News, events and articles about Sahaja Yoga meditation worldwide


You are invited to a free Sahaja Yoga Seminar in Cairns, Queensland. Come along and experience the benefits of deep meditation.

Time:  Sunday 17 May 2009, 10.00 am to 3.00 pm

Place:  7 Saxon Street, Clifton Beach

Lunch will be provided.

Seminar topics
• Real meditation
• Chakra clearing
• Using affirmations and mantras
• Tips for meditating at home
• Collective meditation
• Video talk by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the founder of Sahaja Yoga

To register please phone 07 4055 3608 or email [email protected].

Sahaja Yoga Meditation will have a stall at the 2009 Sydney Mind Body Spirit Festival to be held this week.   If you’ve always wondered about meditation, but weren’t sure how to do it, we’ll be happy to help you.

While there is a general entrance fee to enter the Festival itself, Sahaja Yoga will, as always, be teaching our meditation for free.  Sahaja Yoga Meditation is very easy to do and you are welcome to join us to experience the peace it offers.

The Festival is at the Sydney Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour, from Thursday 30 April until Sunday 3 May 2009, from 10.00am to 7.00pm daily.

You’ll find our meditation stall at:   Hall 1, Stand G 04

So if you are planning to attend the Festival, make sure to come and visit us to have the experience of true meditation. We’re also preparing take-home information kits, too, to help you meditate at home. In addition, we will provide information on the many locations throughout Sydney and Australia (and worldwide!) where you can attend free weekly meditation classes.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner, as there will be lots of other beginners, too, and we’ll show you simple techniques to enjoy Sahaja Yoga Meditation.

For more information about Sahaja Yoga Meditation:

gemischtI was looking for a way to manage stress (emotional, mental or physical) and this led me to Sahaja Yoga meditation which provided an easy technique that could be practised whenever I liked. “Simple” and “effortless” are the two qualities that make this a unique method of achieving mental stillness, or a state of thoughtless awareness, or silence, or peace – basically, the state of meditation.

Like me, there are people in over ninety countries enjoying the benefits of Sahaja Yoga meditation today. And here is an opportunity (which is always free of charge) suitable for people of all ages and backgrounds to do the same. People who have jobs, families, day-to-day activities to deal with, people like me who have practised this meditation for several years, run these classes voluntarily to help the community.

The principles and basics will be explained. So there is no need to worry if you are new to meditation. The programs run for about an hour and the starting time is 7:30pm every Wednesday. People are free to join at any time. Please feel free to attend any of the classes, and we would love to hear how your experience was.

Time:  Wednesdays, 7:30 pm

Venue:   Lidcombe Community Centre, 3 Bridge St (underneath Lidcombe library), Lidcombe, NSW 

For further details:  Phone 0425 261 119 or 0403 754 773

Nitin Gupta

Our beautiful planet Earth

Our beautiful planet Earth

Great  writers have given us inspiring lyrics such as the song, “Imagine”. Great people say great things that inspire us.

One of my favourites at this time is something like “Change an individual and you change the world”.

These three ideas keep coming into my head, along with the saying, “As it is without, so it is within”. Or is it the opposite? Whichever way it goes, it makes sense and is obviously true.

If we look sick, generally we are.  If our normally neat homes look like a disaster for no obvious reason, then there’s a big chance we are feeling like a bit of a disaster inside as well.

At this point in history we  all seem to be  wondering what will go wrong next in the world – our jobs, money, housing and so on.

Thanks to Shri Mataji we can meditate and learn to dissolve these worries.  She has told us the qualities of each chakra so that we can feel the true peace we have within us. These are the qualities that the entire planet needs. She tells us we can help to save the world by helping it to change.

This is a huge statement until we remember it starts with us.  If it is true that “Change one person and you change the world” and “As it is within, so it is without”,  then if we can clear our chakras we have done just that. We have begun to change the world.

 Not convinced? If you are practising regular Sahaja Yoga meditation then you must have noticed some change in your niche in the world.  If we all could do it our improved personal worlds would finally have to connect.

Imagine that! I did and came up with the idea for this article.

Lisa Barron

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