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Shri Mataji

H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of the worldwide meditation movement called Sahaja Yoga, passed away peacefully on 23rd February, 2011 in Genoa, Italy, aged 87. 

Hers was a life unlike any other.  Whether walking with kings or walking barefoot with Gandhi, it was a journey of extremes managed effortlessly, living as she did with grace, dignity and, always, loving guidance.

Shri Mataji’s was to be a truly remarkable path.

Born of a royal dynasty; she conferred as a child with Mahatma Gandhi, living for a time in his ashram; was a medical student and a freedom fighter; was an adored mother, grandmother, great grandmother and the wife of a distinguished diplomat who himself was decorated by the Kings and Presidents of innumerable countries and knighted by the Queen of England.  But incredibly, after all this, with her family grown and settled, she then embarked on an even more extraordinary mission.

Shri Mataji was born to Christian parents in India. Spiritually enlightened, she knew from very early on that her unique spiritual gift must be made available to everyone.  And so it was that in 1970 she founded Sahaja Yoga meditation, which she shared freely.  Using simple techniques, she discovered a unique process of Self Realisation through which huge masses of people could easily achieve the peace of true meditation. She charged no money, and instead insisted this was a birthright which should be available to all who desired it, at no cost.  She said

“There can be no peace in the world until there is peace within”.

Thus began the next outstanding stage of her life:  for the next forty years, she continuously travelled Continue reading

Shri Mataji

The peace within expresses, first of all, peace with others. That is the first sign of the manifestation of peace. Such a person doesn’t use harsh words, doesn’t use cruel words. But he is also not a person who is ineffective. He is very effective, using very sweet and nice words. Maybe he begins by using harsh words, then he mellows down and comes down to a position where he is effective as well as he is very mild and sweet. Such a personality has to be developed – outside….

That is how our culture is going to be such that we will express complete peace within ourselves. And you must know that you are in one body, active. You are active cells in one body. All the cells of the body are never active, but those who are active have to be at peace with each other; otherwise what will happen to that poor body? So try to make peace….

So in this new culture, we have to be extremely peaceful people, and that peace should be expressed on your faces. People should understand that you are peaceful…

Shri Mataji, 1985

Film:   “Freedom & Liberation”
Time:  Friday, 27 November 2009, 7:30pm – 9:30pm
Place:  Cinema for the Soul, Royal Exchange Building, 32 Bolton Street Newcastle

F&L01“Freedom and Liberation” is a film biography of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation. Inspired by her  parents and Mahatma Gandhi, Shri Mataji took part in the youth movement working for resistance against the British Empire to obtain freedom for India.

Throughout her entire life, Shri Mataji always kept to her vision, one which goes beyond the political freedom of her motherland India, to a vision of inner freedom and transformation of each individual. This vision would take her to the five continents so that she could talk with ordinary people about her new method of meditation.

“Freedom and Liberation” is the work of young director, Carolin Dassel, who shows the many stages of Shri Mataji’s adventurous life in a very subtle way. The timeless impressions, beautiful music,  original locations and archival material combine to produce an atmosphere of meditative authenticity.

The evening will conclude with a brief meditation session.

7:15pm:  Doors open and live music
7:45pm:  Screening of “Freedom & Liberation”
9:15pm:  Brief meditation session
9:30pm:  Close

Free admission. No booking is required.

We look forward to seeing you at the cinema!

For enquiries please phone (02) 4969 7682.

Diwali, the Festival of Lights, was celebrated recently around the world. Although a Hindu tradition originating in India, it is interesting to see the many connections between Diwali and other religious thought. For example, while Christmas is celebrated as the birthday of Jesus Christ, His real birthday coincides with Diwali. Also, Shri Mahalakshmi who is worshipped during Diwali celebrations has a close connection with Mary, the Mother of Jesus.

President Obama celebrating Diwali

Obama celebrates Diwali

It is interesting that President Obama celebrated Diwali in person in the White House by lighting a ceremonial lamp to the accompaniment of mantras seeking world peace. In so doing, he became the first American President to celebrate Diwali in this way.

For more information about Diwali, including Shri Mataji’s comments on the meaning of Diwali, and a video of President Obama’s Diwali message, you can visit the Canadian Sahaja Yoga website here.  

Please enjoy the experience!

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