Light of Love – Sahaja Yoga Meditation Newsletter

News, events and articles about Sahaja Yoga meditation worldwide

Welcome to Light of Love

This newsletter contains interesting and useful information about Sahaja Yoga meditation. Sahaja Yoga was founded by Shri Mataji, a great spiritual leader of our times.

'Whole life should be a light; light of love, light of Divinity, light of beauty.' Shri Mataji, 1992

Shri MatajiYou must pray to God and ask what you want.  Ask for:

Complete satisfaction in my heart, Joy in my heart, Bliss in my heart, so that the whole world becomes blissful.

Give me Love, Love, that I could love the whole world and that the whole world becomes one in Love.

Give salvation to the entire humanity, which is suffering.

Take me to Your Feet.

Cleanse me with Thy Love.

Now see if there’s God or not. You can feel it within yourself. He hears you. He is the Glory of all the Glory. He loves you. He protects you. He guides you. He has created you to really be His Love. But accept it. Any time any thought is coming to you, pray; and you will be moving in the way of that Ocean which is Unconscious mind, which starts with thoughtless awareness. If you cannot become thoughtless, you pray to Him:

Forgive me for what I’ve done, and forgive those who have done harm to me.

Shri Mataji, 1975

PatanjaliWhen improper thoughts disturb the mind, there should be constant pondering over the opposites.

Improper thoughts and emotions such as those of violence – whether done, caused to be done, or even approved of – indeed, any thought originating in desire, anger or delusion, whether mild, medium or intense – do all result in endless pain and misery.

Overcome such distractions by pondering on the opposites.

When one is confirmed in non-violence, hostility ceases in his presence.

When one is firmly established in speaking truth, the fruits of action become subservient to him.

All jewels approach him who is confirmed in honesty…

When one is confirmed in non-possessiveness, the knowledge of the why and how of existence is attained…

As a result of contentment there is purity of mind, one-pointedness, control of the senses, and fitness for the vision of the self.

Supreme happiness is gained via contentment.

Through sanctification and the removal of impurities, there arise special powers in the body and senses.

By study comes communion with the Lord in the Form most admired.

Realization is experienced by making the Lord the motive of all actions.

From The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali – The Threads of Union

The Dreaming Festival will be held from 8 to 11 June 2007 at the Dreaming Festival Village near Woodford, Queensland. Woodford is on the Beerwah-Kilcoy Road, off the D’Aguilar Highway, one and half hours north of Brisbane or 40 minutes south of Caloundra.

The Dreaming, a 3 day 4 night Festival, is a marking of the annual ceremony time of the Indigenous peoples from Australia and around the world, and will be a comprehensive showcase for their arts and music.  It is hosted by the Jinibara people who are the traditional owners of the area. It has been organised by the Queensland Folk Federation.

A Sahaja Yoga presentation stall will be a part of the Festival. 

For more information about the Festival, go to

Tree fern frond uncoilingHave you ever looked, really looked, without thinking, at the unopened coils of a tree-fern frond? If you give yourself time to absorb the shape and contours you find your attention becomes one with the plant. It’s so mathematically perfect and alive at the same time. You can almost feel the force of life that will gradually unfurl the coils as the fern grows.

As artists and writers we love to find examples in nature of what happens inside us when we enter the meditative state. So, drawing a tree-fern really appeals because we can relate the uncoiling of our own energy to the pattern of the fern’s growth. Spiritually, we are born from the light above, and in that light we can see our own true potential for the first time.

Several of us gathered in a friend’s garden in front of her tree-ferns and looked intently at the plants for some time until our attention became one with them. Then we examined runner bean seeds by separating the different parts to look at the primule and storage material and to search in vain for any image of the bean plant it would have become.

From that we closed our eyes and put attention on the base of the spine where the earth is represented in us and from where the wisdom and innocence needed for our growth into the true self come. Next the attention moved up the spine to the “seed” germinating within the sacrum bone and rising to meet the nurturing energy from the light above. With attention at the top of the head we watched the silence between the thoughts in the same way that we had observed the fern and the seed.

Afterwards, one lady who was new to meditation said that she had experienced a gap between her thoughts for the first time ever. So, we talked about the Kundalini as a mothering, nurturing energy expanding our creativity as we grow closer to our inner potential and about how to use this attention during such activities as drawing and writing. She was able to feel the Cool Breeze coming from the top of her head. We sat in meditation again for some time.

The next step was to write in silence and continuously for about ten minutes on the subject of “myself and my art”. All of us felt it was easier to write after being in meditation and that what we wrote was valuable for our growth in spirit as well as in art practice.

Finally we drew a self-portrait with the aid of hand-held mirrors, while focusing on the thought, “Am I what I see?”  You may find this an interesting activity whether or not you are an artist.

Christine Driver

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