News, events and articles about Sahaja Yoga meditation worldwide

Shri Mataji


sidney-poitier.jpgWe all have our understanding about Easter’s message and there are so many ways of celebrating Easter.

At the recent Easter celebrations in India, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi spoke about forgiveness, saying that we should forgive everyone, and that this message of forgiveness is not just for Easter, but for all time.

Forgiveness is the main power at the level of Agnya chakra. This power was revealed and incarnated as Jesus Christ.

Around the time of Easter maybe many of us have faced challenges related to our power to endure and to forgive – a power that ultimately leads to unconditional love.

I’m reading an amazing book, The Measure of a Man, by Sidney Poitier and the vibrations are beautiful. His words are very Sahaj, very similar to talks offered by Shri Mataji. His words have the most profound significance.

Please, see below some quotes from his book − quotes that I happened to read at Easter time. It’s a “cool” and elevating book and I recommend it to you.

Forgiveness works two ways, in most instances. People have to forgive themselves too… That should be a sacred process.

And somewhere along the line, they’re going to realize that there’s no way for them to live with the requirements of their rage, with the requirements of their hatred. They have to find peace, because they won’t get peace from rerunning those emotions.

The above words are totally Sahaj  and they talk about the Pure Knowledge of the Spirit at the level of Agnya Chakra, the energy centre that is connected to the element of Light and that was opened by Jesus Christ at the universal level, for all mankind.

Ioana Popa


Sahaja Yogis meditating at the Ganesha Swayambhu, GanapatipuleKonkan is the coastal plain between Mumbai and Goa in Maharashta, India. Ganapatipule, a place of pilgrimage for Sahaja yogis for many years, is situated in Konkan. Ganapatipule was chosen by Shri Mataji because of the presence of a Shri Ganesha Swayambhu.

Sahaja Yoga events have been taking place on a regular basis for the last seven years or more in this area and a number of new Sahaja Yoga centres have been established there as a result.

The report below tells the story of  recent Sahaja Yoga programs in Konkan. 

“On the weekend of 15 February 2008 we, a small group of Sahaja Yogis from Mumbai, went to the Konkan Agricultural College to give realisation. About 1,500 students got their realisation as well as the Principal and all the staff. We showed them some research on sunflowers treated with vibrated water which gave a higher yield, and trees affected by acid rain treated in the same way, done by Dr Mylany in Austria some years ago, and they were very impressed.

On the weekend of the 1st March there was a mela (fair) at a swayambhu, Anganewadi Taluka Malvan, a Devi temple in southern Maharashtra, in the village of Bharadi, between Goa and Ratnagiri, near Ganapatipule.  We had a Sahaja stall to give realisation to people who came to pray there. We distributed about 15,000 leaflets, and were given the balcony of the local school, because the stall was too small. We put the photo of Shri Mataji on the balcony and gave realisation to crowds of people, in batches.

We are not sure how many people got their realisation – we were too busy to count – but probably about 10,000, maybe more, and there were not many of us Sahaja Yogis. Many of those who received realisation asked for the address of their local centres so they could follow up, because they came from all over Maharashtra and even further away. There were many students, teachers, businessmen, artists, stall vendors and even the police who were on security duty there.”

Deepali Bandakar and Ravindra Gaonkar

You can find out more about the spiritual significance of Ganapatipule at:

Shri Mataji Nirmala DeviAlso you have so many powers. You do not want to exert – that’s a different point altogether – but just try. One word of prayer from you is very powerful than hundreds of prayers of these people. One asking is much more powerful than thousands of these askings. You have never tried that. Try that. You are extremely powerful. Whatever you desire works out…

You are so very powerful in collective and also individually. Whatever you want you can have it. I am desireless because the Divine, the Divine power is working for Me everything.  I don’t have to desire. It knows. I don’t desire anything but you have to desire. You have to pray. You have to ask. And the wider you become, your prayers will be wider, for a wider world, wider vision, not limited to your children, not limited to your family, not limited to one place but unlimited areas…

So we become very conscious and alert about whatever is happening in the world, to put our attention there. We try to find out what’s wrong with this and what’s wrong with that. You are not just worried about a small little ashram but we are worried about the whole world, to find out what’s wrong, what can we do, what can we desire, because if we have the power and if we can operate the Divine power then why not we work it out ourselves? We can.

So your attention can go to any place. It can go to Nicaragua, it can go to Israel, it can go to Saddam Hussein, to any place that you want to work it out. It moves. It’s mobile. It’s universal. Just start expanding your heart, your mind and your attention.

Shri Mataji,  Shivaratri Puja, 1992

On Thursday 6 March 2008, a festival will be held at the Woodstock Community Centre in Burwood, Sydney to celebrate International Women’s Day. There will be yoga and relaxation sessions, craft workshops, information stalls, guest speakers, and performances and entertainment. Lunch will be provided.

A candid film lecture by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi wil be screened from 11.15am to 12.50pm. Shri Mataji is an extraordinary woman, a saint of modern times who has brought the truth of spirituality to humanity and developed a unique method for achieving Self-realisation.

The film will be screened upstairs in Group Room 2. Short meditation sessions will be held before the film screening, at 9.30, 10.00 and 10.30am. 

Contact: Greta More  0410 550 551

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