News, events and articles about Sahaja Yoga meditation worldwide


Film:   “Freedom & Liberation”
Time:  Friday, 27 November 2009, 7:30pm – 9:30pm
Place:  Cinema for the Soul, Royal Exchange Building, 32 Bolton Street Newcastle

F&L01“Freedom and Liberation” is a film biography of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation. Inspired by her  parents and Mahatma Gandhi, Shri Mataji took part in the youth movement working for resistance against the British Empire to obtain freedom for India.

Throughout her entire life, Shri Mataji always kept to her vision, one which goes beyond the political freedom of her motherland India, to a vision of inner freedom and transformation of each individual. This vision would take her to the five continents so that she could talk with ordinary people about her new method of meditation.

“Freedom and Liberation” is the work of young director, Carolin Dassel, who shows the many stages of Shri Mataji’s adventurous life in a very subtle way. The timeless impressions, beautiful music,  original locations and archival material combine to produce an atmosphere of meditative authenticity.

The evening will conclude with a brief meditation session.

7:15pm:  Doors open and live music
7:45pm:  Screening of “Freedom & Liberation”
9:15pm:  Brief meditation session
9:30pm:  Close

Free admission. No booking is required.

We look forward to seeing you at the cinema!

For enquiries please phone (02) 4969 7682.

Topic: Meditation and its effects on the brain, mind and health

Time:  Wednesday 25 November, 7:00pm – 9:00pm

Place:  Dougherty Community Centre, 7 Victor Street, Chatswood
(opposite Westfield shopping centre car park)

Medical01This fascinating and enjoyable lecture will be presented by Dr Ramesh Manocha, who will provide a refreshing insight into the science and experience of meditation.

Dr. Manocha is a world-leading expert on scientific research into meditation. His research has proven its effectiveness in reducing stress and improving wellbeing. It has also determined that mental silence has specific physiological effects on the body and the brain.

As part of the event, the audience will also learn a simple, scientifically proven meditation skill which will become a useful resource that they can use for the rest of their lives.

Don’t miss the opportunity to attend this very informative session followed by a hands-on workshop.

7:00pm: Introduction
7:10pm: Lecture – Dr Ramesh Manocha, MBBS BSc (Med) PhD
8:00pm: Meditation workshop
9:00pm: Close

Free admission. No booking is required.

For enquiries please call (02) 9904 8137 (after hours).

Shri Mataji Tunisia

Shri Mataji

Now to say you must meditate, people think it is a kind of ritual, or maybe a kind of a style of Sahaja Yoga. No. Meditation is for you to go deep down into yourself, to achieve all that your Sahasrara wants to give. To achieve that height of detachment, of understanding is only through meditation. So what happens in meditation is that your awareness crosses over Agnya, goes above and is now stationed in the Sahasrara, in thoughtless awareness. Then the reality of Sahasrara, the beauty of Sahasrara starts pouring in your own character, in your own temperament.

Unless and until you meditate, not meditate just to get well or just to feel that I was meditating. But meditation is very important for all of you that you develop your Sahasrara in such a manner that you imbibe the beauty of your Sahasrara. If you don’t use your Sahasrara in this way, after some time you will find Sahasrara will close down. You will have no vibrations and you will have no understanding of yourself. So a very very important thing is to meditate. I can immediately make out a person who has been meditating and the one who has not been meditating. Because a person who does not meditate still thinks that “Oh, it’s all right. I am doing this. I am doing that.”

Meditation is the only way you can enrich yourself with the beauty of reality. There is no other way. I cannot find any other way by which you rise into the realm of divinity.

For example, I would say that myself, whatever I have done is this, that I have been able to find out a method – how to give you Self-realisation – to masses. But that doesn’t mean that if I give to masses, they are all Sahaja Yogis. No. You must have seen whenever you have your programs, people get realisation when I am there and they come to programs for a while and then they drop off. The reason is that they have not meditated. If they had meditated, they would have known what is their quality, what are they.

So today is a day when you have to promise me that you will meditate every night, every evening, maybe in the morning also. Whenever it is possible, if you can go into a meditative mood, you are in contact with this divine power. Then whatever is good for you, whatever is good for your society, for your country, all is done by this divine power. You don’t have to overpower this divine power, you don’t have to order, you don’t have to ask. Just if you meditate you are one with this All-pervading Power, which is another great blessing to us.

Unless and until your Sahasrara is open, all the blessings of the divine power cannot come to you, cannot. Maybe you might get some money. You might get some job. You might get this and that. But your own development is only possible when you meditate and your Sahasrara is completely open and open to truth.

Shri Mataji, 1998

The next free monthly Sahaja Yoga meditation workshop at Wamuran will be held this Saturday, 26 September 2009.

For those of you who have  been attending our weekly programs, this workshop will help improve your meditations, achieve the state of mental silence, and improve overall well-being. If you have not meditated before, please come along and enjoy learning the techniques for peaceful meditation.

The Sahaja Yoga centre at Wamuran is located 60 minutes north of Brisbane or 15 minutes from Caboolture train station. If you need to be picked up from the Caboolture train station,  please call us on (07) 5496 6716 in advance.

2:00 – 2:30pm: Welcome and refreshments

2:30 – 3:00pm: How to meditate

3:00 – 4:00pm: Clearing techniques

4:00 – 4:20pm: Video lecture from Shri Mataji (founder of Sahaja Yoga)

4:20 – 5:15pm: Meditation and live music

5.30pm: Dinner

Cost: There is no cost for your attendance.

Sahaja Yoga Meditation Centre, Wamuran Qld
95 McClintock Road, Wamuran

Directions to Venue

From the M1 motorway, take the Kilcoy exit and proceed along D’aguilar Highway to Wamuran. Opposite the IGA store, turn right and then right again into Station Rd. Turn left at the small roundabout into Newlands Rd for approximately 3km, and then left into Patane Rd which leads to McClintock Rd.

If you wish to attend, please email us at [email protected].

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