Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji
Now to say you must meditate, people think it is a kind of ritual, or maybe a kind of a style of Sahaja Yoga. No. Meditation is for you to go deep down into yourself, to achieve all that your Sahasrara wants to give. To achieve that height of detachment, of understanding is only through meditation. So what happens in meditation is that your awareness crosses over Agnya, goes above and is now stationed in the Sahasrara, in thoughtless awareness. Then the reality of Sahasrara, the beauty of Sahasrara starts pouring in your own character, in your own temperament.
Unless and until you meditate, not meditate just to get well or just to feel that I was meditating. But meditation is very important for all of you that you develop your Sahasrara in such a manner that you imbibe the beauty of your Sahasrara. If you don’t use your Sahasrara in this way, after some time you will find Sahasrara will close down. You will have no vibrations and you will have no understanding of yourself. So a very very important thing is to meditate. I can immediately make out a person who has been meditating and the one who has not been meditating. Because a person who does not meditate still thinks that “Oh, it’s all right. I am doing this. I am doing that.”
Meditation is the only way you can enrich yourself with the beauty of reality. There is no other way. I cannot find any other way by which you rise into the realm of divinity.
For example, I would say that myself, whatever I have done is this, that I have been able to find out a method – how to give you Self-realisation – to masses. But that doesn’t mean that if I give to masses, they are all Sahaja Yogis. No. You must have seen whenever you have your programs, people get realisation when I am there and they come to programs for a while and then they drop off. The reason is that they have not meditated. If they had meditated, they would have known what is their quality, what are they.
So today is a day when you have to promise me that you will meditate every night, every evening, maybe in the morning also. Whenever it is possible, if you can go into a meditative mood, you are in contact with this divine power. Then whatever is good for you, whatever is good for your society, for your country, all is done by this divine power. You don’t have to overpower this divine power, you don’t have to order, you don’t have to ask. Just if you meditate you are one with this All-pervading Power, which is another great blessing to us.
Unless and until your Sahasrara is open, all the blessings of the divine power cannot come to you, cannot. Maybe you might get some money. You might get some job. You might get this and that. But your own development is only possible when you meditate and your Sahasrara is completely open and open to truth.
Shri Mataji, 1998

Shri Mataji
But the attention should be on the Power, attention should be on the connection that we have with this Power…. Thank God and thank yourself, thank your luck you’re so fortunate that you are very few who have achieved this connection, and that you are sucking that Power within yourself so easily….
And you have to trust this Power fully. Those days when people were in difficulties, they were always attacked, they had not got their Self-realisation. They had to put their trust into the divine Power; they had to put. But now when you have got realisation, you have got your freedom, should never forget that you have to trust this divine Power all the time, that it will look after you….
And if you people do not use your power – out of any nonsense, any fear you may have; you may have any kind of a, because of a temptation or restriction, anything –
if you’re not going all out to use your power of love, then you cannot ascend. So the whole thing if you see it so clearly, the whole power of your Mother is of love.
Whatever She does is out of Her love for Her creation.
Shri Mataji, 1990

Shri Mataji
Look at the tree with love and you will find that the tree itself is giving you the joy of its creation because you will become thoughtless. And the creator who has made that beautiful tree will be pouring all that joy that is stored in it.
Every human being is a store of joy, unlimited, I assure you. Believe me and don’t waste them because somebody is not properly dressed or he’s not according to the way you want him to be, which you learned in your public school. Every doorstep everywhere there is beauty lying. Do not miss it. But if you have a possessiveness about it … then you can never enjoy them. You can never enjoy all that beauty, all that store, all that wealth that is in every human being. Every moment it is bubbling.
Shri Mataji, 1979
Sahaja Yoga Meditation South Australia invites you to attend an extremely informative 2-hour session presented by Dr Ramesh Manocha on his scientific and medical research into “The effects of meditation on brain, mind and health”. This research was conducted under the auspices of the Faculty of Medicine, University of NSW and the Royal Hospital for Women, Sydney.
The session will be followed by a hands-on experiential workshop. Attendees will learn a skill with scientifically proven benefits that will last a lifetime!
When: Saturday 11 July, 2:00pm (arrive 1.45pm for registration)
Venue: University of South Australia, City East Campus
Centenary Building, C3_16, Ground floor (Entrance from Gate 1, Frome Road, Adelaide)
Admission: Free of charge
Bookings: To reserve your seat please call 1300 724 252 or send an email to [email protected]
More about this event here.
The Sahaja Yoga meditation technique was developed by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi and is taught in over 120 countries, always free of charge.
We hope you will be able to attend this informative event.