Shri Mataji

(Photograph: Vishnu Bonneau)
You have seen how a flower shakes off all that is not needed, blooms out, pierces its head outwards, opens out just to give fragrance to others. If you want to give fragrance to others, how far is there fragrance within you? Is there fragrance within you that you are going to give fragrance to others?
So that is what one has to find out and to do…. You have to bloom out, bloom like flowers. Change yourself. Transform yourself. This transformation is going to help you. This is like triggering into a new dimension of life. Unless and until this triggering shows, your life has no meaning, Sahaja Yoga has no meaning to you. So try your level best to trigger this transformation every minute of your life. Then you will be amazed at the enrichment of life.
Shri Mataji, 1980
You are invited to a free Sahaja Yoga Seminar in Cairns, Queensland. Come along and experience the benefits of deep meditation.
Time: Sunday 17 May 2009, 10.00 am to 3.00 pm
Place: 7 Saxon Street, Clifton Beach
Lunch will be provided.
Seminar topics
• Real meditation
• Chakra clearing
• Using affirmations and mantras
• Tips for meditating at home
• Collective meditation
• Video talk by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the founder of Sahaja Yoga
To register please phone 07 4055 3608 or email [email protected].

Shri Mataji
What is our job is to enjoy, enjoy everything, and that enjoyment is the blessing of the Divine. Even you can enjoy the turmoil, the torture, everything you can enjoy if you see the point that nothing can happen to your spirit, which is the real light. Whatever you may suffer, whatever you may think is troubling you, actually this silent light of the spirit makes you absolutely perfectly joyous.
And you give joy to others. You don’t design it, you don’t plan it, how to give joy, but you just automatically give joy; and this giving joy is also effortless, sahaj, because you are in the sahaja state. In the sahaj state you just see things. It’s a drama you feel it, it’s a different styles, different types, and you just see and watch and get the joy out of it. It is not important to say, “I like this, I like that” – no. That “I” which likes is nothing but ego, and keeps you out of the enjoyment which is reality, which is real. Everything in this world that you find is troublesome, if you see from another angle, from a sahaja sthiti, you won’t feel the troubles. But that higher life should be there, that higher standard should be built within you.
Shri Mataji, 2000
In this great opportunity of love that we are, we are here to enjoy each other fully from our heart, that there is this ocean within us. We have to just get submerged in that ocean. If we are lost in that ocean, then we’ll have no problems, no questions, everything will be our own and we can manage everything without any argument, without any questioning. That is what is being Sahaj.
The Sahaj way, if you have this love, you enjoy. You enjoy yourself and enjoy everybody else because it is Sahaj. Just it is there and it works.
The feeling of love has no way of expressing itself. It is just there. It cannot express itself because it is without expression. It is just to be felt within yourself. Then you want to do so many things. You want to help everyone. You want to help yourself. You want to do good to others.
So much has been done by great leaders of the world because they had that love.They had nothing else but this love, which they could not contain … so they tried to spread it and they are called now as our gurus, as our masters.
It’s that love within which approached people in that unique manner. That’s a thing that we cannot possess, you cannot claim. It is there and it works. It works automatically.
This is what we have to know – that we are that love. That love is within us. We have to have knowledge. We have to have a complete knowledge that we are that love. That will solve our problem. Because you can explain everything, all your behaviour, all your failures, everything you can explain when you know that you are endowed with that love.
This is what is the Guru, is the love within you, which wants to share love with others, which wants to give love to others. This what is peace and joy.
Shri Mataji, 2004