Seeker is that special category, as I have told you, who is aware that you have to seek something more than material well-being or the power or the so-called pleasures of life. There’s a special category born out of the people who have had this seeking before, before they came on this earth, and they had this seeking. They worked it out, and today they are ready to receive the knowledge.
Now this knowledge is not the knowledge that you can know through your brains. Whatever you can know through your brains is all limited because your brain – the capacity of it – is all limited. So you have to have something higher sensitivity in your central nervous system to know this knowledge I am telling you about.
Now when we talk of knowledge we do not know that it is the knowledge through our central nervous system. When we evolved to human state, whatever we know, we know through our conscious mind, through our central nervous system. But as far as the brains are concerned we can think of anything. We can think that we are now become the King of England. We can think that we are the President of America. Whatever we think we can go ahead with it, and whatever we want we can read. All that is nothing but a mesh of words. There’s no reality about it. The reality exists in our central nervous system, in our conscious mind, and that’s why the knowledge has to be in your conscious mind.
Shri Mataji, 1984, London
When you get your Self-realisation, you become the Spirit. And your attention is enlightened by that spirit. You become a witness of the whole world like a drama. This enlightened attention is a very powerful means of spreading divine vibrations. You see eyes of such person becomes innocent, absolutely innocent. We have to know that there is one thing that is our innocence which never destroy. It is covered with clouds … but never destroyed. And you regain that back your innocent state within yourself. At the same time you are so dynamic but you become extremely compassionate. You don’t have fears, You don’t have any grudges, you are absolutely floating in the beautiful atmosphere of truth. … Then the greatest thing that happens to you is that you jump into the ocean of joy. Now joy … it is not like happiness or unhappiness. When your ego is pampered, you are happy; when it is punctured, you are unhappy. But the joy …. It is a state which is to be experienced. And you start using your vibrations and raising the Kundalini of others, because this power you get. From the first stage of thoughtless awareness, you jump into another state called as doubtless awareness. And a tremendous transformation takes place.
Shri Mataji, Basel, Switzerland, 1994
May 2015 marks the 45th anniversary of the momentous beginning of the Sahaja Yoga meditation movement. The movement was founded by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, who on 5th May 1970 opened the Sahasrara Chakra, the seventh and last chakra (energy centre) of our inner subtle system.
As a result of this happening, it became possible for spiritual seekers to receive their Self-Realisation through the awakening of their Kundalini energy to enable true meditation.
Free Weekly classes in Adelaide
To experience and enjoy true meditation, you are invited to our weekly classes to discover the Joy within.
BURNSIDE – East Adelaide
Every Tuesday 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm
The Burnside Community Centre, next to Burnside Library,
Corner of Greenhill/ Portrush Rd, Burnside
Every Tuesday 7:30pm to 8:30pm
Cheltenham Community Centre
Stroud Rd North, Cheltenham, opposite Cheltenham Railway Station
Also visit our website for these and other classes around Australia.
All classes
• Free and without any obligation
• no booking required
• no special clothes or equipment needed
• suitable for complete beginners and experienced meditators
Enquiries: 1300 724 252 or 0417 806 336
Discover the peace of true meditation, reduce stress, go beyond thinking, and balance your inner self at a free Sahaja Yoga meditation workshop in Melbourne. The theme is “Discover your inner balance”.
The workshop shows a way to find peace within and to experience an awareness you probably never knew existed. Whether you’re an absolute beginner or a regular, we hope you’ll join us. The atmosphere is amazing when we all meditate together.
There will be simple and effective guided meditations, a separate introductory session, interesting presentations, practical sessions, take home kits, and refreshments.
Saturday 25th April, 2015
10:30 am to 1:00 pm
Ross House
Ground Floor Meeting Hall
247 Flinders Lane, Melbourne CBD
[Google Map]
No booking is required. Light refreshments will be provided.
Cost: No charge. Workshops are provided free by our experienced team of volunteers, as a non-profit community service.
The Workshop: learn simple and effective ways to help experience the peace of true meditation. Balancing the subtle system to deepening your meditation; video talks by founder, Shri Mataji. No physical exercises, postures or special clothing are required. Chairs are provided.
Enquiries: 0414 792 725
Feedback from previous workshops
“It was a great help to me to feel calm.”
“Enjoyed the whole day, particularly singing the mantras. This really brought me into a conscious state.”
“My very first visit. Very relaxing, calming. Everyone was very welcoming, friendly.”
“The meditation was wonderful. I enjoyed the silence and calm in the way it was shown.”
“It was wonderful to see people from all these different backgrounds, ages, colours, together.”