Light of Love – Sahaja Yoga Meditation Newsletter

News, events and articles about Sahaja Yoga meditation worldwide

Welcome to Light of Love

This newsletter contains interesting and useful information about Sahaja Yoga meditation. Sahaja Yoga was founded by Shri Mataji, a great spiritual leader of our times.

'Whole life should be a light; light of love, light of Divinity, light of beauty.' Shri Mataji, 1992

An outdoor realisation session in Lebanon

An outdoor realisation session in Lebanon

From 4 to 6 July 2008, a series of Sahaja Yoga programs were held in Lebanon. Three Sahaja yogis from Turkey, one from Cameroon and one from Lebanon conducted the programs.

During this time, 311 people received their realisation. Programs were held at Manara, Sioufi and Unesco Palace. Realisation was given on the street in Hamra, while we were putting posters in different places.

Fear seems to be the worst thing against spreading Sahaja Yoga in the Middle East, even though it is the most stupid illusion inside us.

People in Manara, next to the sea, are from different social castes and we exchanged with many the addresses and phone numbers so that we can be in touch soon when we find a centre in Beirut to meet. It was not in our program to go there but we decided at the last minute to go to Manara instead of Sioufi, for only two hours. Lots of people were very happy to receive their realisation.

At Unesco palace it was my first time to be in front of people translating into Arabic for the audience who don’t understand English. In the beginning I was kind of shaking but when the attention was on Shri Mataji’s photograph things became much better. Before Sahaja Yoga it was impossible to do such a thing without lots of fears. Never, never had this courage been felt before, even in front of students in the classroom.

The only program held indoors was at Unesco Palace and about 20 people came.

Today there was an interview on the government radio, “Lebanese Radio”. Rita, the interviewer, gave an introduction about music therapy. Then for about ten minutes the discussions were about Shri Mataji who discovered the Sahaja Yoga technique, the Kundalini as a positive energy, a little about chakras and being in the present state. Rita will announce future Sahaja Yoga programs to be held from 8 to 10 August 2008. We have booked one date already: on Friday 8 August the program will be at Unesco Palace at 7.00pm.

With lots of Mohabbat from Lebanon

A Sahaja yogini

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

The following extracts are from various talks by Shri Mataji, the founder of Sahaja Yoga, where she discusses the meaning of the Guru Principle.

“The word Guru comes from the one that is magnetic, the person who is magnetic,  the one who attracts the attention of the seekers, is the Guru.”

“This gravity has to be in a Guru. Gravity means a kind of a serious understanding of oneself and one’s own responsibilities.”

“So you get a magnetic temperament, magnetic character, magnetic personality. And this magnetic personality that you develop, immediately shows that it is manifesting its power. Try to understand. Like the light now is coming on Me. It is just giving light, but it is not manifesting anything. We can see the Sun’s rays, is the best example. Sun’s rays, when they fall onto the leaves, the rays, which look simple, manifest their power of making it into chlorophyll. In the same way when you are at that height or at that state, then without saying anything, without doing anything, even a glance, you manifest; but not only that, you record everything.”

“Manifest our gravity to reach the depth within – through witness state. Introspect to achieve the self-esteem of a Guru.”

“But we are much above all these ordinary instruments, even the most complicated, even the most advanced and developed by science. Because we reach a state where we ourselves become the science, science of truth, an absolute truth.
So what is needed for a Guru is self-esteem. This is a very important point people don’t realize, the self-esteem. To achieve the self-esteem we have to introspect and know that, ‘Today I am not what I was before. I am a realized soul; I have got powers. Of course I have powers. Powers of love, powers of compassion, powers of grasping things, powers of creativity, powers of giving realization to others.’
Nobody had these powers, but somehow or other in Sahaja Yoga you are not self-conscious, and we should not be self-conscious because that can give you ego, but we should have self-esteem.”

Jodhaa AkbarThis movie is based on the true story of the greatest Mughal emperor, Jalaluddin Mohammed Akbar, who ruled Hindustan (now India) in the sixteenth century.

As soon as the movie starts, cool vibrations are pouring out of both hands. This great realised soul is showing what real strength is, to really forgive and love. One of his noble and high desires was to unite Hindustan with respect and acceptance of all religions. His understanding of God and his attraction and absorption of whatever has got Divine Vibrations makes him such a Maha [Great] Yogi. His relationships not only with his Hindu wife but also with all the women of his family are full of respect and sensitivity.

I found this movie to be very nourishing to the Soul and also to be a great teaching for us.



Apology to Canada's aboriginal peoplesBelow are some reactions to the news that the Canadian Parliament has apologised to the aboriginal peoples of Canada for past wrongs done to them. 

“By Shri Mataji’s grace and compassion the ripple effect of Love and forgiveness is blessing all nations. 
This is so important for everyone to witness the divine words of forgiveness from the heart of hearts and spirit of these people.  This is another chapter in Canadian history that is worth knowing about.” 

“The Natives would likely have performed a pipe ceremony before the Parliament session opened, in which their prayers to the sacred directions would have been that only truth and wisdom be spoken there, and that the healing may now occur in totalilty so all things will return to proper balance.  Whomsoever is holding an Eagle feather while speaking is compelled to speak wisely, speak only truth, and speak from the heart.  Their truth is for the collective good of the present moment, with consideration given to all, not selectively, and for seven generations following.  
Shri Mataji says that Love will change the world.  Love is not selective; it is absolute – we either love, or we don’t love, all or nothing. 
Thank you, Shri Mataji, for orchestrating this change, for these momentous steps taken openly and humbly by national leaders to heal the wrongs of the past and so better establish firm foundations for the future, for the well-being of all, now, and for the generations following.”

News extract: National Post

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