- Category: Shri Mataji (continued)
- The Journey to God
- The Joy of Your Self
- The Knowledge Within
- The Land of Purity
- The Love Within
- The Meaning of Forgiveness
- The Message of Christ
- The Mystery of the "Mona Lisa"
- The Peace of Your Being
- The Personality as Instrument
- The Power of Attention
- The Power of Love
- The Power of the Collective - Shri Mataji
- The Reason for Dreams - Shri Mataji
- The Resurrection
- The Sahasrara Chakra
- The Story of Markandeya
- The Subtler Side of Sahaja Yoga
- The Truth We Are Seeking
- The Way to Peace - Claes Nobel
- The Witness State
- There Is a Divine Power
- Thoughts on Humility - Shri Mataji
- Transform Yourself
- Tribute to Shri Mataji - International Women's Day
- Unique People
- Use Your Powers
- Where Is That Little Butterfly?
- Women Working for Peace
- Woodstock International Women's Day Festival
- World Realisation Day
- You Are in Joy All the Time
- You Give Security
- Your First Sahaja Yoga Program
- Category: The Newsletters
- Category: 2006/10
- A Miracle Story
- Film about Shri Mataji
- In William Blake's Footsteps
- Knowledge of the Self
- Lord Jesus Was Born at Diwali
- Mother Earth Meditation
- Mother's Blessings
- Permission to Shine
- Poem to Shri Mataji
- Put That Glass Down Today!
- Sahaja Yoga - Meditation for Everyone
- Sayings of Gandhi
- The Little Things
- What Is Important to You?
- Category: 2006/10
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