Light of Love – Sahaja Yoga Meditation Newsletter

News, events and articles about Sahaja Yoga meditation worldwide

Welcome to Light of Love

This newsletter contains interesting and useful information about Sahaja Yoga meditation. Sahaja Yoga was founded by Shri Mataji, a great spiritual leader of our times.

'Whole life should be a light; light of love, light of Divinity, light of beauty.' Shri Mataji, 1992

BuddhaOnce there lived a drummer near Varanasi. Hearing that a festival was being celebrated in the city of Varanasi, he went there along with his son to play drums before the crowd. Thus, he earned a great deal of money.

On his way back he had to cross a dense forest infested with bandits. His son, however, overjoyed with his earnings kept on playing the drum incessantly. The father, however, cautioned him against the possible attraction of the bandits by the excessive drumming. He instead advised him for the occasional drumming, which could keep the robbers away by thinking that some local chieftain was on a journey along with his armed men.

The son did not listen to the advice of his father and kept on drumming in his joyous mood. Soon the robbers noticed the sound and caught them. They then beat them and ripped them off what they had. Thus what was gained by the skilful drumming was lost by the excessive drumming.

It is therefore said that excessiveness is bad; and restraint is a virtue.

Other Stories of the Buddha by CB Varma

Jnanandeva, a film made in India (date unknown), is highly recommended for viewing because of its powerful message and positive vibrations.

Having been ousted by the Brahmin community, the child Jnanadeva’s parents took their own lives, leaving him and his two young siblings to fend for themselves. Drawing courage and spiritual conviction from his older brother, Shri Jnanadeva sets out to win the right to a reprieve from the stigma which now prevents them from completing their Brahminic initiation ceremony.

Despite living as an outcaste, he wins the admiration of the masses through his understanding of the Gita and many miracles, eventually obtaining the recognition of the Brahmin community.

This movie beautifully portrays the power of innocent wisdom pitted against dogma and fanatacism, and is full of vibrations.

On Friday 9 and Saturday 10 March 2007, Sahaja Yoga will be involved in the Willoughby Council’s “Charity Days” events in Chatswood Mall, Victoria Avenue, Chatswood in Sydney. The Chatswood Mall is just down from Chatswood Station.

Practising Sahaja Yogis will be on hand to talk with people about Sahaja Yoga and to give realisation to anyone who wants it. Stalls will be staffed from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm.

As part of the “Charity Days” events, the popular and dynamic Sahaja Yoga music group, “Music of Joy,” will be performing at the Chatswood Mall at 12.00 noon on Saturday 10 March 2007.  During the day there will be an interview about Sahaja Yoga for the local FM radio station, 99.3 FM.

Shri MatajiIn some people, they have some more ego trips to be finished, so they come to Me. I find they are flying in the air like bubbles and, as if blown by the nourishing Mother, blown out like the bubbles on the surface of the sea.

And there are many who are suffering from superego. They get mixed up with the sand and become very heavy and all the time weeping and crying about personal things.

But once the thing clicks, they become one with the spirit of the ocean. Then they feel that deep, joyous force of the sea, which nourishes them, guides them and elevates them every moment …

Deep down in the sea they go and there they find the beautiful pearls of smiles, as laughter, as enjoyment. These are all within you. And they lie there away from your consciousness.

 Shri Mataji 1983

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