- Category: The Newsletters (continued)
- Category: 2007/05 (continued)
- Healing Our World - A Prophecy
- Keep Us in Your Grace
- Kundalini Uncoils
- Love Ends All Arguments
- Mother's Day Poem: Little One
- Mother’s Day: Mums, children and meditation
- Rasanubhavam - Trio Sisters
- Rose of the World
- Sahaja Yoga Meditation in Australia - what's on?
- Teaching of Elihu to Mary and Elizabeth
- The Long Path to Self-realisation
- The True One - Guru Nanak
- The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
- Category: 2007/06
- Art and Meditation in the Garden
- Bobin Program and Taree Envirofest
- Children - Kahil Gibran
- Dreaming Festival, Woodford
- Dreamtime Festival Report
- Expectations
- Gayatri Mantra
- Gayatri Mantra Translated
- Love All God's Creations
- Music of Joy Group
- Prayer to the Almighty
- River Dreaming Banners
- Sahaja Yoga Course at Katoomba
- Sahaja Yoga Program at Erina
- Sahaja Yoga Program, Lane Cove
- Separating Yourself
- Taree Envirofair Concerts
- The Ocean of Illusion
- The Rainbow Serpent
- The Time of Our Lives
- Vindicated
- Where Is My Attention?
- Winter Magic Festival
- Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (2)
- Category: 2007/07
- Category: 2007/05 (continued)
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