Light of Love – Sahaja Yoga Meditation Newsletter

News, events and articles about Sahaja Yoga meditation worldwide

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This newsletter contains interesting and useful information about Sahaja Yoga meditation. Sahaja Yoga was founded by Shri Mataji, a great spiritual leader of our times.

'Whole life should be a light; light of love, light of Divinity, light of beauty.' Shri Mataji, 1992

MountainsIt is now widely acknowledged that our life and what happens to us on the outside, in our relationships, at work, at home, depends on the state of our being on the inside, that is, how we think and feel and how we act, whether it be with kindness, selfishness, anger or compassion. This is because all human beings have inside them a “subtle system”, which is a blueprint that incorporates all the ways we should conduct ourselves in our lives. Our lives on the outside are a reflection of the condition of this subtle system. If we live in accordance with this blueprint and are able to balance our subtle system, then our lives will be happier, healthier and more productive.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, who founded Sahaja Yoga in 1970, has given many public lectures about this subtle system and how it works. The subtle system consists of seven chakras, three channels and the residual life force, which is a dormant energy called the Kundalini which resides in the sacrum bone at the bottom of the spine. 

Each of the seven chakras has certain qualities which manifest in our lives when the chakras are clear. For example, if our heart chakra is clear we will show the traits of courage and compassion in our lives. If there is a blockage in a chakra, it manifests in our lives. For example, a blockage in the Nabhi chakra may lead to us having problems with money. When the Nabhi chakra is cleared either the financial difficulties will disappear or we just won’t be worried about them any more and we will find a way to manage. 

The three channels need to be in balance. When the left side and the right side are balanced we can operate in the central channel, which is the present. In order to be in the present, we need to achieve our Self-realisation, which occurs when the Kundalini rises up the central channel, through the limbic area in the brain and out of the fontanelle bone area at the top of the head to unite with the All-pervading Power of the universe.

When this happens, we become connected to the universal, Divine power that created us. We become more knowledgeable about ourselves and are able to know the state of our subtle system, our chakras and channels. As we begin to meditate and strengthen this connection after attaining our Self-realisation, we become “thoughtlessly aware” and our Kundalini flows through our chakras, clearing them. As a consequence we become better people, we automatically act in more constructive ways and all our bad habits drop out. We begin to demonstrate the positive characteristics of the chakras in our behaviour, and the positive qualities of the chakras manifest in our lives.

Recent research has shown that people are happiest when they demonstrate the “virtues” in their lives. It is already well-known that people who are happy have stronger immune systems and are healthier than those who are not. Investigation of over 200 religious and philosophical texts including the Upanishads, the Koran, ancient Greek philosophers and Christian texts has demonstrated that there are six universally accepted traits that are regarded as virtues that are revered in every society. They are wisdom, courage, compassion, judgement, self-discipline and forgiveness. The universality of these traits indicates that they are innate and are part of the blueprint of human beings. The fact that people feel happiest when they express these virtues in their behaviour also indicates that they form an innate part of the human experience.

It is time that we looked inside and looked to our roots, in order to find happiness and fulfillment that will be for our good, and for the good of our family, our town, our country and ultimately for the good of the whole world. As Shri Mataji considers it the birthright of every human being to have their Self-realisation and the knowledge of the subtle system, Sahaja Yoga is always taught free of charge. 

Kay Alford

(Photograph: wikimediacommons)

Fowers, the Divine Art

Mankind, with all its creativity and discipline,
Cannot create a thing as beautiful as a flower.
How to fashion each perfect part?
The shape, the hue, the texture,
The symmetry, the angularity,
The flamboyance, the staid?
The abundance, the rarity,
The variety, the uniformity?
These are beyond the minds
And imaginations of humankind.
Our dabbled attempts at art
Are nothing compared with
The wondrous palette
Of a simple, domestic garden.
The creative genius of God
Is beyond our comprehension
And evades our clumsy attempts
At portraying the Divine Art.

Melody Anderson

Shri Mataji If you are in a witness state, then what will happen? If you watch any such things that are happening, it will subside. If you are in a witness state … then no accident will take place in your sight. Even if there is an accident, then you can save the person, you can help the person very actively. That’s in a very small scale, but even in a very large scale, you can do it, something wonderful…

There is no fear at all once you learn how to have the state of witnessing. So you become fearless.

There is no fear at all once you learn how to have the state of witnessing because when you are not witnessing, you get disturbed, you get upset, you get excited. You may join also these wrong type of people.

But if you are in a state of witnessing, that itself is a power. And that witnessing state helps you to win over so many difficulties of other people…

This is the best way to bring non-violence. In violent places you go and stand steadily there, facing all the things that are happening and that witness state acts – acts and stops that kind of a violence that is going on.

But the witness state is not a mental state. It is a state of spiritual ascent where you become a witness. The best way to practise the witness state is not to criticise anyone – not to criticise.

Shri Mataji, 1998

Shri Mataji Raising KundaliniKundalini is “… a residual energy, means it has created the whole universe of human beings but it has not been yet manifested. That’s why it is called as a residual energy. This energy is within us.” 

In this world of constant change, we are constantly seeking change; “… so why not we change our Complete being through Self-realisation?”

And finally, “There are so many things I’ve said. There are so many lectures which I would like you to hear … these are beautiful, precious lectures …  So if you really are interested in yourself, interested in your ascent, interested in becoming one with the whole, to be in the Kingdom of God, then please take these tapes, listen to them, meditate on them. Meditation will become easier.”

The above quotes are from various lectures given by Shri Mataji, the founder of Sahaja Yoga, over these many years since the day She gave the first human being Kundalini awakening in 1971. That was the beginning of the journey for human beings – the journey that signalled the culmination of this long evolutionary process which started out at the stage of the amoeba. 

Taking Self-realisation is the end of the journey as the human being. A new dimension is opened out in the human brain, a brain enlightened by the Spirit or Atma.

The first fundamental question we ask in the guided meditation that facilitates the awakening of Kundalini at all Sahaja Yoga public programs is, “Am I the Spirit?”  It is this Spirit that all holy scriptures have alluded to and which all seekers of yoga have sought.

It is the human attention that has to become enlightened so that wherever this enlightened instrument falls, that becomes enlightened. The enlightened attention is a powerful tool.  It is penetrating and purifying, and it is through the enlightened attention that we can know the Atma and become one with it. That is the aim of Yoga. 

Meditation is a state of being where we are fully aware but there are no thoughts. It is also the state where we experience joy. To use a lake as an analogy, the lake’s surface is free of ripples; therefore, the reflections are perfect. Seeing all the details as they are, we know the truth. So, too, it is with everything in our lives. If we can see them with the same kind of clarity we will know their truth and thereby know, without doubt, what must be done. 

Everything in the universe, from the largest to the smallest indivisible particle, is imbued with the Spirit. This is that which gives things life. It is only the ego and superego that developed in the human beings that distorts this knowing. 

Sahaja Yoga is different from all other types of yoga and meditation practices offered. In this yoga we have to know experientially by doing. There is nothing to be learnt through the mental faculties. It is to be known through our nervous system, to be felt and sensed. We have to feel the cool breeze of the Kundalini. We have to feel our chakras and channels on our finger tips and, if we are sensitive enough, at their locations in the body or on various parts of the body where the nerves end. We have to feel the chakras and channels of others if we are to help them. And ultimately, we have to feel and be in the Joy which is the expression of the Atma. There is no guesswork. We are either Sahaja Yogis or we are not. 

We can become experts, become very slick at applying the various cleansing and clearing techniques and sometimes even get lost in them, thinking that is what Sahaja Yoga is. It helps in mastering the instrument but that is only so that the Kundalini can flow properly, allowing the Atma to shine. If we are sincere about our ascent, about becoming one with the Spirit, we will surrender to our Self-realisation and to Kundalini. She is our mother who has been with us all through our evolutionary process and She knows how to lead us to our destination.

As Shri Mataji has advised, please listen to Her lectures. This entire Yoga system is based on Her teachings. She has made all that was once secret and hard to understand, knowable and doable. You can do this by attending a Sahaja Yoga public program on a weekly basis and with your own enlightened discretion applying  what you hear. Each week you will learn a little bit more and you will be that much more closer to your goal of becoming a Yogi, Sahaja style. 


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