the complex and so some people came to see any old film, but opted for Shri Mataji’s.

When the lights dimmed we had sixty-five new seekers in the audience. Our kundalini shot up in a shower of joy as we saw Shri Mataji’s image on the big screen. As I had grown up around this area, this was something that I had dreamt of but never considered possible in Newcastle.

As the film came to an end the audience applauded! Again, something unimaginable. Through Shri Mataji’s grace, the sixty-five people were given their realisation. The silence was awesome. No one left. Everyone stayed and enjoyed a short meditation.

Afterwards, some members of the Sydney Sahaja Yoga music group played bhajans in the foyer. Many people stayed to listen to the music. Some filled out feedback forms with comments describing tingles up the spine and in the hands, an enlightening experience. One read “in lightning” and I couldn’t help but wonder whether this newly-realised person knew that their inner light had been turned on!

Shri Mataji’s humour was subtly at work, as the musicians had unwittingly set up next to a poster advertising a film showing a girl sitting in meditation, with thought bubbles showing a clutter of all the objects associated with the materialistic, hectic Western lifestyle. The teenage girl’s expression was one of rejection. We all had a chuckle when we realised!

As we were leaving I noticed another poster showing words to the effect: “He always knew what he had been built for. Now he knew what he was meant for.” Shri Mataji was truly letting us know that she was with us. After all, doesn’t this describe in very basic terms the revelation of truth that we all receive through Self-realisation? It was a great summary of the whole event!

Lisa Barron, on behalf of the Newcastle Sahaja Yoga collective

When was the last time you had a day you could describe like this:

“A most enlightening and enriching experience.” Sushil
 “Wonderful, positive…and truly was attuned to the individual spirit.”  Katrina
I experienced calmness and tranquillity.” Murali
Lovely atmosphere and a beautiful place to be.” Alan
I felt very peaceful of mind, which was hard lately…having very kind and warm people around was a good feeling too.”  Indiana

Sahaja Yoga Meditation workshop, Sydney

Sahaja Yoga Meditation workshop, Sydney

These are just some of the glowing comments received from people who attended Sahaja Yoga’s free one-day meditation workshops in Sydney.  If a day like this appeals to you, please read on to learn how you can participate.

Seeking truth and peace
Most people at some time have felt stressed or out of balance or found themselves seeking an indefinable something “more” in their lives.  As a result, many people have now discovered the benefits of true meditation with Sahaja Yoga, and enjoy the peace and enlightenment they find when attending our free weekly classes in locations across Australia.  The meditation is very easy and no prior experience is needed.

Here in Sydney, over some time we had requests for more in-depth sessions, more than we could possibly fit into our local weekly meetings of an hour or two.  So one bright Sunday morning, some years ago, we held our first half-day meditation workshop, which proved to be very popular with both absolute beginners and regulars alike.  Demand simply kept growing.  So we now hold free one-day meditation Sunday workshops in Sydney, about three or four times a year.

A beautiful experience – what a lovely day we had!”  Anita
This was a touch of love in my life.” Carlos
It is one of the most amazing and wonderful experiences, coming to the meditation workshop.  Enjoyed each minute of it.”  Nandini
Thanks for helping me to see how much power and energy I have in myself.  It was really an amazing experience – I enjoyed it very much.” Manpreet
Brilliant workshop!  Theory is clear and the meditation makes it a very rewarding day.” Sandra

Sahaja Yoga Meditation workshop session

Sahaja Yoga Meditation workshop session

Our most recent workshop included presentations by guest speakers on a range of topics: an introduction to meditation for newcomers; a separate in-depth session with mantras, for more established meditators; music in meditation and how it affects mood; collective meditations; and scientific findings of medical research into Sahaja Yoga meditation.  Practical sessions covered clearing techniques, including a Mother Earth session; the soothing effect of footsoaking; guided meditations; and the use of affirmations.  The day was further enhanced with the playing of live world music and several recorded talks by Shri Mataji, the founder of Sahaja Yoga. 

Though the topics and presenters may vary with each workshop, by request the workshops have an emphasis on blending lots of practical sessions and meditations along with the theory. 

Sahaja Yoga meditation workshops are provided free, as a non-profit community service, with very experienced meditators there to help with any queries.

In this age of commercialisation and business orientated activities, I am delighted to see such activities being done on a volunteer basis at no cost to the participants.  This speaks a lot of the true intentions of the organisers, who are there to really help the community.  Keep it up!”  Yan

Meal breaks
Lunch and morning tea are provided ($5 by donation on entry).

When is the next workshop?
Please note, the next Sydney workshop date has not yet been decided.  Once the date is set, we notify people in our database by email, about two weeks before the event.  If you’d like to be notified, see how to subscribe below.

To be notified by email of our next workshop, subscribe to our database here

For further workshop details and frequently asked questions, follow this link.

We look forward to meeting you.

If you have ever wondered what it would be like to experience the peace of true meditation, and would like to join us at a workshop, you are welcome to come along.  Who knows?  Maybe next time it will be you writing to give us your feedback! 

Kind regards
Sahaja Yoga collective in Sydney, Australia

"Freedom and Liberation" poster, Newcastle

"Freedom and Liberation" poster, Newcastle

It is a true privilege to be able to help to promote Shri Mataji’s film, “Freedom and Liberation” (G Rating).  This life-changing film will be shown in Newcastle on Saturday, 13 September at 2.00 pm in the Greater Union Cinema, 183 King St, Newcastle.

It is hard to stay in the centre when I cast my mind back to my first encounter with Sahaja Yoga. The kundalini dances at the thought of more people getting their Realisation, and the prospect of meeting yet more of our true global family. I wonder sometimes what chain of coincidences will bring these new seekers here.

Next I go thoughtless, in awe of it all!

Please come along if you are in the Newcastle area. If you live in the Lake Macquarie area and Newcastle is too far away, the film will be shown again on 11 October 2008 at the Hoyts Cinema, 244 Pacific Highway, Charlestown. The session will start at 2.00 pm.

Do yourself, your family, and in fact the planet a favour and come along! We all need each other and this film will tell you just how true this is.


Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji

You should be a comfortable person to another, not an uncomfortable person. You should not be a difficult person to others. Your tongue should be such that it should give great solace to others. Your eyes should be such that it should give a very great benediction to others. When you look at people, people should feel that “Here is my security”. Not to enjoy others, but give enjoyment out of you. Enjoyment out of you is the way you should act and then the laws of the Divine work better.

Shri Mataji, 1982

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