- Category: The Newsletters (continued)
- Category: 2007/02 (continued)
- Category: 2007/03
- Category: 2007/04
- A Near-death Experience
- A School Assignment
- Alcohol, Tobacco Worse than Pot, Ecstasy
- Balance, profound, divine, calmness: feedback from our weekly meditation meetings
- Celebrating Our Youth
- Eternal Light
- From "Jerusalem" - William Blake
- From the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ
- Heaven Is a State of Mind
- Humility
- Know Your Faults
- Knowledge of Our Inner Being
- Mother India
- My Song - Rabindranath Tagore
- Only Breath - Rumi
- Self-realisation for All
- Shri Krishna's Disc
- Symptoms of Inner Peace
- The Great Learning - Confucius
- The Resurrection
- Umberto D
- We Have a New Name!
- Yield and Overcome - Lao Tse
- Your Mother
- Category: 2007/05
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