
Shri Mataji
Then the second chakra [Swadishtan], when it is awakened within you, you have a special quality of creativity. Because when the second chakra is awakened, you are actually thoughtless. There’s no thought in your mind, so you start looking at anything without thinking. You start looking at anything that is created without any ripple of thought in your mind. Like all that is created round the lake of your mind is completely reflected in that ripple-less lake, and you see the complete reflection of that creation as well as the joy that is bubbling in that creation. So your creativity becomes tremendous, you start seeing things but not thinking about it.
Now, see if you come to this hall, and you start seeing something, you like it, then you start thinking, “Oh God, this is a beautiful thing, but how much it must have cost, and now how old it is? Is it going to last or not? Is it insured or not?”
All sorts of funny ideas will come to you, and you’ll never enjoy watching it. But supposing you have no thought about it, you just watch it, you just see. What happens? The creation that of the artist who has created this beautiful thing, the joy of that creation that the artist had, who might be dead now, you start enjoying that joy. The whole thing can be filled in you with that bubbling joy that he wanted to put there with his own heart. And that’s what happens because there is no thought, so the creativity becomes tremendous. But it’s not only that the creativity is tremendous, but your techniques even. For example, a musician can become a tremendous musician. People who have never done any work can become extremely powerful….
Like Mona Lisa now. We like her, Mona Lisa. According to modern standards she cannot be a beauty because she was a very plump lady, an elderly lady. But today also, if you go there, you cannot see her painting. It’s so crowded; everybody’s anxious to see Mona Lisa. And if you go and feel the vibrations, from distance you’ll get vibrations, because the coefficients of her body, face and everything is made so well, that you get the vibrations.
Now people are very anxious to create new ideas, new type of things, and this, but these things do not sell and even if they sell temporarily, they have no eternal value. So the people with this chakra enlightened, start creating things of very eternal values, of universal values. Anywhere you take such a thing – you’ll take it to India, you take it to China, you take it to Japan or you take it to America, anywhere – any human being who sees that, sees the beauty of the Spirit, because it gives you joy in your Spirit. So the pure art is produced too. That’s the purity, or I would say the holy art is produced too. When you start producing that holy art, then you should believe that you have got an enlightenment on that chakra…..
Shri Mataji, 1983
From 4 to 6 July 2008, a series of Sahaja Yoga programs were held in Lebanon. Three Sahaja yogis from Turkey, one from Cameroon and one from Lebanon conducted the programs.
During this time, 311 people received their realisation. Programs were held at Manara, Sioufi and Unesco Palace. Realisation was given on the street in Hamra, while we were putting posters in different places.
Fear seems to be the worst thing against spreading Sahaja Yoga in the Middle East, even though it is the most stupid illusion inside us.
People in Manara, next to the sea, are from different social castes and we exchanged with many the addresses and phone numbers so that we can be in touch soon when we find a centre in Beirut to meet. It was not in our program to go there but we decided at the last minute to go to Manara instead of Sioufi, for only two hours. Lots of people were very happy to receive their realisation.
At Unesco palace it was my first time to be in front of people translating into Arabic for the audience who don’t understand English. In the beginning I was kind of shaking but when the attention was on Shri Mataji’s photograph things became much better. Before Sahaja Yoga it was impossible to do such a thing without lots of fears. Never, never had this courage been felt before, even in front of students in the classroom.
The only program held indoors was at Unesco Palace and about 20 people came.
Today there was an interview on the government radio, “Lebanese Radio”. Rita, the interviewer, gave an introduction about music therapy. Then for about ten minutes the discussions were about Shri Mataji who discovered the Sahaja Yoga technique, the Kundalini as a positive energy, a little about chakras and being in the present state. Rita will announce future Sahaja Yoga programs to be held from 8 to 10 August 2008. We have booked one date already: on Friday 8 August the program will be at Unesco Palace at 7.00pm.
With lots of Mohabbat from Lebanon
A Sahaja yogini
Many thanks to Greta and Melike for their report on the joyful day at Woodstock Community Centre in Burwood, Sydney, where Sahaja Yoga participated in Burwood Council’s 2008 International Women’s Day celebrations.
“Everything in Sahaja Yoga is always sahaja, i.e. spontaneous, and this day wasn’t any different. Room 2, upstairs, was allotted to us. Just as we had set up the room the way we wanted, the organiser came to tell us that we had to move to Room 1, downstairs, because the television set was too big to be brought up. Dismantling quickly, we set up again in the new room, only to realise that it was much better and perfect for our needs! We were located just off the main auditorium with a lot of traffic. We had planned to screen a lecture given by Shri Mataji which was on DVD but when we got to Room 1, we found only a video machine. So once again, a change of tack was required, and the three meditation sessions scheduled before the screening of the film turned into one long session while the right equipment was obtained.
The organisers were very helpful and supportive of our efforts, steering people towards us throughout the day. About 40 to 50 people got their Self-realisation. There were many interesting activities which vied for visitors’ time, thus preventing many from participating in the meditation sessions. However, handbills for the film, Freedom and Liberation, flyers showing the nearest Sahaja Yoga public programs, and Sahaja Yoga information pamphlets were distributed, with everyone expressing a sincere desire for follow-up.
The meditation session helped to clear the atmosphere in the room, lightening it as the heart chakra opened. Just as we finished the meditation, people flowed into the room for the screening of the film, only to find the fuse had blown! This created another glitch, with most of the people streaming out again to get refreshments. By the time the electricity problem had been solved an almost new group of people had settled into the seats. These people watched the screening of the film, The Vision, and enjoyed the experience of the guided Self-realisation meditation. Everyone felt the peace and quiet of the Cool Breeze of the Spirit. Many of the women live locally and expressed their desire to attend the free Sahaja Yoga programs at the Belmore Community Centre in Burwood.
Somewhere in the morning I found a few minutes to get a cup of tea. One of the ladies who had come in during the meditation session came up to me and said, “I don’t know if I’m imagining it or not, but I am moving much more freely”, indicating that she felt much freer in the joints. I looked at her smiling, calm face and told her that it wasn’t her imagination but that this is what happens when people do Sahaja Yoga, and that there is often an instantaneous relief of whatever problem they may have had previously. It was very satisfying to know that we had made a difference.
No-one left without feeling the Cool Breeze, and right up to the last minute people were coming to take their Self-realisation. A few women’s organisations asked for introductory meditation sessions to be held at their own venues. We also left flyers and brochures on the community centre’s information table for any future visitors to the centre.
A special thank you to Aunty Joy whose initial research had made it possible for Sahaja Yoga to contribute towards the celebrations for International Women’s Day 2008, “Women’s Business: Celebrating 100 Years of Paid and Unpaid Work” sponsored by Burwood Council. We would also like to thank the staff of Burwood Council for making our participation an enjoyable event. ”
Greta and Melike
The Vishuddhi Chakra is the place of our communications and our relationships. It is situated at the throat and is a complex centre for receiving and sending. We understand that waves have vibrations, like TVs and mobile phones, and that routinely these instruments pick up these invisible waves and make sense of them. Likewise, to a much more subtle degree we are empowered to pick up and send vibrations, waves. This happens through our Vishuddhi Chakra.
The Sahaja Yoga affirmations for Vishuddhi Chakra are, “I am not guilty,” “Mother, please make me the detached witness and part and parcel of the Whole,” and “Mother, verily You are the sweet countenance of all my words and deeds.”
After Self-realisation, the Spirit is able to interact with our consciousness much more directly. When our Vishuddhi Chakras are clear we can put attention on people, things, ourselves, and get accurate direct knowledge of everything at the vibrational, subtle, actual level. This is a new state of Vibrational Awareness working through our hands and awareness. The whole cosmos both within and without begins to open up to us and we begin to see more of the grandeur and essential nature of the creation. This facilitates our enlightened understanding and we witness things, events and people in a more detached and knowing way.
The Vishuddhi Chakra picks up on the etheric vibrations from wherever we place our attention. This is a very good reason to be careful where and how we place or direct the attention, including the attention of others. The Vishuddhi can and does transmit vibrations, not only in the gross sense of speaking, or arm movements, but by placing our heart-felt and focused attention on people we can literally bestow qualities on them. We soon realise we get our own transmission back, and so we determine, as best we can, to be an instrument of Divine Love. We also have the power to evoke feelings in others, like guilt, anger, jealousy or love, through our speech.
Ideally, we see everyone as a pure spiritual being, a part and parcel of the Whole, of which we are part. This means everyone is sacred, and worthy of the same respect and loving treatment as we would give our sister, brother, child or parent. One of the most dear relationships is the sweet love between the brother and sister. Unfortunately, in the West this relationship is poorly valued. Likewise, the idea of sweetness and diplomacy as an ideal is also almost lost, with the idea of aggressiveness or sarcasm taking its place in order to get what we want. The brother-sister relationship is felt on the left side of Vishuddhi and sweetness is expressed on the right.
The Vishuddhi and accompanying Hamsa Chakra at the top of the nose work as filters. Smoking, anger, guilt or inability to witness are some of the things that can cause this chakra to “catch”.
The personification of this principle is the Lord Krishna and his consort, Shri Radha. His incarnation principle was to clarify our eternally spiritual nature and to urge us to see and witness the divine drama of creation as a play. He was Yogeshwara, the God of Yoga who urges the practice of yoga. “When the mind of the Yogi is in harmony and finds rest in the Spirit within, all restless desires gone, then he is a Yukta, one in God” (Bhagavadgita).
Essentially, in Spirit we are all connected. This connection is felt through our Vishuddhi. Vishuddhi is the hollow flute which expresses the sweetness of the Heart. The sweet music delights the sender and receiver. This whole manifest creation is known as the Virata. The Virata is reflected in all its power and glory within us as the subtle body. We can know absolutely that we are part and parcel of the Whole.
Pavan Keatley