Light of Love – Sahaja Yoga Meditation Newsletter

News, events and articles about Sahaja Yoga meditation worldwide

Welcome to Light of Love

This newsletter contains interesting and useful information about Sahaja Yoga meditation. Sahaja Yoga was founded by Shri Mataji, a great spiritual leader of our times.

'Whole life should be a light; light of love, light of Divinity, light of beauty.' Shri Mataji, 1992

Sahaja Yogis see Uluru as sacredAbout six years ago we had the desire to know more about the traditional culture of Australia. The real Australia! We went to an Aboriginal philosophical farm two years in a row. Aboriginals and Maoris were sharing some of their knowledge with any interested foreigner to this sacred land. We had the opportunity to give Self-realisation to some of the people attending this event. At that time we knew we were not really ready yet to share our knowledge about Sahaja Yoga, as we were not aware of their important protocol such as acknowledging the traditional owners of the land, their ways of teaching/sharing so different from our Western ways.

In 2002 I met an Aboriginal Elder at Sydney Town Hall in front of the Queen Victoria Building. Spontaneously I asked, “Is it true that each and every human being has the Rainbow Serpent within himself?” Surprised, she replied, “Yes!” I continued, “Is it true that we can feel this Rainbow Serpent as a cool breeze in our hands, on the top of our head and in our body?”

Even more surprised, she agreed and said, “The Rainbow Serpent is the Beauty, the Emerald City each and every human being is looking for. Go to Northern Territory. Go to Uluru, but do not climb the Rock.”

I absolutely agreed as we all know that Uluru is sacred. I told her that in Sahaja Yoga we teach about the Rainbow Serpent known also as Kundalini, Holy Ghost, Tao, Ruh, for free, to anyone interested, to help people to reconnect themselves with the Land and their roots. She was happy, and while she was shaking my hand on leaving, my body became suddenly completely cool and remained cool for a few hours.

Two years later we went to pay respect to Uluru and It was beyond our imagination. Incredible vibrations, depth, gravity, innocence, silence, joy and a deeper respect for the guardians of this Land are some of the unforgettable feelings you get in front of His majestic presence.

As in the outstanding movie “Ten Canoes”, it is another never-ending story! But everything comes when the time is right. A week before the Western Tour in November 2006, Kelly organised a meeting with one of the Elders of the Wiradjuri People. Her name is Aunty Jill. She runs the Kelso community centre where we were going to hold the Bathurst program. I told her my encounter with the Elder from Sydney, and she confirmed that the Rainbow Serpent is the Kundalini, that the Rainbow Serpent has nothing to do with Aboriginality but with our Spirituality. The Rainbow Serpent is our Connection.

I asked her what was the protocol for the welcoming ceremony. She told me a few sentences to say. Then she offered to come herself if another Elder, Uncle Bill, was not  able to come. We were so thrilled!

Back home we contacted Uncle Bill who accepted our invitation. We met Uncle Bill a few years ago. He  showed us some of the Bathurst sacred sites. One of them is Mount Panorama! When we all were together on this sacred hill, so many vibrations were coming from Mother Earth that I had to remove my shoes. He told us that now there are only two tribes meeting on Mount Panorama. Can you guess? They are Ford and Holden!

On the actual day of the program we waited for Uncle Bill to perform the welcoming ceremony, along with Merenia, a Maori lady. Some Aboriginal children would not come in until Uncle Bill was there. In the meantime we started to give Realisation to some of the children. They could feel the cool and their eyes were glowing. After the welcoming ceremony we found Uncle Bill carrying the sorrow of his people and at the same time astonished by the powerful Maori welcome by Merenia. The children went to sit around him and on him. They were waiting for the music and the stick dance, especially a little girl, 7 to 8 years of age. Dancing with her was such a joyful experience as one could see and feel the inner strength of the Aboriginal community in her big, happy eyes.

Uncle Bill was very content and mentioned that he would be interested in coming back as his people need a lot of healing.

For anyone in the Bathurst area who is interested in finding out more about Sahaja Yoga, programs are held at the Kelso Community Centre, 24 Bonner Street, Kelso every Saturday at 10.00 am.

Madhavi Rome

(Photograph courtesy of the Australian Department of the Environment and Heritage)

Ellenborough Falls near TareeThe Sahaja Yoga musical group, Music of Joy, will be travelling to Taree to participate in the Taree Envirofair on Saturday 9 June (Queen’s Birthday long weekend). The Music of Joy performance will be from 1:00 to 2:00pm. There will also be a Sahaja Yoga stall at the fair, for anyone who is interested in finding out about Sahaja Yoga meditation.

On Sunday 10 June at 3.00 pm there will be a Music and Meditation concert at Bobin Hall, a lovely rural hall about 40 minutes outside Taree. The concert will feature Music of Joy and Sahaj Qawali.

The events are being organised by the Wingham Sahaja Yoga group who  would like to invite people from the Manning Valley area to join them for a lovely long weekend, sharing these two events. There may even be a chance to visit the beautiful Ellenborough Falls.

Sahaja Yoga is the method devised by Shri Mataji whereby we get our Self-realisation and the path by which we become enlightened as a result of being self-realised.  Shri Mataji has said so many times that human beings are at the epitome of evolution; we are the culmination of the evolutionary process that Water lilystarted from the stage of the amoebas. What does all this mean?

Growing up in Burma, I was exposed to the Buddhist belief that we go through many different forms, taking birth after birth. We may be reborn as an animal and then again take a human birth, and then again, in accordance with our karmas (accrued good and bad merits) we may take an animal birth, and then again a human birth. 

So from the stage of amoeba to human being is a long, long road taking millions and millions of years. All this time Earth has been the arena where this evolutionary process has occurred.  

In Sahaja Yoga “taking Self-realisation” means that we open out our Sahasrara (Thousand Petalled) Chakra, resulting in the enlightening of the brain.  When we ask people at Sahaja Yoga programs to feel the cool breeze at the top of the head at the point of the Fontanelle bone, we are asking them to feel the Kundalini emitting at Sahasrara.  We can feel our own individual Kundalini emitting from our own Thousand Petalled Sahasrara Chakra.

This Sahasrara is the integration point of our being.  Opening it out via the process of Sahaja Yoga is the means to achieve that exulted status of the epitome of evolution.  Without this we do not achieve our mark.  We do not reach the culmination of ourselves.  From Sahasrara we become aware and understand how we are a Particle within the Whole, the one in the duality, and how the duality has to be because it is necessary.  This sublime truth contained in the Buddhist and Hindu scriptures is actualised. 

Kundalini, one aspect of the Adi Shakti, is the power that is working out every facet of life for all beings.  Adi Shakti manifests to take care of all the various components that go into bringing something into existence, then sustaining it and then evolving it onwards.  And the Big Bang, the Word, the OM are all the one and the same.  When Adi Shakti separated from God the sound produced is what the Hindus call OM, it is the Word that is the body of Lord Jesus Christ, and it is the Big Bang hypothesised by western scientists.  It was a sudden separation, the sound made at the bursting forth of energy from a static state. 

All these things that have been seen as separate things can be understood when we do Sahaja Yoga.  We become integrated, and in that integrated state we become a “Saint,” a dynamic personality that is manifesting its virtues, i.e. its divine qualities.  We become happy with being virtuous, kind and generous, and we courageously stand up for truth, uncompromisingly. But, most of all, we have a joyful personality.  Joy is different from happiness. Happiness has its opposite which is sadness, but Joy is non-dualistic.  This joy is what gives us a dynamic personality.

Greta More

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