Light of Love – Sahaja Yoga Meditation Newsletter

News, events and articles about Sahaja Yoga meditation worldwide

Welcome to Light of Love

This newsletter contains interesting and useful information about Sahaja Yoga meditation. Sahaja Yoga was founded by Shri Mataji, a great spiritual leader of our times.

'Whole life should be a light; light of love, light of Divinity, light of beauty.' Shri Mataji, 1992

Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji

What is our job is to enjoy, enjoy everything, and that enjoyment is the blessing of the Divine. Even you can enjoy the turmoil, the torture, everything you can enjoy if you see the point that nothing can happen to your spirit, which is the real light. Whatever you may suffer, whatever you may think is troubling you, actually this silent light of the spirit makes you absolutely perfectly joyous.

And you give joy to others. You don’t design it, you don’t plan it, how to give joy, but you just automatically give joy; and this giving joy is also effortless, sahaj, because you are in the sahaja state. In the sahaj state you just see things. It’s a drama you feel it, it’s a different styles, different types, and you just see and watch and get the joy out of it. It is not important to say, “I like this, I like that” – no. That “I” which likes is nothing but ego, and keeps you out of the enjoyment which is reality, which is real. Everything in this world that you find is troublesome, if you see from another angle, from a sahaja sthiti, you won’t feel the troubles. But that higher life should be there, that higher standard should be built within you.

Shri Mataji, 2000

Shri Mataji

Meditation is the only way you can grow. There’s no other way out. Because when you meditate you are in silence; you are in thoughtless awareness. Then the growth of awareness takes place; then it opens out. But if you are thinking – supposing there is a lake and the lake is completely in a turmoil. Nothing can grow. But supposing it is silent, then lotuses can grow; anything can grow in it. In the same way, if your mind is agitated and your growth is not yet fully expressing itself, then it’s such a vicious circle that you are agitated and your growth is hindered. Again you are agitated; your growth is hindered.  

So the best way is to take to meditation. When you take to meditation this turmoil will settle down. And when it will settle down, your growth will take place. After meditation you’ll feel definitely that you have come out very well; you have grown very well. But for that one has to be very honest. You cannot force people to be honest. That’s one thing you can’t do. You have to be honest yourself. You are not to be hypocrite. You have to see for yourself that whatever you are doing is for your benevolence, is for your good, and that you have to do it because it is good for you, to begin with. And then for the good of the humanity. You are doing for the good of the humanity.  

Now some people who come for the first time will have lots of doubts because of ego. They have lots of doubts because of ego. “How can that be? How can this be? How?” I mean, all kinds of things they ask. Now, you have to say that first of all you develop your insight. You develop your enlightenment. Your light is not sufficient. In the light only there are no doubts. Supposing in darkness you think that this table has no cover. Is all right. You can think whatever you like, but when there is light you see for yourself there is a beautiful cover on top of this table.  

In the same way, it happens to us that we have to achieve a state. And once we achieve that state then there’s no question, there’s no doubt, there’s nothing, and you become so empowered. It is such a simultaneous thing. It works. As soon as you achieve something, it works. When it works, then you are convinced. It’s a, I’d say, is a very beautiful new chain starts within yourself and then you really starts enjoying your joy of your Self.

Shri Mataji, New York, 27 July, 1988

Sahaja Yoga meditation workshop

If one of your New Year’s resolutions was to learn how to meditate or to get back to meditating, now is the perfect time to come along to our free weekly meditation classes.  Our meditation is very easy to do and you are welcome to join us to experience the peace it may offer.

About our classes

• Simple meditation techniques

• Suitable for both beginners and regulars

• No prior knowledge is necessary

• New people come along most weeks, and so everything is explained

• Join in at any time

• Chairs provided

• Always free of charge.

Where are the free weekly classes in Australia?

There are free weekly classes at over 100 locations. See if there’s one near you.

• For class locations, click here.

• To confirm class details, choose your nearest location and call the number provided on the website for that class.

Free meditation podcasts now available

People tell us how much they enjoy the depth of “collective” meditation when they attend weekly classes. But for the times when it’s just not possible to attend, or you’re in a remote location,  there are podcasts. Listen online or download a selection of our meditation radio program podcasts to your computer, mobile device, iPhone, iPad or iPod. Each podcast includes guided meditations, music and talks by Shri Mataji (founder of Sahaja Yoga).

To access the free podcasts, choose one of the following options:

• Podcast website: click here.

• iPhone, iPad, iPod or iTunes users, click here.

• To use a RSS feed reader, click here.

During the year, we’ll keep in touch with details of special events such as courses, workshops, film showings and music events.

See you soon!

Sahaja Yoga Meditation Australia

Music of Joy

The Sahaja Yoga music group, “Music of Joy” will be in Canberra for the National Multicultural Festival this weekend, 10-12 February 2012, for two special performances.

Saturday evening, 11 February 2012

The concert begins at 7.30pm at the Majura Community Centre, 2 Rosevear Place, Dickson.

Sunday lunchtime, 12 February 2012

On Sunday 12 February 2012, “Music of Joy” have a 20-minute performance scheduled at Platform 1, Petrie Plaza, from 12.40pm to 1.00pm (just off London Circuit) in Canberra Civic.

Also on Sunday, 12 February 2012,  Sahaja Yoga has  a small information/self-realisation stall adjacent to Platform 1, Petrie Plaza.

Last year about 240,000 people attended the two and half day National Multicultural Festival in Canberra, and so the festival organisers are expecting a similar number this coming weekend.

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