News, events and articles about Sahaja Yoga meditation worldwide

Shri Mataji

When was the last time you had a day you could describe like this:

“A most enlightening and enriching experience.” Sushil
 “Wonderful, positive…and truly was attuned to the individual spirit.”  Katrina
I experienced calmness and tranquillity.” Murali
Lovely atmosphere and a beautiful place to be.” Alan
I felt very peaceful of mind, which was hard lately…having very kind and warm people around was a good feeling too.”  Indiana

Sahaja Yoga Meditation workshop, Sydney

Sahaja Yoga Meditation workshop, Sydney

These are just some of the glowing comments received from people who attended Sahaja Yoga’s free one-day meditation workshops in Sydney.  If a day like this appeals to you, please read on to learn how you can participate.

Seeking truth and peace
Most people at some time have felt stressed or out of balance or found themselves seeking an indefinable something “more” in their lives.  As a result, many people have now discovered the benefits of true meditation with Sahaja Yoga, and enjoy the peace and enlightenment they find when attending our free weekly classes in locations across Australia.  The meditation is very easy and no prior experience is needed.

Here in Sydney, over some time we had requests for more in-depth sessions, more than we could possibly fit into our local weekly meetings of an hour or two.  So one bright Sunday morning, some years ago, we held our first half-day meditation workshop, which proved to be very popular with both absolute beginners and regulars alike.  Demand simply kept growing.  So we now hold free one-day meditation Sunday workshops in Sydney, about three or four times a year.

A beautiful experience – what a lovely day we had!”  Anita
This was a touch of love in my life.” Carlos
It is one of the most amazing and wonderful experiences, coming to the meditation workshop.  Enjoyed each minute of it.”  Nandini
Thanks for helping me to see how much power and energy I have in myself.  It was really an amazing experience – I enjoyed it very much.” Manpreet
Brilliant workshop!  Theory is clear and the meditation makes it a very rewarding day.” Sandra

Sahaja Yoga Meditation workshop session

Sahaja Yoga Meditation workshop session

Our most recent workshop included presentations by guest speakers on a range of topics: an introduction to meditation for newcomers; a separate in-depth session with mantras, for more established meditators; music in meditation and how it affects mood; collective meditations; and scientific findings of medical research into Sahaja Yoga meditation.  Practical sessions covered clearing techniques, including a Mother Earth session; the soothing effect of footsoaking; guided meditations; and the use of affirmations.  The day was further enhanced with the playing of live world music and several recorded talks by Shri Mataji, the founder of Sahaja Yoga. 

Though the topics and presenters may vary with each workshop, by request the workshops have an emphasis on blending lots of practical sessions and meditations along with the theory. 

Sahaja Yoga meditation workshops are provided free, as a non-profit community service, with very experienced meditators there to help with any queries.

In this age of commercialisation and business orientated activities, I am delighted to see such activities being done on a volunteer basis at no cost to the participants.  This speaks a lot of the true intentions of the organisers, who are there to really help the community.  Keep it up!”  Yan

Meal breaks
Lunch and morning tea are provided ($5 by donation on entry).

When is the next workshop?
Please note, the next Sydney workshop date has not yet been decided.  Once the date is set, we notify people in our database by email, about two weeks before the event.  If you’d like to be notified, see how to subscribe below.

To be notified by email of our next workshop, subscribe to our database here

For further workshop details and frequently asked questions, follow this link.

We look forward to meeting you.

If you have ever wondered what it would be like to experience the peace of true meditation, and would like to join us at a workshop, you are welcome to come along.  Who knows?  Maybe next time it will be you writing to give us your feedback! 

Kind regards
Sahaja Yoga collective in Sydney, Australia

"Freedom and Liberation" poster, Newcastle

"Freedom and Liberation" poster, Newcastle

It is a true privilege to be able to help to promote Shri Mataji’s film, “Freedom and Liberation” (G Rating).  This life-changing film will be shown in Newcastle on Saturday, 13 September at 2.00 pm in the Greater Union Cinema, 183 King St, Newcastle.

It is hard to stay in the centre when I cast my mind back to my first encounter with Sahaja Yoga. The kundalini dances at the thought of more people getting their Realisation, and the prospect of meeting yet more of our true global family. I wonder sometimes what chain of coincidences will bring these new seekers here.

Next I go thoughtless, in awe of it all!

Please come along if you are in the Newcastle area. If you live in the Lake Macquarie area and Newcastle is too far away, the film will be shown again on 11 October 2008 at the Hoyts Cinema, 244 Pacific Highway, Charlestown. The session will start at 2.00 pm.

Do yourself, your family, and in fact the planet a favour and come along! We all need each other and this film will tell you just how true this is.


Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji

You should be a comfortable person to another, not an uncomfortable person. You should not be a difficult person to others. Your tongue should be such that it should give great solace to others. Your eyes should be such that it should give a very great benediction to others. When you look at people, people should feel that “Here is my security”. Not to enjoy others, but give enjoyment out of you. Enjoyment out of you is the way you should act and then the laws of the Divine work better.

Shri Mataji, 1982

Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga

Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga

One night I found myself in a very difficult situation, and in desperation and as a last resort I appealed to God, in whom I didn’t believe, saying, “If there is such a thing as God, you’ve got to help me”. 

I had been brought up in a Christian family and had to go to church most Sundays but I’d never felt it helped me or gave me any peace. I felt worse for going, actually, as the idea of original sin and all the rules meant I could never feel good about myself. Because of my negative experiences with the church, which was Protestant, I found it difficult to believe in Jesus Christ and God. So I considered myself an atheist, I suppose, although I was idealistic and had high moral values.

I still had an interest in spirituality, however, and thought that there must be some metaphysical answer to the ills of the world and I was searching for the key that would unlock the door to the mysteries of life. I felt that there was some force (which I thought of as the life force) which looked after all the animals and plants on the earth without them doing anything. I thought that as I was, surely, just as important as the plants and animals then that force was, hopefully, looking after me too. I felt that if I could be more in tune with that force, without thinking, just like the plants and animals, then I could be healed as well. 

So I started looking for a Buddhist meditation group. Buddhists don’t talk about God, I thought, but they seem to be people of integrity and very much at peace in meditation. But it wasn’t to be. All the groups I rang didn’t answer their phones. Eventually I decided to go to Sahaja Yoga, which I had heard about from a friend. 

As it happened, Shri Mataji, the founder of Sahaja Yoga, was coming to my city the following week.  Her lecture was extremely interesting and covered a wide range of topics including God and Jesus Christ. I thought, “Oh, no!”  I was surprised, however, to find that rather than urging us to go to church and become Christians, Shri Mataji openly stated that many Christians were not as loving and forgiving as they should be and that their intolerance and hypocrisy had turned many people away from Christianity because they were not following the teachings of Christ as they should. That had been my experience! When Shri Mataji spoke about God I thought, “I’m not interested in having anything to do with God or religion”. But I was so impressed with Shri Mataji and she spoke about all sorts of other interesting aspects of spirituality as well. I decided I would put aside her references to God and try Sahaja Yoga.

I have never regretted my decision. Sahaja Yoga has been the most wonderful experience of my life. Over time I have learnt that the original teachings of Jesus Christ are quite different from the teachings of the Church which has twisted and distorted many things over time. I have also discovered the mystical aspects of Christianity, some of which were recorded in the Dead Sea Scrolls and kept secret by the Vatican for many years. I do not have to follow the dictates of priests or ministers who interpret spirituality for me, tell me what to do and have power over me. I find real comfort and peace from meditating and from a personal connectedness that I never felt in the church. And, yes, I have learnt from my experiences that God does exist, and has taken many forms over the millennia, not just the form of Jesus Christ.

So if you, like me, have had bad experiences or have become disenchanted with the Church and feel nervous about the mention of God, don’t worry about it. Just put it aside and try Sahaja Yoga. True spirituality involves much more than the narrow view of God and religion that has been promulgated by Christian churches.

And if you like, you too can ask the question, “Does God exist?” or “Is there such a thing as God?” and see how the answer unfolds in your life.

Kay Alford

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