Agnya Chakra
Today, we are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. The birth of Jesus Christ is very symbolic because He was born in such a manner that even the poorest of poorer wouldn’t be born in the stable. And He was put in the bed which was made of dried grass. He came on this earth to show people that for a person who is an incarnation, or who is a highly evolved soul, is not bothered about the comfort of the body.
His message was so great, and so deep, but He had disciples who were not prepared for the battle they had to fight…. He had only twelve disciples … and all of them, though, tried to dedicate themselves to Christ, fell in a trap, some of them to the worldly aspirations or to their own hankerings.
His message of love and forgiveness is the same even today, preached by all, all the saints, all the incarnations, all the prophets; they all have said about love and forgiveness. If it was challenged, or people felt that this won’t work out, they were asked to have faith in what is said, but they were simple people in those days. So they obeyed Him. Some of them definitely were very good….
He came on this earth to prepare for us our Agnya Chakra…
Shri Mataji, Ganapatipule, India, 25 December 1996
But the greatest thing is the piercing of the Agnya Chakra which is described in all spiritual treatise, or may be called as the scriptures, that that is the door which is golden, which is like a cover, and no one can pass through that, so constricted is this door of Agnya Chakra. But Christ did cross that. His crossing has helped us today to open your Agnya. Without opening the Agnya you cannot go to Sahasrara. And this was done so easily in your case, only because Christ could go through all that torture and all that brutality, and crossed over. How much we should be indebted to Him, I don’t know words that can express, because He is the One who took lead in telling people that “You seek. You seek and you’ll find.” And then He says that “You have to come and bang at the door.” This is exactly what has happened in your case, that you have risen up to Agnya and then you have crossed beyond Agnya. This crossing of Agnya was not at all difficult for you, though by your own ideas of thinking and of conditioning, of the futuristic planning and all that, it was a big, big crowd, I should say, of very black clouds were hovering on the Agnya. Your thoughts were overpowering you, and you could not have penetrated through this Agnya which was all covered. But you did, and you never even felt that you have crossed the Agnya Chakra so easily.
The first of all, we all should really be very thankful to Christ for opening the Agnya for you. For Him all the tortures and all the brutality were nothing, because His purpose of life, His purpose of His advent, His incarnation, was to break the Agnya Chakra. Today you will find that even though your Agnya is opened out and you have crossed through, still you’ll be amazed that people get involved in the Agnya Chakra.
Shri Mataji, Istanbul, Turkey 19 April 1998

Jesus Christ
“I forgive.” This is the greatest weapon Christ has given us. You just say, “I forgive, I forgive,” and you can overcome your ego. This is the mantra for this chakra…. You’ll find your Agnya chakra will open out and you’ll find your ego will go away.
Forgiveness is one of the biggest weapons human beings have got. But they are so stupid. If I tell them to forgive – now what is there not to forgive? – they’ll say, “It’s very difficult to forgive.”
I say, “What is so difficult? What are you doing? Are you doing something when you say, ‘I am forgiving’? Do you do something? Nothing.”
On the contrary, when you do not forgive, then what is happening is the person whom you do not forgive is actually torturing you, while you are not torturing that person.
Shri Mataji, 1983

Jesus Christ
It is for us to remember that Christ was born on this Earth as a human being. He came on this Earth, and the task that was before Him was to enlighten human awareness with the sense of understanding. We can say it is actualisation within the awareness of human being, that they are not this body but they are the spirit. The message of Christ is His resurrection. That is, you are your spirit, not your body; and He showed by His resurrection how He ascended into the realm of spirit which he was, because He was Pranava, He was Brahma, He was Mahavishnu.
As I have told you about His birth. And when He came on this Earth in a body like a human being He wanted to show another thing, that spirit has nothing to do with money, has nothing to do with power. It is all-powerful, all-pervading, but it is born in a stable, not in a palace or to a king. But He was born to a very ordinary person, a carpenter…. It means simply that nothing is higher than you; neither anything can decorate you because whatever you are, you are at the highest. All the worldly things, so-called, are just like dry grass … so He was kept in dry grass .…
He was happiness, He was joy. To make you all happy, to give you the light of happiness by enlightening your source of joy that is your spirit in your heart, that He came on this Earth. Not only to save you, first to give you happiness, to give you joy, because human beings in their ignorance and in this tomfoolery are unnecessarily beating themselves and destroying themselves…. He comes there like a morning flower to make you happy; first to make you happy, to give you joy ….
You see a child anywhere, any child, such a joy-giving thing it is, and this is the child of the Divine that comes on this Earth as a child, is the most joy-giving thing. And that’s why Christmas for all of us, for the whole universe should be a festival of great joy, for He brought light for us by which you could see that there is someone called as God, there is someone who is going to remove this ignorance; this was the first beginning.
So for us it is necessary to be first joyous and be happy and relaxed, and not to take anything that seriously as we take, because divine life doesn’t make you serious because it’s all a play; it’s a maya. I have seen in all the rituals that people follow, in all the so-called religious people, they are too serious to be religious. A religious person will be bubbling with laughter. He doesn’t know how to hide his joy. And he doesn’t know how to control his laughter when he sees people who are unnecessarily serious ….
So be joyous that here at the Agnya Chakra again Christ is born within you, and He is there, and you know how you can ask for His help, always.
Shri Mataji, Christmas Party Talk, 1983