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Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji

First of all, it’s important to know what the truth is. You find so many people are seeking the truth, but they don’t know what to find and that’s how they are twisted around, taken to some sort of false rites. It is important, first of all, to know what is the truth we are seeking.

The truth is – if I tell you, it’s very simple – that you are not this body, you are not this mind, you are not this intellect, you are not these emotions, but you are the pure spirit. That’s what you have to become – the pure spirit.

And another truth is that the power that leads you to the state where you know the truth about yourself, about everything, is within you. This power [kundalini] is within you. It is your own, born with you, with every human being.

That’s surprising. If all the human beings in the whole world have this power within their triangular bone [sacrum], how can we differentiate them? They are all just the same. Everybody has a power based in their triangular bone known as the sacrum….

She [kundalini] pierces through and gets you connected to the All-pervading Power of Divine Love.

It’s all love, nothing else but love. Truth is love and love is truth. And when She becomes one with that, you are a transformed personality….

The greatest thing that happens to you is that you become a new personality with collective consciousness….

Once you are transformed, you become a person of tremendous love and patience. You love everything. You understand everything through love. It is not love of some sort of an expectation. It is a love of giving. You just enjoy giving, giving. Everything is so enjoyable at that time, that state and you become so peaceful….

Shri Mataji, 1992

Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji

This is what I could give you and a mother is only happy when she can give whatever she has to her children. Her unhappiness, all her restlessness, everything is just to achieve that end, to gift all that she has.

I don’t know how much to thank you people for going through all this to get to that treasure that you have within yourself. Sahaj was the only word I could think of, when I started to manifest the Sahasrara opening, that’s easily understood by everyone so far. But you have realised that it is today a different style of yoga, where first enlightenment is given and then you are allowed to look after yourself. It was never done before. It’s just a venture of your Mother which has worked out.
Shri Mataji, 1985

The movie, “Freedom and Liberation”, will be screened at the Metro Cinemas in Bathurst. The movie tells the fascinating story of how Shri Mataji, the founder of Sahaja Yoga, developed a unique method to enable people to experience the joy of true meditation.

When:  Sunday, 14 June 2009  at 2.00 pm

Where:  Metro Cinemas, 144 Piper St, Bathurst

Please come along!

Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji

The essence of love is concern. Even if, supposing, somebody does wrong, the concern of the Divine would be to correct that person…. The concern for the benevolence will be all the time there – whether it may appear to be sometimes cruel, might appear to be affectionate, might appear to be over-indulgent – whatever. It may take a form like a wave. Whichever way it may look … it is for your benevolence. It works not only for your benevolence, but the collective benevolence. And it knows very well what is to be done, how it is to be worked out. It does not have to go and learn from anywhere because the complete knowledge of all this know-how also is within itself. It’s such a storage of wisdom, knowledge and love, so it does not deviate.

Shri Mataji, 1989

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