- Category: Shri Mataji (continued)
- "Freedom & Liberation" in Bathurst
- "Freedom and Liberation" at Ettalong Beach
- "Freedom and Liberation" film in Newcastle
- "Freedom and Liberation" in Bowral
- "Freedom and Liberation" in Brisbane
- A Clean Heart
- A Divine Power
- A Diwali Message
- A Gift
- A Living Ocean of Love
- A Long and Winding Road
- A Mother’s Day Celebration
- A Prayer - Shri Mataji
- A Store of Joy
- A Storehouse of Compassion - Shri Mataji
- Abraham Lincoln's 200th Birthday
- Abraham Lincoln's Birthday
- Agnya Chakra
- Apology to Canadian Aboriginal Peoples
- Ask the Question
- Attention
- Award for Sir C.P. Srivastava
- Away from Her
- Balance, profound, divine, calmness: feedback from our weekly meditation meetings
- Beautiful Flowers
- Beautiful Flowers of Emotions
- Become the Spirit
- Birthday of Shri Rama - Ram Navami
- Blueprint for Life
- Branches of One Tree
- Cairns Sahaja Yoga Seminar
- Canberra Sahaja Yoga Meditation Program
- Chakra Clearing, Kundalini and Collective Meditation
- Changing the World
- Choosing Joy
- Christ and the Agnya Chakra
- Cleaning Your Mirror
- Clearing the Attention
- Curry Fest Report
- Darwin Sahaja Yoga Classes Starting Again
- Divine Paradise
- Diwali News from Canada
- Evolution - the Last Breakthrough
- Expectations
- Expectations
- Face Yourself
- Feel Your Own Security
- Film about Shri Mataji
- Forgiveness
- Four Week Meditation Course, Adelaide
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