Divine Love
Peace is only possible if there is genuine divine love within you flowing; otherwise, a talk of peace is all useless. I have known people who have got a peace award. I don’t know why they got it. They have no peace within.
You must have the peace within, and that peace is only possible when you are transformed, and transformed into a new human being, a new personality, about which all the prophecies are there. All the scriptures have talked about it. All the incarnations and all the saints have talked about it. That transformation is at hand. If you want to have that transformation, it is not at all difficult, but you must know you are capable of getting that transformation very easily and retaining it.
Shri Mataji, 4 December,1997, New Delhi, India
When we try to play games with ourselves, we miss the point because it is the Self which is going to emit. It is the Self that is going to give you your glory. It is the Self which is going to bestow all the blessings of divine love and all the securities and all the help that are deserved by you …. So we have to put our life fixed for something that is noble, enlightening and higher. Hypocrisy will keep you always out of it.
So I have to request you to face yourself, love yourself, respect yourself, understand yourself and stand on your self-respect and see for yourself that you are the king of kings, that you are the one who is to be worshipped. You are the one who is the emblem of God’s love. Such a beautiful thing it is.
… With humility, with surrender of your ego, you are worshipping your Self. You are not degrading it, you are not analysing it, but you are absorbing the beautiful power and the light of your Atma into your attention.
Shri Mataji, 21 March 1988
I do not have to say anything for love. Love is an absolute gift, a gift of just feeling others. There is no talking about, discussing about it, nothing. You just feel that love. To feel the love, I would say, one has to have a heart.
But how can you have a heart? It is not your own doing. It is all there. So it is something which is already gifted to you. You have it, that you can feel that love. It is so much joy-giving, peace-giving.
Love has its own qualities and one of the qualities is that love understands. Its understanding is not in words, not in thought, but it understands within. It can feel within, which is very important. This is the most important part one has to realise: that love, you can only feel it. You cannot talk about it. You cannot show about it. But it is within and you can feel it…
That feeling is within. And only within you can feel that. So we have to understand it is not the show. It is nothing else, but just the feeling within that you know that you have the love of the Divine.
This you can have because it is just there. No one can give it to you. No one can sell it… It is just there.
And that love has to be felt and shared. It has nothing to do with others. Whether the other loves you or not makes no difference. It is within yourself, this feeling. This depth is there which you enjoy.
Shri Mataji, Cabella, Italy, 4 July, 2004

Shri Mataji
First of all, it’s important to know what the truth is. You find so many people are seeking the truth, but they don’t know what to find and that’s how they are twisted around, taken to some sort of false rites. It is important, first of all, to know what is the truth we are seeking.
The truth is – if I tell you, it’s very simple – that you are not this body, you are not this mind, you are not this intellect, you are not these emotions, but you are the pure spirit. That’s what you have to become – the pure spirit.
And another truth is that the power that leads you to the state where you know the truth about yourself, about everything, is within you. This power [kundalini] is within you. It is your own, born with you, with every human being.
That’s surprising. If all the human beings in the whole world have this power within their triangular bone [sacrum], how can we differentiate them? They are all just the same. Everybody has a power based in their triangular bone known as the sacrum….
She [kundalini] pierces through and gets you connected to the All-pervading Power of Divine Love.
It’s all love, nothing else but love. Truth is love and love is truth. And when She becomes one with that, you are a transformed personality….
The greatest thing that happens to you is that you become a new personality with collective consciousness….
Once you are transformed, you become a person of tremendous love and patience. You love everything. You understand everything through love. It is not love of some sort of an expectation. It is a love of giving. You just enjoy giving, giving. Everything is so enjoyable at that time, that state and you become so peaceful….
Shri Mataji, 1992