inner silence
You are invited to our global online meditation course which is suitable for complete beginners and regular meditators. Discover the peace and joy of true meditation for mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Daily live and recorded sessions for everyone.
Let’s Meditate for 21 Days
“Freedom from Thoughts”
8-28 March 2025
Central European Time (CET) 8pm • London 7pm • New York 2pm • Sydney 6am
Convert to your local time
Hosted in English by Sahaja Yoga practitioners with support in Nordic and European Languages.
Join with Zoom for live interactive sessions or watch on YouTube. All sessions will be recorded so you can also watch sessions to suit your time zone or schedule. Join in at any time, even if you miss some sessions.
Links to Zoom, YouTube, recordings and more details are on our website.
Go to
Course Program
Week 1: Awaken Your Inner Energy and Enjoy Inner Silence
Sat 8th to Fri 14th March 2025 • 8PM (CET)
Week 2: Spiritual Ascent and the Chakras
Sat 15th to Fri 21st March 2025 • 8PM (CET)
Week 3: Thoughtless Awareness through Meditation
Sat 22nd to Fri 28th March 2025 • 8PM (CET)
Free ongoing sessions after the Course.
(See website for more details about each topic)
“After establishing your sustained attention on the Spirit you will develop a state where you’ll be in a complete state of witnessing with joy.”
Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation
For beginners and those who wish to go deeper in their meditation, Sahaja Yoga Meditation in Canberra is offering a free workshop.
When: Sunday 26th March, 2017
10:30am to 12:30pm
Where: 77 Chewings St Scullin, Canberra
(Google map)
To celebrate the Birthday of the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi we invite you to this free workshop.
The workshop will include balancing and clearing techniques with guided meditations to establish the experience of inner silence, as well as a video talk by Shri Mataji (the founder of Sahaja Yoga).
- Provided free by our experienced team of volunteers as a non-profit community service.
- No booking required.
- Chairs are provided. No physical exercises, postures or special clothing required.
- Light refreshments will be provided after the program.
- Enquiries (02) 6254 4986 or 0438 481 900
- Also check us out on our ACT Meetup page
- Our news website for other events
Can’t make this event? Then try our online meditations at
Beginners and those who wish to go deeper in their meditation are invited to this intermediate meditation program. This will help you achieve a deeper meditation experience with a larger group of regular meditators.
The program will include clearing techniques to enhance the meditation, guided meditations to establish the experience of inner silence, a video talk by Shri Mataji, the founder of Sahaja Yoga, and music to enhance the enjoyment of the meditative experience.
No physical exercises, postures or special clothing required. Chairs are provided.
Event details
Saturday 28th May
5:30 pm to 7.00 pm
Sahaja Yoga Meditation Centre
77 Chewings Street, Scullin Canberra
[Google Map]
If you would like to attend, email us at: [email protected]
Cost: Sahaja Yoga is always free. Events are provided free by our experienced team of volunteers, as a non-profit community service.
Light refreshments will be provided after the program.
Enquiries (02) 6254 4986 or 0438 481 900
Meetup: Also check us out on our ACT Meetup page
After the success of the last four-week course on achieving inner silence, Sahaja Yoga in Cairns is running another four-week course in May, 2013.
Participants will be introduced to simple methods for achieving inner silence, including tips for meditating at home and fitting meditation into your daily life.
Dates: Wednesdays 8, 15, 22 and 29 May, 2013
Time: 7.30 pm to 8.30 pm
Where: Marlin Coast Neighbourhood Centre, Reed Rd, Trinity Park
For more information about the course, please phone 1300 724 252.
We look forward to seeing you there.