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Shri Mataji

I was gardening, or should I say weeding. As I did so I asked that Shri Ganesha would cleanse my chakras and take away all the obstacles to the success of the Sahaja Yoga programs in Newcastle, Australia, as well as to my own ascent.

Financial concerns popped up for a moment, as my mind went to the cost of new photos, CDs, DVDs and hire of a hall, as it was about the same time as the new Sahaja Yoga programs were beginning in Newcastle. I knew my car needed new brake pads, and so my busy mind attempted to tell me I needed at least $1000 to register the car. I stopped my thoughts and told myself that I have all the faith in Shri Mataji and if my faith was complete, then I shouldn’t need to replace anything. The pads should fix themselves. Why not? If Shri Mataji says so, then it is possible. The thoughts drifted away and I went back to weeding.

The reason I knew I had to replace the brake pads is that I had been told last year at vehicle registration time that the brakes had only just passed the test. An NRMA safety check had also told me that I needed new rear brake pads.

On the morning that the film about Shri Mataji was to be shown in Charlestown, a suburb of Newcastle, I took my car to Goodyear Tyres to get the brake pads fixed. I was told the job would take two hours. So I came armed with my laptop, and started to do some work sitting in the sun. About twenty minutes after they had taken my car for repair, I was stunned to see it was back in the car park already.

I walked back inside and the receptionist told me that she would be with me in a minute. I was a little confused. I hadn’t wanted to hang around there for two hours but I did want the work done. I was then told by the owner that my brakes were fine and didn’t need anything done to them. She had even had two more mechanics check them and they all agreed that there was no problem with the brakes.

My face lit up with a ridiculous grin as I said, “Never mind that they are OK when they shouldn’t be. You are honest enough to tell me!”

The message is simple: JUST HAVE FAITH! Forget what our logic and reasoning say and have faith that things will work out. Please believe in Shri Mataji and that we truly do operate in a Divine world. 


First of all our eyes are not steady. They go on hovering from here to there. God knows what we are looking for. The eyes become impure because we start thinking about things. As soon as we see something we start thinking and a barrier is created.

 For example, there is a beautiful piece, something very beautiful, you see, and looking at it, if there’s a thought you cannot enjoy. But if there is no thought, there’s pure rapport, pure connection, between that beautiful art and yourself. Then you just see it and enjoy that joy of the artist which he has poured into it, without thinking about it.

Otherwise normally people will think, “How many pounds can I save?” or “What should I do? Should I purchase it or not?” All sorts of nonsensical, flippant, cheap ideas can come into your head. Or could be something higher also. “This colour is not matched with that and this.” But a person who is a realised soul will just see, just like children. They just look, in the same way, without thinking.

So the first thing that happens to your attention is that the thoughts subside. Thought is the first problem that has started with ego and now when the thoughts subside then you become peaceful.

Shri Mataji, 1984

Sahaja Yoga program in Paris

Sahaja Yoga program in Paris

People the world over are searching for solutions to bring about peace, for the most part focused on external or institutional initiatives, with the United Nations pronouncing September 21 as the International Day of Peace.  While being important, few of these more “external” initiatives manage to bring about lasting peaceful transformation where it’s needed most: in the very hearts of men and women across the planet.

So, for the 2008 International Day of Peace, Sahaja Yoga France decided to propose something a little more concrete, that enables each and every one of us to contribute to world peace in a tangible way, by awakening one’s own inner peace. Parisians were invited to an evening of meditation, music and information to share Shri Mataji’s vision regarding peace and also, more importantly, the actual experience of peace within. The documentary on Shri Mataji’s life and work,  “Freedom and Liberation” was projected, and an exhibition with themes such as “Zen becomes reality”, “For a culture of peace” and “Inner science” was on show. Above all, the 80 or so participants had a taste of the inner peace and wellbeing as proposed freely by Shri Mataji to all who desire it, through Sahaja Yoga meditation.

It was a wonderful evening, that will now go into road-show mode around the major French cities. So, if you’re ever travelling in France, don’t hesitate to drop in and see us at one of our 40+ meditation centres. You can find Sahaja Yoga programs in France here.

We’d love to share a moment of meditation with you.


P.S. To read more about Shri Mataji’s vision for world peace through inner transformation, get a copy of her book, “Meta Modern Era”. Details can be found here.

"Freedom and Liberation" at Newcastle theatre

"Freedom and Liberation" at Newcastle theatre

It was our first warm day.

We waited for the audience of “Mama Mia” to exit the theatre in Newcastle, Australia, where we were to present Shri Mataji’s film, “Freedom and Liberation”. Only four people filed out. For a moment we felt doubtful whether anyone would come to see “Freedom and Liberation” given that it was election day, a good beach day and even “Mama Mia” faired badly!

Within a few minutes a slow trickle of people began to steadily enter the theatre. This theatre was one of three in the complex and so some people came to see any old film, but opted for Shri Mataji’s.

When the lights dimmed we had sixty-five new seekers in the audience. Our kundalini shot up in a shower of joy as we saw Shri Mataji’s image on the big screen. As I had grown up around this area, this was something that I had dreamt of but never considered possible in Newcastle.

As the film came to an end the audience applauded! Again, something unimaginable. Through Shri Mataji’s grace, the sixty-five people were given their realisation. The silence was awesome. No one left. Everyone stayed and enjoyed a short meditation.

Afterwards, some members of the Sydney Sahaja Yoga music group played bhajans in the foyer. Many people stayed to listen to the music. Some filled out feedback forms with comments describing tingles up the spine and in the hands, an enlightening experience. One read “in lightning” and I couldn’t help but wonder whether this newly-realised person knew that their inner light had been turned on!

Shri Mataji’s humour was subtly at work, as the musicians had unwittingly set up next to a poster advertising a film showing a girl sitting in meditation, with thought bubbles showing a clutter of all the objects associated with the materialistic, hectic Western lifestyle. The teenage girl’s expression was one of rejection. We all had a chuckle when we realised!

As we were leaving I noticed another poster showing words to the effect: “He always knew what he had been built for. Now he knew what he was meant for.” Shri Mataji was truly letting us know that she was with us. After all, doesn’t this describe in very basic terms the revelation of truth that we all receive through Self-realisation? It was a great summary of the whole event!

Lisa Barron, on behalf of the Newcastle Sahaja Yoga collective

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