Light of Love – Sahaja Yoga Meditation Newsletter

News, events and articles about Sahaja Yoga meditation worldwide

Welcome to Light of Love

This newsletter contains interesting and useful information about Sahaja Yoga meditation. Sahaja Yoga was founded by Shri Mataji, a great spiritual leader of our times.

'Whole life should be a light; light of love, light of Divinity, light of beauty.' Shri Mataji, 1992

Shri Mataji and Her husband, Sir CP SrivastavaOn Tuesday 11 September, Shri Mataji arrived in Australia with Her husband, Sir CP Srivastava, and their family. They will be in Sydney for an extended stay.

All the Sahaja Yogis welcome Shri Mataji and Her family, and wish them a very enjoyable stay. We are very grateful that Shri Mataji has decided to come to visit our country again.  People from all over the world are arriving to join in the many joyous celebrations that have been arranged.  


There are my words and there are yours
and somewhere inbetween
is the truth.

There is my judgement and there is yours
and somewhere inbetween
hides the truth.

There is our past and our hopes for the future
and somewhere inbetween
there is the truth.

my truth and yours
there lies the discovery.

 our beliefs and our cultures
the truth has no words.

thinking  and feeling
we do not know
what the truth of the matter is.

we must surrender,
to the space between.

And inbetween
we are free.

Melissa Richard

(Photograph courtesy of

Shri Laxmi, presiding Deity of the Nabhi ChakraA person with a healthy Nabhi is relaxed, peaceful and generous, and is a satisfied person. The Nabhi Chakra relates closely to the home and well-being of the family. If our welfare seems threatened, if we do not feel at ease, or if we have trouble fulfilling our basic needs, then the Nabhi chakra can feel pressured. The problem seems to be that, in the West, we are often caught up in endless desires for security, sensation, power and control, including the desire for material wealth. To maintain our satisfaction within, we must also be able to exist in a balanced state of satisfaction without things beyond the basic needs.

Since this Earthly realm is full of so many attractions and choices it is easy to become dissatisfied. The way through these choices has been charted in all sustainable societies and true religions as a principled code or Way of life called Dharma. The more one enjoys becoming the Spirit, the less time one has for
wrongful things, outside of Dharma. The seeker of truth surrenders desires and agendas so they feel satisfied within, whatever they have, and so they focus their desire power on their Spiritual unfoldment.

The presiding Deity, or personification, of the Nabhi principle is Shri Vishnu and his consort, Shri Laxmi. Many powers are invested in these two. He is responsible for sustaining Dharma and leading the human evolution. She grants physical and material well-being. On the left, she is Shri Gruhalaxmi, the wife or Goddess of the household. The wife must be respected and also be respectable. So many of our societies’ problems stem from poor quality of homelife in the West with the resulting sense of dissatisfaction.

Food is also closely involved with satisfaction and the Nabhi. Too much attention on food, or fasting, or the wrong type of foods can cause the Nabhi chakra to “catch”. We eat to live, not live to eat. Our food and well-being are prerequisites for our functioning both within and without. Because the quality of our attention is closely involved with the liver, which means we can get caught up with thinking and worrying, we should avoid fatty foods that are testing for the liver. Food that soothes the Nabhi and cools the liver helps the attention attain thoughtless meditation. True satisfaction can only be sustained when our Spirit comes into our attention. It is the Spirit’s power, the Kundalini, which has created, evolved and sustained us, and it is the Kundalini that connects us to that Source of satisfaction.

Through the practice of simple Sahaja Yoga techniques, it is posssible to clear the Nabki Chakra and experience deep satisfaction and contentment, improved attention and deeper meditations. 


Peace of a deep oceanThe founder of Sahaja Yoga, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, worked out the method of raising people’s Kundalinis en masse, the method used in Sahaja Yoga. After a new person’s first program, described in the article, “Your First Sahaja Yoga Program”, we teach you how to clear your chakras each day and how to bring up your Kundalini each day. We also encourage you to feel the difference in the depth of your meditation when you meditate with other people compared with when you meditate alone.

Sahaja Yogis who have been meditating for years still clear their chakras daily and attend collective meditation as often as possible; preferably daily and certainly a minimum of once a week.

There is an important reason to clear your chakras daily: when your Kundalini first rises, it is like a few strands of a rope coming up. It can come up a lot more strongly if your chakras are clearer. While the Kundalini does begin to clear the chakras, when it is up, our chakras do need some help – hence the Sahaja Yoga clearing methods taught at programs, using the natural elements.

The connection between clearing your chakras and the Kundalini is this: the clearer your chakras are, the more the strands of Kundalini can rise. The more strands of Kundalini that rise, the deeper the meditation you have. The deeper your meditation is, the more peaceful and connected to the Collective Unconscious you are.

The connection between the Kundalini and collective meditation is this: your Kundalini comes up more strongly when you are in contact with other people whose Kundalinis are up. Because you are connected to the Collective Unconscious, you are also connected to everyone else who is connected to the Collective Unconscious. Hence, when you meditate together, everyone’s individual connections become stronger, i.e. their Kundalinis rise more strongly when people are together. When people are together in meditation, the peace and deep, quiet bliss that results is indeed the “peace that passeth all understanding” spoken of in the Bible.

(Photograph courtesy of

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