
Shri Mataji
All our problems … are because of human beings because they have not been enlightened. If you are enlightened you will have no problem of any quarrelling or any fighting and all that. If you are enlightened, then you will think about others – others as if they are your own…. you will not think about yourself anymore. If you are enlightened, then there is no question of any violence in your head. Nowadays, in the name of religion, in the name of everything, there is so much of violence…
You should never be nervous. You should never be upset because you have the divine power within you and it will correct. It can correct anyone…. But you must have full faith in yourself and in the Paramchaitanya and believe that you are a realised soul. Nobody can harm you. If they try to harm you, for the time being, all right, you may suffer, but you don’t also feel the sufferings and you get out of it. Such a security, such a proper guidance is there. Also you are saved from all kinds of attacks and all kinds of mistakes that you commit.
It is all such a big, I would say a computer of knowledge. He knows, It knows what you are doing and what you should not do, where you are going and what should not be your way. It knows everything, knows everything about you.
So then you have to become aware of it. Now this is the stage where I would say that you have to be aware that you are realised souls. You are different, very unique. You are realised souls. You are not ordinary people and you are protected by this Paramchaitanya. Nothing can change you. Nothing can trouble you. Nothing can overpower you.
Shri Mataji, 9 May 1999