- Category: Uncategorized (continued)
- A Divine Power
- A Joyful Day at Woodstock Community Centre
- A Near-death Experience
- A Storehouse of Compassion - Shri Mataji
- Abraham Lincoln's 200th Birthday
- Abraham Lincoln's Birthday
- Agnya Chakra
- Alcohol, Tobacco Worse than Pot, Ecstasy
- Anti-Domestic Violence / Happy Relationships Day
- Australian Sahaj News!
- Autumn Harvest Fair at Richmond near Sydney
- Award for Sir C.P. Srivastava
- Balance, profound, divine, calmness: feedback from our weekly meditation meetings
- Bobin Program and Taree Envirofest
- Bobin Sahaja Weekend Postponed
- Bollywood to Remake Hindu Epic
- Cairns Sahaja Yoga Seminar
- Can You Help Us Find a New Name?
- Celebrating Our Youth
- Celeste Gives Hope to Youth
- Chakra Clearing, Kundalini and Collective Meditation
- Changing the World
- Connecting to Reality
- Cultural Evening at Richmond
- Curry Fest, Woolgoolga, NSW, 2014
- Divine Protection
- Diwali News from Canada
- Dreaming Festival, Woodford
- Dreamtime Festival Report
- East Coast Meditation Programs, Australia
- Ellouin Festival in the Altai Region, Russia
- Evolution - the Last Breakthrough
- Feedback from Realise Australia Tour
- Film about Shri Mataji
- Finding Answers Sitting Still
- Four-week Meditation Course at Paddington
- Free Music Concert & Meditation: Gladstone, Rockhampton & Yeppoon (Central Queensland) - Sat 12th June & Sun 13th June
- Free Online Sahaja Yoga Meditation Course
- Freedom and Liberation
- Freedom and Liberation in Paris
- From Left to Right to Centre
- Giving Vibrations
- God, Are You Real?
- Goddess Exhibition
- Healing Our World - A Prophecy
- Heart and Higher Heart
- Heart Chakra
- Humility
- In William Blake's Footsteps
- IN-vironmental Disaster
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