- Category: The Newsletters (continued)
- Category: 2006/10 (continued)
- Category: 2006/11
- A Prayer - Shri Mataji
- An Angel in the Sky
- Anti-Domestic Violence / Happy Relationships Day
- Coming to Sahaja Yoga
- Feedback from Realise Australia Tour
- Finding Answers Sitting Still
- Giving Vibrations
- God, Are You Real?
- Goddess Exhibition
- Kundalini Yoga
- Left, Right and Centre
- Overcoming Substance Abuse
- Paintings by Graham Brown
- Poem - Rabindranath Tagore
- Realise Australia - Northern NSW Region Tour Dates
- Realise Australia Tour - Western NSW Region
- Sahaja Yoga Programs in Morocco
- Shri Guru Nanaka
- Shri Mataji Talks about Meditation
- The Concept of Sahaj
- The Mother - Kahlil Gibran
- The Mystery of the "Mona Lisa"
- The Power of Redemptive Love
- The Power of the Collective - Shri Mataji
- Thoughts on Humility - Shri Mataji
- Welcome to Sahaja News
- Category: 2006/12
- Category: 2007/01
- A Storehouse of Compassion - Shri Mataji
- An Experience
- Can You Help Us Find a New Name?
- Chinese Parable
- Free from Fear - Kabir
- Love Is Strong - Shri Mataji
- Lunch with God
- New Film, "Two Worlds"
- New Record by Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens)
- The Marshmallow Test
- The Story of Markandeya
- Tour of Maharashtra, India
- Universal Love - Leo Tolstoy
- Category: 2007/02
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