Shri Mataji

Our beautiful planet Earth
Great writers have given us inspiring lyrics such as the song, “Imagine”. Great people say great things that inspire us.
One of my favourites at this time is something like “Change an individual and you change the world”.
These three ideas keep coming into my head, along with the saying, “As it is without, so it is within”. Or is it the opposite? Whichever way it goes, it makes sense and is obviously true.
If we look sick, generally we are. If our normally neat homes look like a disaster for no obvious reason, then there’s a big chance we are feeling like a bit of a disaster inside as well.
At this point in history we all seem to be wondering what will go wrong next in the world – our jobs, money, housing and so on.
Thanks to Shri Mataji we can meditate and learn to dissolve these worries. She has told us the qualities of each chakra so that we can feel the true peace we have within us. These are the qualities that the entire planet needs. She tells us we can help to save the world by helping it to change.
This is a huge statement until we remember it starts with us. If it is true that “Change one person and you change the world” and “As it is within, so it is without”, then if we can clear our chakras we have done just that. We have begun to change the world.
Not convinced? If you are practising regular Sahaja Yoga meditation then you must have noticed some change in your niche in the world. If we all could do it our improved personal worlds would finally have to connect.
Imagine that! I did and came up with the idea for this article.
Lisa Barron

Sir CP Srivastava
Sir C.P. Srivastava, Shri Mataji’s husband, has been given the award of Padma vibhushan by the President of India for his extraordinary services rendered in India. He was awarded this honour along with the other top ten luminaries for 2009. The award was announced on the occasion of India’s Republic Day, 26th January 2009.
The Padma vibhushan is the second highest civilian award of India . It is awarded to recognise exceptional and distinguished service to the nation in any field, including government service.
For more information about Sir C.P .Srivastava, see Sir C.P.’s biography and other awards, click here.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
This place is called as Bhavasagara. It is the ocean of illusion in which we live. And we are seekers….
If we are in the ocean, our ship should be seaworthy. Then any kind of illusion is not going to deter us if we are seaworthy. But seaworthy means we must know if there is a fog, how to move in right direction.
We should know how to overcome all the hazards of all kinds of storms and all the knowledge should be built-in within us. And that built-in knowledge is this dharma. It is a religion within you – not without, but within you.
Shri Mataji, 1983
Like the ship is built, is brought to the sea, tried and found to be seaworthy to sail out now into the sea. So you have to sail out when you know everything about the ship, everything about the sea. With complete freedom and wisdom, you have to sail now, not afraid of any storms or any hails or any typhoons because now you know your job is to cross through.
Shri Mataji, 1982
The great religions are like branches
Of one spreading tree:
It is alone in its growth,
Although it has birthed many shoots.
And is it ever possible that branches
Would suddenly, in anger, hit each other?
Religions are the same as branches,
That grew from one big tree.
And these, Shri Mataji’s words, not without reason
All men with thankfulness accept.
It’s time to understand
That we are brothers,
Beyond the races, nationalities, and faiths,
And independent of our skin colors.
Because like branches
Just one root we have!
The Lord is one
Though there are many paths,
That lead to Him –
The goal is always one:
The mountain peak that pierces clouds.
The goal of life is union with God.
Let’s not forget Whose Image and Likeness we carry,
And we will understand to where we aspire.
Vladimir Mikhanovsky
Source: Mikhanovsky, Vladimir. Hope Faith Love: The Road to God. Pune, India: Nirmal Transformation, 2007.