
Shri Mataji
This is what I could give you and a mother is only happy when she can give whatever she has to her children. Her unhappiness, all her restlessness, everything is just to achieve that end, to gift all that she has.
I don’t know how much to thank you people for going through all this to get to that treasure that you have within yourself. Sahaj was the only word I could think of, when I started to manifest the Sahasrara opening, that’s easily understood by everyone so far. But you have realised that it is today a different style of yoga, where first enlightenment is given and then you are allowed to look after yourself. It was never done before. It’s just a venture of your Mother which has worked out.
Shri Mataji, 1985
In this great opportunity of love that we are, we are here to enjoy each other fully from our heart, that there is this ocean within us. We have to just get submerged in that ocean. If we are lost in that ocean, then we’ll have no problems, no questions, everything will be our own and we can manage everything without any argument, without any questioning. That is what is being Sahaj.
The Sahaj way, if you have this love, you enjoy. You enjoy yourself and enjoy everybody else because it is Sahaj. Just it is there and it works.
The feeling of love has no way of expressing itself. It is just there. It cannot express itself because it is without expression. It is just to be felt within yourself. Then you want to do so many things. You want to help everyone. You want to help yourself. You want to do good to others.
So much has been done by great leaders of the world because they had that love.They had nothing else but this love, which they could not contain … so they tried to spread it and they are called now as our gurus, as our masters.
It’s that love within which approached people in that unique manner. That’s a thing that we cannot possess, you cannot claim. It is there and it works. It works automatically.
This is what we have to know – that we are that love. That love is within us. We have to have knowledge. We have to have a complete knowledge that we are that love. That will solve our problem. Because you can explain everything, all your behaviour, all your failures, everything you can explain when you know that you are endowed with that love.
This is what is the Guru, is the love within you, which wants to share love with others, which wants to give love to others. This what is peace and joy.
Shri Mataji, 2004
We all have our understanding about Easter’s message and there are so many ways of celebrating Easter.
At the recent Easter celebrations in India, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi spoke about forgiveness, saying that we should forgive everyone, and that this message of forgiveness is not just for Easter, but for all time.
Forgiveness is the main power at the level of Agnya chakra. This power was revealed and incarnated as Jesus Christ.
Around the time of Easter maybe many of us have faced challenges related to our power to endure and to forgive – a power that ultimately leads to unconditional love.
I’m reading an amazing book, The Measure of a Man, by Sidney Poitier and the vibrations are beautiful. His words are very Sahaj, very similar to talks offered by Shri Mataji. His words have the most profound significance.
Please, see below some quotes from his book − quotes that I happened to read at Easter time. It’s a “cool” and elevating book and I recommend it to you.
Forgiveness works two ways, in most instances. People have to forgive themselves too… That should be a sacred process.
And somewhere along the line, they’re going to realize that there’s no way for them to live with the requirements of their rage, with the requirements of their hatred. They have to find peace, because they won’t get peace from rerunning those emotions.
The above words are totally Sahaj and they talk about the Pure Knowledge of the Spirit at the level of Agnya Chakra, the energy centre that is connected to the element of Light and that was opened by Jesus Christ at the universal level, for all mankind.
Ioana Popa