Light of Love – Sahaja Yoga Meditation Newsletter

News, events and articles about Sahaja Yoga meditation worldwide

Welcome to Light of Love

This newsletter contains interesting and useful information about Sahaja Yoga meditation. Sahaja Yoga was founded by Shri Mataji, a great spiritual leader of our times.

'Whole life should be a light; light of love, light of Divinity, light of beauty.' Shri Mataji, 1992

The poet, Gyaneshwara, wrote a series of poems in praise of the Divine. In his book, Gyaneshwari, the poet has given precise instructions for the awakening of the Kundalini and the achievement of Self-realisation.

In the Epilogue to the Gyanashwari, known as the Pasadyan, Gyaneshwara expresses a desire for mass realisation for the whole world. He predicts the arrival on Earth of people who will give their blessings to the whole world. These are his words:

May the wicked give up their wickedness

And develop a liking for good deeds.

May all beings feel friendly with one another.

May the darkness of evil vanish.

May the whole universe see the light, the sun of One Universal Religion.

May the desire of all human beings be fulfilled.

May the world be visited ceaselessly by the company of the faithful saints

Who would shower blessings on the earth.

Such men are the moving forests of Kalpaturu trees.

They are mines of wish-granting jewels.

They are vocal oceans of nectar.

They are moons without spots, suns without heat.

Let such saints be friends to all.

How similar are these wishes to those expressed by more recent writers, as in songs popular in the early 1970s. In his song, Don’t you feel a change a coming? Cat Stevens expressed it in this way in 1971:

 Don’t you feel a day is coming, and it won’t be too soon

When the people of the world can all live in one room.

When we shake off the ancient, shake off the ancient chains of our tomb

We will all be born again of the eternal womb. 

 In the same year,  John Lennon wrote the following lines in his famous song, Imagine

Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger, a brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people sharing all the world…

You may say I’m a dreamer but I’m not the only one

I hope some day you’ll join us and the world will live as one. 

It is not really a coincidence that Cat Stevens and John Lennon were writing songs like this at this time. It was in 1970 that Shri Mataji developed a unique method of giving en masse self-realisation. Sahaja Yoga, which was founded by Shri Mataji, provides the path to awakening the Kundalini, attaining Self-realisation and living in peace with people from all over the world.

The Curry Festival will be held at Coffs Harbour on Saturday April 14, 2007. You can get your self-realisation at the Sahaja Yoga Stall during the day. The Sahaja Yoga music group, Music of Joy, will be performing at the opening ceremony at 10:00 am and again at 6:00 pm.

Valley scene

It is the mercy of my true Guru that has made me to know the unknown;

I have learned from Him how to walk without feet, to see without eyes, to hear without ears, to drink without mouth, to fly without wings;

I have brought my love and my meditation into the land where there is no sun and moon, nor day and night.

Without eating, I have tasted of the sweetness of nectar, and without water, I have quenched my thirst.

Where there is the response of delight, there is the fullness of joy. Before whom can that joy be uttered?

Kabir says: “The Guru is great beyond words, and great is the good fortune of the disciple.”

One Hundred Poems of Kabir. Translated by Rabindranath Tagore

Sahaja Yoga Madrid program posterSahaj Music and Dance programs are being held in Madrid, Spain,  once or twice a month. They are usually held in the public cultural city centres.

The programs usually follow a similar  schedule. A short introduction is followed by bajhans (songs of praise) with a brief explanation about the energy or Deity invoked in each bajhan.

This is followed by giving Self-realisation. After a short introduction there is a guided meditation using music to awaken the seven chakras. For each chakra, everyone joins in singing the “Om” sound, accompanied by the corresonding musical note. The “Om” sound helps to make people more aware of each chakra and helps them in becoming thoughtlessly aware.

After this, the dancers arrive. They present some Indian dances representing a mythological story or invoking a particular energy or Deity. This also helps people to get into the  central channel. This is followed by more bajhans.

After the programs, some people commented that they had a clear feeling of vibrations and a change of state.

 From Roberto, Spain

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