Light of Love – Sahaja Yoga Meditation Newsletter

News, events and articles about Sahaja Yoga meditation worldwide

Welcome to Light of Love

This newsletter contains interesting and useful information about Sahaja Yoga meditation. Sahaja Yoga was founded by Shri Mataji, a great spiritual leader of our times.

'Whole life should be a light; light of love, light of Divinity, light of beauty.' Shri Mataji, 1992

Shri Mataji

If you want to be positive, it is very easy. And for that you should see, “Where is your attention?” Are you only seeing problems or are you seeing some fun in it? There are people who cannot make fun of anything. If it is a sunny day, they will cry, “Oh God, what a sunny day!” And if it is a day with clouds, they will say, “Oh, what a day!” Nothing can please them.

But to enjoy the positivity in every negativity is the capacity of a Sahaja yogi. The negativity does not exist. It is an ignorance. Also, it is not ignorance because ignorance also does not exist. If everything is the All-pervading Power, then how can there be ignorance? But supposing, in the folds of this power, if you hide, run away, you will say that there is negativity. It is like, you hide yourself in a cave, close it properly and say that there is no sun.

Shri Mataji, Galate, Italy, 6 August, 1989

Sahaja Yoga Meditation class at Cairns, Australia

Sahaja Yoga in Cairns is offering a new time slot for the regular program that is held at the Marlin Coast Neighbourhood Centre.

At the sessions, participants are shown how to achieve mental stillness in their meditations. This process is a very simple one that allows the participants to experience true meditation, known as thoughtless awareness. Regular practice of this meditation helps in reducing stress and achieving balance in our lives. In this way, we can experience better health, improved relationships and greater wellbeing.

The new meeting  details are provided below:

Time: Wednesdays, 6.30 to 7.30 pm

Where: Marlin Coast Neighbourhood Centre

Lot 2, Reed Rd, Trinity Park

Cost: Always free

Enquiries: Telephone 1300 724252

We hope to see you there.

(Photograph: Vishnu Bonneau)

"Music of Joy" concert leaflet

Sahaja Yoga in the Philippines has invited “Music of Joy”, the renowned Australian Sahaja Yoga musical group, to perform a musical concert in the Philippines, as part of the Sahaja Yoga Asian Tour 2012. The concert will present vocal and instrumental music, including bhajans and qawwalis.

It will be a life-time experience for everyone in Manila to watch Australians playing musical instruments from all around the world.

The instruments include harmonium, didgeridoo, guitar, bass, flute, saxophone, clarinet, tabla, dholak, djembe, chimtar and tambourine.

The concert will be held on Sunday, 8 July 2012 at 3.00-7.00 pm in SM Mall of Asia, one of the biggest malls in the Philippines, at Pasay City, Metro Manila.

Shri Mataji

You cannot be serious for more than two minutes. It is very difficult to keep serious.

The sense of humour is so beautiful. You will never use vulgarity or hurting things or coarser remarks, but the whole thing is so beautiful.

When you speak, people feel the flowers throwing their fragrance at you. Every action that you do creates joy, a ripple of joy. Every movement you create, every rhythm you speak, it gives you joy. At that time you feel perfected.

When you see a picture which is beautiful, immediately you go into thoughtless awareness and the complete joy of that creation starts blossoming. You just feel the joy.

When you  become silent, you do not think much. You do not think. You become the joy – anand. That is the pefect state in which you feel peace. It is so beautiful that you want to be there all the time.

This joy is the movement of your ocean of love. It is the beautiful movement of the clouds that you see. It is fantastic. You just get drenched into it and you do everything for love’s sake and you don’t think you are doing it for love’s sake. You do not see that way. You just do it because it is so joy-giving. That is the greatest thing.

You may have anything in the world. It will not be that much joy-giving as this joy of the spirit.

You will never feel lonely. You are never bored. Whether you are alone or with anyone, you are in joy…. The whole system changes. I just pray that all of you should achieve that state of joy…. I hope you grow in it by taking up a stand on the truth. Grow into it. You progress into it.

It is so wonderful and so beautiful and that is what your Father wants you to have. He is the most generous Father. You can’t enjoy His kingdom unless and until He has given it to you, that He has made you sit on His throne. That is the greatest joy that He wants to have and that is what you should achieve. That is what you should have. That is your right to have.

Shri Mataji, 7 October 1981.

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