Light of Love – Sahaja Yoga Meditation Newsletter

News, events and articles about Sahaja Yoga meditation worldwide

Welcome to Light of Love

This newsletter contains interesting and useful information about Sahaja Yoga meditation. Sahaja Yoga was founded by Shri Mataji, a great spiritual leader of our times.

'Whole life should be a light; light of love, light of Divinity, light of beauty.' Shri Mataji, 1992

The Sahaja Yoga events planned for Bobin, Taree and Wingham on the June long weekend, 7-9 June 2008, have been postponed. This is due to the cancellation of the Taree Envirofair because of wet weather and flooding of Taree Park.

The Sahaja Yoga events will be held at a later time.

On Sunday 25 May 2008, “Nirmala Devi – Freedom and Liberation” was shown at the Logan Entertainment Centre. Preceding the film, the Brisbane Sahaja Yoga music group, “Sahaj Sangeet”, performed for 40 minutes.

Even though the film had been shown previously during March this year, this was the Brisbane Sahaja yogis’ first event at a large venue. We had decided to go all out and the music group had been practising for weeks. More than 25,000 flyers were distributed in 13 suburbs and posters placed in most of the libraries. A broadcast email was sent out to all Queensland subscribers. The Entertainment Centre also promoted the event on their website and in their weekly newsletter. Glenda, Coralie and Robert did a radio interview and a newspaper article with photos appeared in the “Logan and Albert News”.

During the planning stage, it soon became apparent, as Glenda constantly reminded us, that the venue staff were extremely professional and their desire to give us the best chance of success was foremost. At 10.00am on the day of the event, the musicians arrived for sound checks which were thoroughly performed by the audio technicians. We rehearsed a few of our songs while adjustments were made. It certainly sounded impressive.

Dr Akshay was to be our “anchorman” and to finish our rehearsal, he went through his introduction after which we did our run-on behind closed curtains.

It soon became time to change into our kurtas and saris and get ready for the big event. Ten minutes before curtain time, we lined up in the order in which we would be sitting and silently raised our kundalinis, sitting in quiet meditation.

Then we heard Dr Akshay’s voice welcoming everyone and announcing the sequence of events. We had no way of knowing how many people were sitting behind that curtain but we hoped there were many.

Suddenly, Glenda waved us forward and we quickly took our places on stage. As the curtain drew back, we started singing the “Maha Mantras”.

We looked into the audience but saw only complete darkness! All the lights were on us! At first this was a little disconcerting, but then we forgot about the audience, and just gave it our all. The mood lights were constantly changing and sometimes we would get a glimpse of a few faces.

All too soon, we had finished our performance and the curtain drew back again. Now the audience was actually clapping!

We made our way backstage to the welcome lunch which the yoginis had provided. After the 20-minute interval we joined the audience on the balcony to watch the film.

Everyone seemed to be intently interested and at the conclusion of the film, Dr Akshay demonstrated where to place the hands. Then the screen faded to Shri Mataji giving Self-realisation. Only one couple left at this point and even the two audio technicians got their realisation.

We found out later that a little over one hundred people had attended. For Queensland this is probably our best result so far. We later mingled with the crowd in the foyer, handing out flyers and talking to interested people. All the comments we received were favourable and it certainly gives us encouragement to do more events of this kind in the future.

Peter Hewitson

Shri Mataji Nirmala DeviIn small, small things we destroy our security…. The complete security within yourself is that you are the Self and these things are not important. If you are a secured man, your children will also find that out, that their security lies in finding their own security. They themselves will say, “Now don’t try to help us, to spoil us. Do not give us things by which we feel more insecure.” And such children will be really brave children like Shivaji was. His mother gave him all the protection, no doubt, but she made a Shivaji out of him….

Feel your own security and then the joy of that security will take you to your depth. Why are you insecure in life? Money? The person who has got, who has got now the blessings of the Divine, what more does he want? Because your God is almighty, nobody’s might is greater than that of your Father. Nobody can touch you on any point. But your faith is lacking and that’s why you should start with your faith in yourself. Make the faith sit in your Heart chakra and that faith is going to give you the joy of security. Faith is the answer for all the insecurities of the world…. The essence of the Heart chakra is to feel your own security, your own Self. Feel your own security within yourself. Only the realised can feel their security because they know they have their atma, their spirit.

Shri Mataji, 1979 

Anoushka Shankar, the supremely talented daughter of Ravi Shankar and half-sister of Norah Jones, has been called one of the most gifted artists in her generation (Los Angeles Times). Anoushka will be appearing at the Sydney Opera House Concert Hall on 14 June 2008.  In this exclusive concert, you will be treated to traditional Indian ragas, as well as acoustic versions of her own contemporary compositions.

Here are some other press comments:

Ms. Shankar received a standing ovation during the performance … She’s special. (New York Times)

Shankar’s exotic beauty, prodigious talent and impeccable pedigree have made her a concert-hall favourite in the West. (Time Magazine)

Don’t miss this opportunity to witness a new major force in Indian classical music.  

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