Nothing like laughing. Laughing is the greatest correction; you’ll laugh at yourself, you’ll laugh at others. Don’t make others look ridiculous, but just enjoy the way others are and enjoy each other. They are all very beautiful people, very beautiful. It’s like one beautiful flower is enjoying the fragrance of another beautiful flower. That’s what should be.
One should not feel, that, “Oh, look at this flower. It’s so beautiful.” Look at yourself; you are so beautiful, too. But unless and until you enjoy the fragrance and the beauty of another flower, you cannot know what you are, because you are all just the same inside. You are all people whose Spirit has come into their attention, wonderful people …
Shri Mataji, Germany, 10 July 1988

(Photograph: Vishnu Bonneau)
You have seen how a flower shakes off all that is not needed, blooms out, pierces its head outwards, opens out just to give fragrance to others. If you want to give fragrance to others, how far is there fragrance within you? Is there fragrance within you that you are going to give fragrance to others?
So that is what one has to find out and to do…. You have to bloom out, bloom like flowers. Change yourself. Transform yourself. This transformation is going to help you. This is like triggering into a new dimension of life. Unless and until this triggering shows, your life has no meaning, Sahaja Yoga has no meaning to you. So try your level best to trigger this transformation every minute of your life. Then you will be amazed at the enrichment of life.
Shri Mataji, 1980