The thing is, true knowledge is a part and parcel of your being. It’s just within you. It is not some sort of a concrete stuff that you have read or you have understood, but it just has to become a light within you, and that light is there.
There’s no necessity for you to be very well-educated or to be very intelligent or to be very highly placed. It is not necessary. It is how your heart is clean. In the heart it resides. Imagine: all other knowledge resides in the brain, while the pure knowledge resides in the heart. It is very surprising.
But we do know also that our heart rules the head …. Unless and until your heart is clean, unless and until in your heart you have a beautiful image of a person who is very, very pure, you cannot – you cannot do anything mentally. From your heart, if you have to do, your heart has to be very clean and extremely wise. This is the point one has to jump into: that your heart, is it wise? For example, to get attached to someone too much, identified with someone too much, shows that your heart is not clean. It has so many bondages. Open your heart, fully.
And that’s why they say that the Goddess resides in the heart, in the centre heart. She resides in the centre heart because she is so balanced. She resides in the centre heart as Shakti [power], and she gives you all that you want.
Shri Mataji, Cabella, Italy, 27 September 1998
It was me who didn’t see
Didn’t see you
Looked everywhere outside
But never turned inside to my own heart
In all my love
All my pain and all my sorrow
In all my hope and all my joy
You were there with me
It was me who didn’t turn to you
You were my joy in all my play
You indeed were the joy
And I indulged in all that joy
Days spent in play
You were there deep in my heart
In the songs I sang in my sorrow and joy
You were the words, you were the tune
It was me who never sang your songs
Please be alit oh spirit
And enlighten this attention
Let me be immersed totally in you
Sing the song of love
Lost in complete joy!
Meghamala Basu

Bowing in ritual
Worshipping the Eternal
My heart meets Thee at Thy Place
And sees Thy Face.
Illusions during the day
Are gone out of my way
With vibrant emotion
At the further point of my devotion
No more I exist
Only Thee exists.
Like birds playing
Like flowers blooming
Reduce the distance
Make me pure existence
So that, at Thy Place
Always my heart sees Thy Face.

Many years ago I was given the lovely job of listing the gifts that were given at the pujas, so I used to sit on the stage listing the gifts and then I used to supervise them being packed up. On one occasion a large number of gifts had been offered, including some very small ones.
“Where is that little butterfly that the boy gave Me?” Shri Mataji asked me in the evening. Luckily I could find it, and it had been made by a small boy.
“These things are the most important, because they come from the heart,” She said to me.
Danielle Lee
From: Eternally Inspiring Recollections of Our Holy Mother. Pune, India: Nirmal Transformations.