It is the love that you give and the love that you receive, which is not a love which is entangled into anything with any purpose, with any idea. But just to feel that love, pure love within yourself and within others is the greatest gift of the Divine. All other things are useless.
Shri Mataji, Delhi, 21 March 1996
If you think that by standing on your heads or paying me some money you can achieve your realisation, I am sorry that this is not the shop that sells it. This is a gift from God. It is a grace of God which is bestowed upon you, which you have to receive. As you have received everything else, you are going to receive it also.
Shri Mataji, London, 30 June 1979
You must know one thing, that I cannot take anything from you. I cannot receive. My nature is not to receive, but just to give. So you take it from me; it is a gift. Just take it and have it and enjoy it. This what you have been seeking, not in this life, but many lives before. And the time has come and the chance has come.
Shri Mataji, Cabella, Italy, 10 September 1995
I do not have to say anything for love. Love is an absolute gift, a gift of just feeling others. There is no talking about, discussing about it, nothing. You just feel that love. To feel the love, I would say, one has to have a heart.
But how can you have a heart? It is not your own doing. It is all there. So it is something which is already gifted to you. You have it, that you can feel that love. It is so much joy-giving, peace-giving.
Love has its own qualities and one of the qualities is that love understands. Its understanding is not in words, not in thought, but it understands within. It can feel within, which is very important. This is the most important part one has to realise: that love, you can only feel it. You cannot talk about it. You cannot show about it. But it is within and you can feel it…
That feeling is within. And only within you can feel that. So we have to understand it is not the show. It is nothing else, but just the feeling within that you know that you have the love of the Divine.
This you can have because it is just there. No one can give it to you. No one can sell it… It is just there.
And that love has to be felt and shared. It has nothing to do with others. Whether the other loves you or not makes no difference. It is within yourself, this feeling. This depth is there which you enjoy.
Shri Mataji, Cabella, Italy, 4 July, 2004

Shri Mataji
But the attention should be on the Power, attention should be on the connection that we have with this Power…. Thank God and thank yourself, thank your luck you’re so fortunate that you are very few who have achieved this connection, and that you are sucking that Power within yourself so easily….
And you have to trust this Power fully. Those days when people were in difficulties, they were always attacked, they had not got their Self-realisation. They had to put their trust into the divine Power; they had to put. But now when you have got realisation, you have got your freedom, should never forget that you have to trust this divine Power all the time, that it will look after you….
And if you people do not use your power – out of any nonsense, any fear you may have; you may have any kind of a, because of a temptation or restriction, anything –
if you’re not going all out to use your power of love, then you cannot ascend. So the whole thing if you see it so clearly, the whole power of your Mother is of love.
Whatever She does is out of Her love for Her creation.
Shri Mataji, 1990

Shri Mataji
Look at the tree with love and you will find that the tree itself is giving you the joy of its creation because you will become thoughtless. And the creator who has made that beautiful tree will be pouring all that joy that is stored in it.
Every human being is a store of joy, unlimited, I assure you. Believe me and don’t waste them because somebody is not properly dressed or he’s not according to the way you want him to be, which you learned in your public school. Every doorstep everywhere there is beauty lying. Do not miss it. But if you have a possessiveness about it … then you can never enjoy them. You can never enjoy all that beauty, all that store, all that wealth that is in every human being. Every moment it is bubbling.
Shri Mataji, 1979