Light of Love – Sahaja Yoga Meditation Newsletter

News, events and articles about Sahaja Yoga meditation worldwide

Welcome to Light of Love

This newsletter contains interesting and useful information about Sahaja Yoga meditation. Sahaja Yoga was founded by Shri Mataji, a great spiritual leader of our times.

'Whole life should be a light; light of love, light of Divinity, light of beauty.' Shri Mataji, 1992

Sunrise at beach

I have reached the inner vision,
And through Thy Spirit in me
I have heard Thy wondrous secret.
Through Thy mystic insight Thou hast caused
A spring of knowledge to well up within me,
A fountain of power, pouring forth living waters,
A flood of love and of all embracing wisdom,
Like the splendour of eternal light.

From the Book of Hymns of The Dead Sea Scrolls

Wabanaki coupleWe are in the final stages of the shaking of the earth, when the Great Spirit takes the earth in both hands and shakes it violently. Just this year, the opening of the Eastern Door took place in Cape Spear, Newfoundland, Canada, the furthest eastern point in North America.

The circle of the medicine wheel is now complete. The Wabanaki People (People of the Light) have joined the circle. We have joined the circle with the following philosophy:

Heal you, the self.
You help heal the family,
The family helps to heal the community,
The community helps to heal the nation,
 The nations help to heal the world.

All the prophesies from other nations now coincide and complement each other.

It is time for us all to stop blaming one another, heal from our wounds and move forward, for the survival of the world, as we know it, lies in our hands. We must seek out and absorb the wisdom of our elders and use it for the betterment of others.

The Great Spirit left a clear and legible path in eastern North America with petroglyphs and natural monuments. This knowledge is kept under guard by our elders and only entrusted to those native people who abide by the natural laws of the Great Spirit; respect, honesty, sharing and caring. Without each one of these, the others do not exist.

It is now time for Moms, Dads, Grandmothers, Grandfathers and children to get involved in the healing of our world. Make it your business, too.

David Gehue, Spiritual Counsellor, Mi-kmac Nation

Blue flowers

Dear soul, Love alone cuts arguments short,
for it alone comes to the rescue
when you cry for help against disputes.
Eloquence is dumbfounded by Love: it dares not wrangle,
for the lover fears that, if he answers back,
the pearl of inner experience might fall out of his mouth.


Whilst held in a Stalinist prison in the 1950s, the Russian writer, Daniil Andreev (1909-1959), had a series of visions of a future in which the Zventa-Sventana (Divine Feminine) would come to Earth, and through an organisation known as the Roza Mira (Rose of the World) would offer the possibility of redemption to humans.

This is described in detail in his book, Roza Mira, which has been compared with Dante’s Divine Comedy. It is reasonable to argue that Andreev was, in fact, describing the Advent of Shri Mataji and of Sahaja Yoga.

 John Noyce

This topic is discussed further on the weblog

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