Light of Love – Sahaja Yoga Meditation Newsletter

News, events and articles about Sahaja Yoga meditation worldwide

Welcome to Light of Love

This newsletter contains interesting and useful information about Sahaja Yoga meditation. Sahaja Yoga was founded by Shri Mataji, a great spiritual leader of our times.

'Whole life should be a light; light of love, light of Divinity, light of beauty.' Shri Mataji, 1992

Monday 3rd September, 2018 • 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
University of NSW
Roundhouse Rooms 2 & 3
Anzac Parade, Kensington

(Google Map)

To celebrate International Youth Day, we invite everyone to bring along young family members, friends and students to our free Sahaja Yoga Meditation workshop to experience how meditation can assist with establishing mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing for inner peace.

The workshop will be facilitated by youth, parents and carers who have been meditating for many years. They will explain how meditation works and then guide you through simple meditation techniques which you can practise on your own or with us at our free weekly classes.

More information

  • Everyone welcome, regardless of age!
  • Includes live meditation music to help you connect to the bliss within.
  • Getting there & Parking
  • Free. No booking required. Enquiries: Tom 0437 483 241
  • Suitable for both complete beginners and regular meditators.
  • No physical exercises, postures or special clothing required. Chairs are provided.
  • Free follow-up classes in over 80 locations around Australia.
  • Visit our event website

Shri Mataji, Founder of Sahaja Yoga

You are invited to a free Sahaja Yoga Meditation seminar at the Gidgegannup Meditation Centre on Saturday 4 August, 2018 at 3.00 to 5.00 pm.

The centre is at 1254 O’Brien Road, Gidgegannup (located 45 minutes north-east of Perth)

Please join us to experience true inner silence and connection to our spirit through the process of Self-realisation. Sahaja Yoga Meditation is simple and spontaneous.

Our Gidgegannup Centre is set amongst Nature’s beauty and tranquility to help you experience inner peace.

Suitable for absolute beginners and regular meditators.

Getting to Gidgegannup

From Perth, turn left from Reid Hwy or right from Roe Hwy into Toodyay Rd. Travel for approximately 10 minutes on Toodyay Rd until you reach O’Brien Rd.

O’Brien Rd is on the left immediately after Roland Rd (on the right) which goes to Parkerville. Set your speedometer as you turn into O’Brien Rd and then travel 12.2 km to the turn in at 1254 O’Brien Rd, which is the Sahaja Yoga Centre. As a guide there is a one-lane bridge at the 11.2 km mark, just 1 km from the centre. (See Google map)

More information

  • Everyone welcome.
  • Light refreshments provided.
  • No charge. Provided free by our experienced team of volunteers, as a non-profit community service.
  • No physical exercises, postures or special clothing are required. Chairs are provided.
  • Enquiries: Call Kitty on 0405 305 145
  • Free weekly classes available around Australia and Worldwide
  • Our News & Events

World Environment Day
Meditation events in honour of Mother Earth

Please join us at a collective meditation event to celebrate World Environment Day.

Discover and awaken your unique connection to Mother Earth, as we celebrate the most important day on the United Nations calendar – World Environment Day. The most important action you can take is to awaken the force of Nature in all living things which is your direct connection to Mother Nature and your environment. Feel the Mother Earth supporting your meditation and bringing us into balance with our environment.

Topics include…

  • How Mother Earth enhances and balances our inner being through collective and individual meditations.
  • How to truly connect to the earth and why grounding works.
  • Discover a method that effortlessly changes our environment.
  • Connect to the force within every living thing.

For details, see below or visit our website.

Event locations
Join us at a free meditation event to celebrate World Environment Day


ACT – CANBERRA – Scullin
Sunday 10th June, 2018 • 11am to 1pm
Sahaja Yoga Meditation Centre
77 Chewings Street, Scullin
(Google map)
Enquiries: Lyn 0410 177 822

Free ongoing meditation classes in Canberra


Tuesday 5th June, 2018 • 7:30pm to 8:30pm
The Glen, in The Place
cnr Pearson and Frederick Sts, Charlestown
(Google map)
Enquiries: Lisa 0437 405 155

Tuesday 5th June , 2018 • 7:30pm to 9pm
Sahaja Yoga Centre
233 Railway Parade, Balmoral
(Google map)
Enquiries 0413 187 495

Saturday 2nd June, 2018 • 7pm to 9pm
Ashfield Town Hall
260 Liverpool Road Ashfield
(Google map)
Enquiries: Jenny 0425 324 265

Monday 4th June, 2018 • 5:30pm to 7pm
Wingham Court House and Community Centre
(Manning Valley Neighbourhood)
Farquar Street Wingham.
(Google map)
Enquiries: Angela (02) 6557 0374

Thursday 7th June, 2018 • 7pm to 8pm
Theatrette Room at Wollongong Library
Burelli St Wollongong
(Google map)
Enquiries Margaret 0412 072 281

Tuesday 5th June, 2018 • 10:30am to 12pm
(Country Women’s’ Association),
The Boulevarde, off Railway St, Woy Woy
(Google map)
Enquiries: Diane 0404 183 179

Free ongoing meditation classes in New South Wales


Tuesday 5th June, 2018 • 5.30pm to 6.30pm
Brisbane Square Library
266 George St
Enquiries: 0458 876 572

Thursday 7th June, 2018 • 6pm to 7pm
Burpengary Community Hall
Station Rd, Burpengary
Enquiries: 0419 674 072

Wednesday 6th June, 2018 • 7pm to 8pm
Meditation Centre
27 Greenslopes St Manunda
Enquiries: 1300 724 252

Saturday 2nd June, 2018 • 7.30am to 8.30am (morning meditation)
Cairns City Esplanade
(near the Lagoon)
Enquiries: 1300 724 252

Monday 4th June, 2018 • 7:00 to 9pm
Southport Community Centre
6 Lawson St, Southport, Room F4 Level 1.
Enquiries: 0414 438 243

Monday 4th June, 2018 • 5.45pm to 7pm
Kawana Island Meeting
Place5 Grand Parade, Parrearra
Enquiries: 0438 773 705

Tuesday 5th June, 2018 • 6:30 to 8.30pm
Logan Hyperdome Library
66-70 Mandew St, Shailer Park
Enquiries: Coralie: (07) 3299 7378

Tuesday 5th June, 2018 • 6.30 to 7.45pm
Logan West Library
69 Grand Plaza Dve, Browns Plains, Logan City.
Enquiries: Glenda (07) 3208 6683

Thursday 7th June, 2018 • 12pm to 1.30pm
Support Building
(upstairs) next to Library
Corner of Beach Parade and Sixth Avenue, Cotton Tree

Tuesday 5th June, 2018 • 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Wednesday 6th June, 2018
6pm to 7pm
Robina Community Centre
Room 2.2 (second floor of the green building)
196 Robina Town Centre Dr, Robina.
Enquiries: Adel: 0404 427 041

Sunday 3rd June 2018 • 10am to 11.30am
Tuesday 5th June, 2018:
Regulars: 9.30am to 11am
Newcomers: 11.30am to 12.30pm
Seminar Room Level 3
155 Herries St, Toowoomba City
Enquiries: 1300 724 252

Maps & free ongoing meditation classes in Queensland


SA – BURNSIDE – East Adelaide
Tuesday 5th June, 2018 • 7:30pm
Burnside Community Centre
(Adjacent to Burnside Library)
Corner of Greenhill/ Portrush Rd.
(Google map)
Enquiries: 0417 806 336

Tuesday 5th June, 2018 • 7:30pm
Cheltenham Community Centre
56 Stroud Rd North (cnr Buller Tce),
Cheltenham, opposite Cheltenham Railway Stn
(Google map)
Enquiries: 0417 806 336

Free ongoing meditation classes in South Australia


Wednesday 6th June, 2018 • 6pm to 7pm
Ross House
Meeting Room, Ground Floor
247 Flinders Lane, Melbourne
(Google map)
Enquiries: 0414 792 725 or 0434 244 233

Free ongoing meditation classes in Victoria


(45 mins NE of Perth)
Saturday 2nd June, 2018 • 3pm to 5pm
Gidgegannup Meditation Centre
1254 O’Brien Road, Gidgegannup
(located 45 mins North East of Perth)
(Google map)
Enquiries: 1300 724 252

Free ongoing meditation classes in Western Australia

Please join us this Sunday at our Wamuran Meditation Centre to experience the quiet tranquility of nature, take a walk and experience Sahaja Yoga meditation. Our meditation is very easy to do and you are welcome to join us to experience the peace it offers.

When: Sunday 25th March, 2018, 10.00 am to 1.00 pm

Where: Sahaja Yoga Meditation Centre
95 McClintock Road, Wamuran Queensland
(60 minutes north of Brisbane)
Google map

Suitable for regular meditators and newcomers


  • ​​10:00 ​am: Arrival and refreshments
  • 10​:30​ am to 1.00 pm: Workshop
    – Introduction to meditation (for newcomers)
    – Video talks by Shri Mataji, founder
    – Vibratory awareness workshop, foot soaking
    – Clearing techniques using various elements
    – In-depth knowledge about the chakras
    – Meditating on earth and guided meditations

1:00 pm: Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

The Workshop

  • Learn simple and effective ways to help experience the peace of true meditation.
  • Classes and events are provided free by our experienced team of volunteers, as a non-profit community service.
  • No physical exercises, postures or special clothing are required, and chairs are provided.
  • New people can join in at any time.

Can’t make this event? Then try our online meditations at

  • Free weekly classes worldwide.
  • Always free of charge.

    Getting there

    The address is: The Sahaja Yoga Meditation Centre, 95 McClintock Road, Wamuran. From the M1 motorway, take the Kilcoy exit and proceed along D’aguilar Highway until you reach Wamuran. Opposite the IGA store, turn right and then right again into Station Rd. Turn left at the small roundabout into Newlands Rd for approx 3 km, then left into Patane Rd which leads to McClintock Rd. Number 95 is just over the top of the hill on the left.  See Google map.

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