Seeker is that special category, as I have told you, who is aware that you have to seek something more than material well-being or the power or the so-called pleasures of life. There’s a special category born out of the people who have had this seeking before, before they came on this earth, and they had this seeking. They worked it out, and today they are ready to receive the knowledge.
Now this knowledge is not the knowledge that you can know through your brains. Whatever you can know through your brains is all limited because your brain – the capacity of it – is all limited. So you have to have something higher sensitivity in your central nervous system to know this knowledge I am telling you about.
Now when we talk of knowledge we do not know that it is the knowledge through our central nervous system. When we evolved to human state, whatever we know, we know through our conscious mind, through our central nervous system. But as far as the brains are concerned we can think of anything. We can think that we are now become the King of England. We can think that we are the President of America. Whatever we think we can go ahead with it, and whatever we want we can read. All that is nothing but a mesh of words. There’s no reality about it. The reality exists in our central nervous system, in our conscious mind, and that’s why the knowledge has to be in your conscious mind.
Shri Mataji, 1984, London
So many things are there which divert your mind to that because you have drawn certain conclusions about reality. You think this is the reality. You believe that this is the reality and you want to stick on to that. But that is not so. I tell you, you have to understand that reality is what it is. You should face it and enjoy it. Don’t try to put your ideas on it. Don’t try to organise the reality. It is what it is, and once you decide within yourself, “So far I have not known and I have to know,” with that humility you will get it.
It doesn’t mean that you have to surrender your money or anything, your self-respect or your freedom. On the contrary, you have to enter into that area where there is supreme freedom, supreme freedom. You are not free. If you think you are free you are sadly mistaken because you are still slaves of so many things.
But once a person is free he is not bothered about anything. Nothing can make him habituated to anything – nothing. Such a person lives like a king whether he is in a hut or a street or in a palace. He’s not bothered. Whatever it is he’s the king. He doesn’t want anything anymore. He gives. He gives. He’s so rich that nobody can give him anything. He gives and gives and gives. And only thing that it can do is to give; it cannot take anything. The capacity is such that he cannot take anything from anyone. No more these attitudes, how to save money, how to save your labor, how to save your chairs, your powers, your positions. Nothing will enslave you because you are the master of everything. Nothing is more important than your own spirit, which you enjoy, which manifests.
Shri Mataji, 13 June 1983, London UK

Shri Mataji
What is important is that you should know reality. You should know exactly what is right and what is wrong. For that, there is this great power of Kundalini within you. She is the one. She passes through all these centres – enlightens them first of all, so your awareness gets enlightened. And when she pierces through the Sahasrara, she joins you to this All-pervading Power, which is knowledge, which is love, which is truth.
So after that, you immediately know … that what we have been thinking so far, of separating ourselves from others by thinking that they are not all right, they are wrong, they are whatever it is. This disappears. This disappears completely. And then you realise that your awareness itself is dominated by so many circumstances – for example, where you were born, what your parents taught you, what experiences you have had. And then you realise that it was all wrong because it is not reality.
Whatever feelings you have, whatever ideas you have about another person or about another nation, all of them are not correct because now your Sahasrara is awakened. It is connected now to the All-pervading Power. So this starts flowing into you. This enlightened awareness, it starts flowing down into your being, in your brain and then on your nerves you can feel that awareness…
When your Sahasrara is enlightened, whatever you had gathered – knowledge, whatever you thought was right, whatever was your dream and your aims of life – all these aspirations, they melt away. And then you take to reality and you start seeing the reality of everything.
Shri Mataji
We are aware that the Paramchaitanya [All-pervading Power] does everything. At least mentally we know that everything is worked out by the grace of the Paramchaitanya, which is the power of the Adi Shakti [Primordial Power]. But still, it is not so much in our heart, so much in our attention.
We can consider the Paramchaitanya lika an ocean, like an ocean which contains everything within itself … Everything is within its own limits, so it cannot be compared with a limit. You cannot compare it.
Now if you see the sun, then from the sun, the rays have to come out to work it. If you see somebody – say, a person who has an authority – he has to assert that power outside. So within himself, he doesn’t work it out.
For example, if there’s a seed and, inside the seed, only the tree grows and the fruits come out and then they are sold and people eat them and everything is inside that seed, then that is the Paramchaitanya.
So we are all enveloped in it … We are on the waves, so we see it as dislocated, separated – like we feel, “This is Germany” or “This is England” or “This is India”. These are just folds of the sari of Paramchaitanya, which look separated, but they are not separated. They are continuous. So the connection is absolutely complete. if I pull a thread from here, the thread will throughout be pulled.
In the same manner, this Paramchaitanya is working within itself and there is nothing without.
So when you are Sahaja Yogis, it pays special attention to you … It becomes absolutely one with you. Whatever you desire, whatever you want also will be coming from the same Paramchaitanya, if you are one with it.
Like in a turbulent ocean, some drops of water may fly into the air and start thinking, “We are above. We are away from the world, away from the ocean.” But again, they have to fall into the same.
So this formless energy has all the intelligence, all the coordination, all the organisations, all the computers, all the televisions, all that you can think of as communication and of governing, of administration. And, above all, it is the love. It is the love of God and love of your Mother. So to be one with this Paramchaitanya, you have to know that you have to become reality …
So all of you Sahaja Yogis have to know that, in reality, you do not do anything and everything is done by the Paramchaitanya. This is the difference between a non-Sahaja Yogi and a Sahaja Yogi. A non-Sahaja Yogi does not know. And even if he knows, this is not the truth in his heart. It’s not a part and parcel of his being. But a Sahaja Yogi knows that reality is the Paramchaitanya and it is reality that works out everything – and this reality is Divine Love.
Shri Mataji, 1989