Sitemap Page 29 of 36 : Previous : NextPostsCategory: The Newsletters (continued) Category: 2011/5"Music of Joy" Launch Their WebsiteWorkshop in Brisbane, 28 May 2011Category: 2011/6Purifying Our ThoughtsWorkshop in Cairns, QueenslandCategory: 2011/7Sahaja Yoga Workshops, July 2011The Peace of Your BeingCategory: 2011/8Sahaja Yoga Helps Stressed WorkersCategory: 2011/9Brisbane Workshop 24 September 2011Learning about Sahaja YogaCategory: 2012/1Tell Your Tongue to Behave ItselfCategory: 2012/11Beautiful FlowersCategory: 2012/12Joy and SelfCategory: 2012/2Music of Joy at Multicultural Festival, CanberraNew Year, New Start!Category: 2012/3Joy Is the Blessing of the DivineThe Joy of Your SelfCategory: 2012/6"Music of Joy" Concert in ManilaYou Are in Joy All the TimeCategory: 2012/7How to Be PositiveMeditation and Mental Stillness Program, CairnsCategory: 2012/8Meditation Classes in TongaCategory: 2013/1Face YourselfCategory: 2013/10Sahaja Yoga WorkshopsThe Sacred Tree of LifeCategory: 2013/11Music of Joy and Meditation, Bondi, SydneyShri Mataji on DiwaliSurviving the "Age of the Unthinkable"World Music Concert, Bondi Beach, SydneyCategory: 2013/12A Living Ocean of LoveMeditation Workshop, Wamuran, QueenslandThe Great EventCategory: 2013/2Meditation Course in CairnsPlugin by