
Shri Mataji
The attention has to be purified, but that you don’t have to do. Your kundalini itself purifies your attention.You become collectively conscious. Many things happen to your attention. Sitting down here you can tell about people, what’s happening to them….
Now the attention manifests itself. It’s another very remarkable thing that’s happened. Like I’m sitting here now and I’m thinking of someone …. If I want, I can think. If I don’t want, I need not think. That is the situation. But after Realisation, if somebody needs your help, you’ll just think of that person and if you think of that person, that person is helped.
Shri Mataji, 1984
Sitting down here you should be able to feel the centres of anybody you want to think of, whether dead, alive or far away. You should be able to say whether a person is a fake or if he is a real person of divinity. That means your computer – the mind that you call as the biggest computer that human beings have got – should become eloquent. Any knowledge that people give you, you should be able to say whether it is a true knowledge or not. That is what in the Vedas is called vidya. Vidya means “to be known on the nervous system”.
Shri Mataji, 1985

Shri Mataji
The attention can be concentrated now, after Realisation only. But even realised souls have to work it out. This is the biggest problem that I think I see, that our attentiion is so distributed we cannot do anything in a concentrated manner. That’s why there is guru shopping also going on…
So to clear the attention, clear this garbage into that clear-cut, beautiful lake, you have to go within. You have to allow it to sediment. You have to take pride. By its own nature it will come, the beauty. And then you will see a ripple in that lake within you, a peaceful space in which you will see the bliss of God flowing into you, through you, you observing it and seeing it manifesting into the other. That is what needs to be asked for. No mental activity can do that. It is only the desire to be that works it. Mental activity, rationality, saps it. Through rationality, you cannot reach God…
It is said, “Those who will be blessed have to humble down in their heart.” It is very true. It is very, very true that we have to humble down in our hearts, so that it will work. And keep your attention steady…
So just try to humble down in your heart and it will work out. Every time you get your touching of the kundalini or, you can say, the breakthrough, every time you get that experience, keep it in your memory and desire for it and it will work out. Do not keep in memory the faults that you have had, where you have been.
When you climb up on top of a hill or a mountain, you don’t remember all the ditches you have fallen into in your chuildhood. You enjoy the atmosphere on the hilltop. Make it a strong memory within you and try to keep it there.
Shri Mataji, 1978
I see a mountain from my window
Standing like an ancient sage
Desireless, full of love.
So many trees and so many flowers
They plunder the mountain all the time.
Its attention is not disturbed
And when the rain pours like
Many pitchers of clouds bursting
And it fills the mountain with greenery.
The storms may come soaring,
Filling the lake with compassion
And the rivers flow running down
Towards the calling sea.
The sun will create clouds and
Wind carries on its feathery wings
The rain on to the mountain.
This is the eternal play
The mountain sees
without desires.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
(Photograph: wikimediacommons)
“Why has God created this beautiful universe?” has been a question asked for thousands of years. The reason is very simple to understand. This beauty that is created cannot see itself. In the same way, God who is the source of beauty, cannot see His own beauty. Like a pearl cannot enter into itself to see its beauty, like the sky cannot understand its own beauty, the stars cannot see their own beauty, the sun cannot behold its brilliance. In the same way, God Almighty cannot behold His own being. He needs a mirror. And that’s how He has created this beautiful universe as His mirror.
In this mirror, He has created now the beautiful things like the sun. The sun has to see his own reflection also. So He has created these beautiful trees to see that when he shines they come up so well and look so green.
Then He has created those birds to rise early in the morning to greet the sun, so that the sun knows that “Yes, I am there, I am existing.” Or else He has created these beautiful lakes for these trees to see their reflection and the lakes to feel their existence when the ripples start moving within themselves.
So then He created human beings. The human beings also cannot see their own beauty, their own glory. That’s why they are in the darkness. They are ignorant. They cannot see what lies within themselves. So they are running after something which is absolutely against themselves, which is ugliness, which is self-destructive. And the struggle to get to reality is such a lot that, as a result, they destroy themselves – like people have taken to these drugs, taken to all bad habits because they do not know what beautiful things they are.
So now a mirror has to be created for them to see for themselves, how beautiful they are. Their mirror is their spirit. That spirit is to be brought in their consciousness, in their attention. If it comes in their attention, then they can see their image.
Shri Mataji, 1983
(First photograph:; Second photograph: