
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
This place is called as Bhavasagara. It is the ocean of illusion in which we live. And we are seekers….
If we are in the ocean, our ship should be seaworthy. Then any kind of illusion is not going to deter us if we are seaworthy. But seaworthy means we must know if there is a fog, how to move in right direction.
We should know how to overcome all the hazards of all kinds of storms and all the knowledge should be built-in within us. And that built-in knowledge is this dharma. It is a religion within you – not without, but within you.
Shri Mataji, 1983
Like the ship is built, is brought to the sea, tried and found to be seaworthy to sail out now into the sea. So you have to sail out when you know everything about the ship, everything about the sea. With complete freedom and wisdom, you have to sail now, not afraid of any storms or any hails or any typhoons because now you know your job is to cross through.
Shri Mataji, 1982